4,226 SPMTB Comments

  • P-51B Mustang 3.7 years ago

    I believe you misunderstood what I was saying, you need to keep the core of the plane, such as fuselage and engine placement. This is a whole different build now.

    It looks good, but it wont work for the challenge, try again.

  • Type 25 Self-Propelled Tank Destroyer/Support Gun Mod 1936 Boxo the Bombard (Old Name) 3.6 years ago

    UPS getting really aggressive these days...

  • Winners of the Mega Dogfight Tournament! 3.8 years ago

    @Kangy You are partially correct, G forces are a measure of force compared to gravity, ie, earths gravity is 1G, though 1,000 Gs is not 1,000 times earths gravity, like decibels, it grows exponentially, though much slower than decibels (I may be wrong on that though).

    1,000 G's would pulverize you, every bone, muscle, and tissue in your body would pretty much be liquified (a bit gross), 12-16 G's is enough to knock out fighter pilots, and 20 can be lethal. Not sure why there's an argument about this, but yeah, 1,000 Gs wouldn't be fun.

  • Turret Fighter Challenge 3.6 years ago

    Sure, I'll join in.

  • (Closed) Fourth of July Challenge 3.6 years ago

    Could a Locust that is dropped from an airplane and lands via parachute count? just wanna know whether falling with style is accepted.

  • MBT(KPz)-70 3.7 years ago

    not bad

  • AT-Wasp MK.II 3.7 years ago

    good work!

  • Suprememarine Spitfire Mk.IIa 3.7 years ago

    its like a WW2 X-Wing

  • Shuba Duck Fuselage Art 3.7 years ago

    @BB33 I was thinking about creating a couple frames of the dance and make some sort of detacher contraption.

  • MY FIRST GOOD PLANE 3.7 years ago

    Well, its extremely off center, so that may be why it spun out of control @Nwxizuku

    @EpicPlaneGuy You should try the mirror feature, your planes will get much better, but not bad for a start.

  • Jackhammer RENOVATED (FIXED) 3.7 years ago

    Good work

  • D-1 Howitzer Mod.1943 3.8 years ago

    @Tookan well, its really neat!

  • D-1 Howitzer Mod.1943 3.8 years ago

    I've always wondered, how do you make these? Do you use blueprints? Or can you just eye a couple pictures and create these? They always look insanely good!

  • T-18 Light Tank 3.8 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT maybe in a few weeks, a few months, tomorrow, I'm not sure.

  • Mega Dogfight Tournament! [CLOSED] 3.8 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT ah thanks, forgot

  • AV - Saltator.C (AI) 3.8 years ago

    good work!

  • Mega Dogfight Tournament! [CLOSED] 3.8 years ago

    @CatHoldingTheSun ah ok, then that's perfectly fine!

  • Souper Aerospace Voltaic 3.8 years ago

    looks really good!

  • AIF-3 3.8 years ago

    Absolutely! Looks really good!

  • F-25 Talon 3.8 years ago

    Looks really good! Have you entered into the tournament? Or would you like me to enter your name?
    The 17th is the cutoff, and I want nobody left behind.

  • Mega Dogfight Tournament! [CLOSED] 3.9 years ago

    @11qazxc health can be manipulated, but wings, main fuselage, weapons, and other vital parts must stay regular, if you have custom cockpits, accessories, or other stuff, those can.
    As for custom AI, targeting systems are allowed, what I mean by auto aim is just slapping a turret on there that insta kills.
    Supermaneuverability is also allowed, with not really any restrictions other than speed, if the AI can control the jet at full power, and can possibly knockout another craft, its good.

  • What should I make next? 4.3 years ago

    @PapaKernels I mean more for tutorials, but I might try it!

  • Weapons Showcase! 3.6 years ago

    @Oniyonai Maybe, I'll have to innovate to make the size of something like that be actually usable.

  • help 3.6 years ago

    Ok, I can help you.

    Go into Google, and look up the 25th island of Greece, then you will be safe.

    Glad I could help!

  • Revamped PigPen 3.6 years ago

    its a little too late, but it looks nice!

  • Hellkeska II (CHALLENGE) 3.7 years ago

    Good Work!

  • Vertigo GR.9 (Challenge) 3.7 years ago

    Good work!

  • Please help me restore it! 3.7 years ago

    I cant tell if its ironic or unironic. Either way this sob story (if you could even call it that), is hilariously bad.
    First, even if you did have cancer (which I would bet my life you don't), that doesn't mean you get special treatment.
    Second, this is "your last dying wish"? Its a game, you could wish to go places, see incredible things, do things, and you wish for special treatment in a videogame? (Were speaking about IF you have cancer, not that you do, you don't)
    Third, I would HIGHLY recommend deleting this post, as people that ACTUALLY have cancer would be highly offended, cancer is not something you can use to get pity points or to get your way. I lost a couple people that I loved dearly to cancer, so this also offends me.
    Fourth, as t0mato72 said, you would probably be in the ICU unable to even post this, which I 100% agree with.
    I'm writing this out so long because I see this a lot (not just in SP), and I absolutely despise it, and I'm trying to get rid of these sob stories that people can unfortunately fall for.
    Overall, this is a really bad sob story, if you ever want to get to silver or even bronze, actually build good thing and don't just beg for pity points.

  • need some help 3.7 years ago

    Next time make a forum post instead of a build post.

    I believe that influences the COT position? I don't think its important enough to mess with.
    Then again, I don't explore XML often, so my knowledge is...limited.

  • Curtiss P-6D Hawk 3.7 years ago

    If a pug was a plane

  • Bush Plane GTA V2 3.7 years ago

    Good work!

  • Shuba the Soviet Duck 3.7 years ago


  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.7 years ago

    This is such a cool Idea! i never thought of that when I did my tournament!

  • Simple Planes not working 3.7 years ago

    @Baldeagle086 Perhaps use task manager as its blacked out. it can sometimes get a program out of a funk.
    If that doesn't work, maybe ask a dev? Or get a mod to contact Jundroo? (I think they can).

  • Simple Planes not working 3.7 years ago

    Do you use mobile or PC?

  • Electric tank (no mods) 3.7 years ago

    Perhaps you should try making the wheels kind of like gears, that way it will mesh with the tracks and push it along more.

  • Super wasp 3.7 years ago

    good work!

  • Off-road Crawler 3.7 years ago

    Good work!

  • SimplePlanes Aircraft Renovation Challenge! [Closed] 3.7 years ago

    @RedBEANSandrice successor or tag me in comments

  • VERTIGO MKII 3.7 years ago

    Good work!

  • Anyone know why I cant see pictures I put up? [Solved] 3.7 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT Ah! Thanks!
    I guess Discord has an issue.

  • Tarantula Mech (working on the physics before aesthetics) 3.7 years ago

    Well, put some small resizable wheels on the bottom, they are designed to touch the ground, should get rid of you bounce problem. Then again, I suck with walkers, so my experience is questionable.

  • Twin Prop Renovation 3.7 years ago

    Good work!

  • Anyone know why I cant see pictures I put up? [Solved] 3.7 years ago

    @O5BIRD yeah I've been using discord from the start. Nothing is working though.

  • SimplePlanes Aircraft Renovation Challenge! [OPEN] Little Bugger Renovation 3.7 years ago

    Good work. Although we are really pushing some rules, I'll let it pass

  • p51 custom 3.7 years ago

    yeah, you cant look at it and know its the P-51. Looks good, but try again