Good luck man, from my experience in college so far, you're probably going to be very busy and will only be able to play simpleplanes for extended periods during the weekend. Also, avoid simpleplanes when tests and finals come up.
Looks very interesting, I didn't know about this aircraft concept.
On a different note, I am just a little jealous of how you can churn out aircraft so quickly while also looking good.
This chat had really died down quite a bit, so yeah. I haven't been too active building seeing as I have a break coming up, and school has decided to unload everything at me.
It’s ok to feel that way. I’ve also kind of lost motivation to build more for this challenge, and I know for a fact that there are planes in this challenge better than mine.
I don't even know what else to build for the challenge, I've kind of lost motivation to build more for the challenge, have school stuff coming up, and I'm a little burned out.
I'm honestly not sure if I'll make another plane for this challenge. This 4th submission ties my record for most submissions into a challenge, the other being my 4 submissions into the War Challenge II hosted by the same user.
No problem, this is a very good plane and I'm glad to see you post another build. On a different note, the rear of this plane reminds me of a YF-23.
just so you know, my new aircraft is almost done, I just need to finish making the cockpit (and maybe later on post versions with different loadouts) and things will be all set.
p.s best wishes for your operation, I hope it succeeds.
who would've thought we would both be working on an aircraft at the same time?
Just out of curiosity, what type of aircraft are you working on?
Sounds good and thank you for the support. I might be able to spare some aircraft, there is no guarantee that it will be enough. My F/A-19 have great performance characteristics, but they might not be readily available due to be carrier based and being a rather large aircraft. The F/A-11s would be more readily available, but I don't know if they have the performance characteristics to match an F-16. Also, the aircraft I'm currently developing isn't specifically designed to dogfight, but development has proceeded too far to cancel it.
Oh god, it's an alien invasion!
+1Never thought I would need to see a hybrid of an F-16 with the X/F-32 (flying bathtub), but I'm glad I saw it.
+1Good luck man, from my experience in college so far, you're probably going to be very busy and will only be able to play simpleplanes for extended periods during the weekend. Also, avoid simpleplanes when tests and finals come up.
+1Prepare for an unholy amount of speeding tickets and noise complaints.
+1Isn’t it a bit early to have 5th gen fighters?
+1Good to know that the mission was a success.
+1Roger that, Sparrow fighters (standard configuration) are ready to roll.
+1Whose side are you on?
+1Well crap, guess I might have to send up fighters to take them out first before I can do anything else.
Looks very interesting, I didn't know about this aircraft concept.
+1On a different note, I am just a little jealous of how you can churn out aircraft so quickly while also looking good.
+1That’s ok, sometimes it hard to remember who to notify.
Yeah let’s try a low level strike, maybe their defense systems won’t be able to stop the ordnance in time.
Or: I could try high altitude bombing again, just with more bombs, idk, the first option is probably a better option.
+1Can't wait for this to be posted on the site.
+1From the description of Snowstone’s equipment, I’m guessing third and fourth generation.
+1Thank you, I look forward to what awaits me in the skies above the battlefield.
+1Thank you, now time to grind for the next few years to reach platinum.
Just posted my first entry into the challenge, now I await payment before I participate in the war.
+1Will it have a face?
+1If you can't beat them, join them.
+1I like doritos
+1This chat had really died down quite a bit, so yeah. I haven't been too active building seeing as I have a break coming up, and school has decided to unload everything at me.
The fact this thing exists is a war crime.
+1Kill me now
Booooooo get better material!
+1immediate downvote.
I love Owlkitty!
+1It’s ok to feel that way. I’ve also kind of lost motivation to build more for this challenge, and I know for a fact that there are planes in this challenge better than mine.
I don't even know what else to build for the challenge, I've kind of lost motivation to build more for the challenge, have school stuff coming up, and I'm a little burned out.
+1Smol Plane
+1Nice! Lets Go Get Them!
+1I'm honestly confused about the whole order thing, couldn't we have stuck to operations?
+1Really appreciate it.
Does this mean we can now take the fight to the US Navy?
This is cool!
+1I even like how the carrier has an aircraft on its flight deck with its wings folded in the thumbnail.
Pump enough money into a project, and it might actually work.
+1I'm honestly not sure if I'll make another plane for this challenge. This 4th submission ties my record for most submissions into a challenge, the other being my 4 submissions into the War Challenge II hosted by the same user.
+1No problem, this is a very good plane and I'm glad to see you post another build. On a different note, the rear of this plane reminds me of a YF-23.
Very Nice!
+1That's ok, I'm sure whatever you make will turn out alright.
+1I appreciate the complement, you're a great builder as well.
+1Thanks for the spotlight, I really appreciate it.
just so you know, my new aircraft is almost done, I just need to finish making the cockpit (and maybe later on post versions with different loadouts) and things will be all set.
p.s best wishes for your operation, I hope it succeeds.
+1Well, this is very interesting, can’t wait for this to enter the war.
+1Very interesting, can’t wait to see it. I’m working on a variable geometry wing strike aircraft right now with tandem seating for 2.
+1who would've thought we would both be working on an aircraft at the same time?
Just out of curiosity, what type of aircraft are you working on?
Do I even want to know why a X-29 has a robotic arm with a rocket pod?
+1Sounds good and thank you for the support. I might be able to spare some aircraft, there is no guarantee that it will be enough. My F/A-19 have great performance characteristics, but they might not be readily available due to be carrier based and being a rather large aircraft. The F/A-11s would be more readily available, but I don't know if they have the performance characteristics to match an F-16. Also, the aircraft I'm currently developing isn't specifically designed to dogfight, but development has proceeded too far to cancel it.
Anyone happen to have a large surplus of light, but high-performance fighters to take on these F-16's?
+1why would we even use this though?
+1I may not be posting for a bit either, college has started to get a little busier for me.
+1I like the name of the operation, really adds to the irony.
10 Ospreys seem a bit overkill, I like it.