51.2k ShinyGemsBro Comments

  • My Hubris is Immeasurable 2.1 years ago

    That's one way to cause a nuclear meltdown

  • R-360 Neptune 2.1 years ago

    Time to hit some naval targets in the Black Sea-
    [User has been banned]

  • Well-done pizza 2.1 years ago

    That looks more burnt that my bum after I sat on a sun-baked swing at the beach park in my town when I was a kid

  • It is useless to hide from it, it will get you everywhere. 2.1 years ago

    I think you may have taken a joke a tad bit seriously.

  • It is useless to hide from it, it will get you everywhere. 2.1 years ago

    @SILVERPANZER That's not the point here.
    I'm just saying anything's possible in this site and game. Which is exactly what this build is. A result of that endless possibility to make anything.

  • It is useless to hide from it, it will get you everywhere. 2.1 years ago

    @SILVERPANZER At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to make some spidermech and call it a space superiority submarine since there's literally a cat that can be turned into anything floating around in the site.
    Just keep doing what you do. I'm just sending my opinions here.

  • It is useless to hide from it, it will get you everywhere. 2.1 years ago

    is it even a tank when it literally goes mach 25
    let alone if it flies
    Doesn't make sense in the slightest in my opinion. But I won't burst your bubble.

  • Anyone having issues with AI planes? 2.1 years ago

    They've been like that since the recent big update came around. Devs will probably fix it in the next one

  • Well-done pizza 2.1 years ago

    If it's done, it's done

  • Rating the tastes of soap out top 3 2.1 years ago

    Anyone else tried concrete powder? Goes well with milk


    @XtarsAgency Certainly a waste of time, your decision there. But that's on you.


    Report and move on. Nothing more, nothing less.
    The mods will know.

  • Pasta pancake 2.1 years ago

    @Farewellntchii Yeah, I figured he put an egg in there. I almost thought it was a bit of flour or something but it looked too yellow to be something else lmao.
    Great budget meal for end of month. Especially college life far from home.

  • I want your opinion 2.1 years ago

    You don't have to force yourself in continuing if you don't feel like it

  • Pasta pancake 2.1 years ago

    I'd actually eat that. It looks pretty good.

  • [Discussion] coolest plane. And why? 2.1 years ago

    F-22A - Prime 5th gen fighter, kind of old, but still takes top seat of air superiority.
    Su-30SM - PSM, is huge, highly maneuverable.
    C-130 - Big boi, carries tons of stuff, recognizable, props.
    F-15C - Rugged, great survivability, still packs some heat despite airframe age, really long range.
    MiG-29/MiG-35 - Excellent dogfighter, looks great.
    F-105 - BOMBS
    B-2 - You'd think it's a UFO
    FW-190 series - Vicious fighter. Those four 20mm autocannons destroy every aircraft they hit.
    Spitfire series - Icon of WW2 combat aviation. Agile, reliable, overall greatness guaranteed.
    B-17 - A bomber of legendary toughness. Rain thousands of rounds at it and it'll still fly home largely intact.
    A6M Zero - Imperial Japanese fighter. Has excellent maneuverability, but it's downside is that the fighter is lightly armored. Icon of Axis pacific airpower
    P-47D - The brrt before the brrt (A-10)

  • Hellkeska But Better 2.1 years ago



  • One-eye the Heccin chonker 2.1 years ago

    resurrected fossil

  • I’m a furrie 2.1 years ago


  • J-11D Pale Crane 2.1 years ago

    @MrOofington She's homicidal by nature thanks to her traumatic childhood.

  • J-11D Pale Crane 2.1 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer - Base Su-27

  • Antonov An-225 Mriya Antonov Airlines 2.1 years ago


  • WolfHunter9111 Existance 2.1 years ago

    Bro did an intentional oopsie. We'll just find out when he's out of the hot seat

  • Another one 2.1 years ago

    Did the inlets disconnect from your build?

  • Another one 2.1 years ago

    @Boreddd They're all Blasto jet engines. Just find the one that has VTOL in it lmao

  • Another one 2.1 years ago

    @Farewellntchii Still works if OP's uses an underpowered VTOL engine. You can just glue the engine wherever with the nozzles someplace else. Let's say on a fuselage setup simulating the F-35B's rear exhaust.
    Might not be the most efficient setup but some extensive tweaking it would probably work (And I know full well the VTOL engine having that notorious instant power output instead of the gradual buildup like most power plants in the list)

  • Artillery with wings 2.1 years ago

    The A-10 and AC-130 seething in a corner right now

  • Another one 2.1 years ago

    More inlets. Rescale, shove them into your build somewhere with 0 massScale and dragScale. Profit.

  • I draw well? 2.1 years ago

    The Herc
    The Transport to Brazil

    and the super jumbo Ukraini transportr davai.

  • Why do so many people have anime profile pictures 2.1 years ago

    Cause why not?
    If this is an issue, then it seems to be a you problem.
    If not, and this is just a question, then refer to @Farewellntchii 's answer

  • Is this a track? 2.1 years ago

    To all you mobile tank drivers, your wish is about to come true.
    No more requesting for non-modded tracked vehicles.

    This is the solution you've all been waiting for.

  • Can we change the fire rate of a cannon? 2.1 years ago

    As far as I know, not really. You can just position two of the same cannons together in one spot, with the other having a higher firerate than the first, but same name and everything.

    And to avoid the look of the wonky barrel recoil since you have two cannons overlapping, just make a custom recoil system (If you need to) using fuselage blocks and shock/suspension part, and disable the barrel recoil on both cannons.
    But then again, this defeats the function of linked ammo count. Since it's two separate guns with their own shells. In conclusion, It's not possible so far
    You can do this with the minigun and stock wing gun though. Just merge the guns together in one spot and have one weapon be linked to an AG to simulate faster firerate., and make sure disableAircraftCollision is set to true so the guns won't wreck each other when firing or if you plan the weapon to be inside a fuselage.

  • AC-130 [Thanks for Platinum] 2.1 years ago

    You got em.
    Yeah, good hit. I see lots of little pieces down there.

  • Does anybody played YsFlight ? 2.1 years ago

    I just tested it out. It's pretty decent, but I don't think it holds a candle to SimplePlanes. I know it's an old sim but you get what I mean

  • albatross 2.1 years ago

    @phrongus Code straight out of the enigma machine. You wouldn't understand

  • A-400M 'Atlas' 2.1 years ago

    Isn't this the AI tanker

  • albatross 2.1 years ago

    omaigad wwwtwo wepon bey??? fif jen proplr faitr consprcy reel11111 tim travl is rel omg omg omg kekew

  • AMX International [VR] 2.1 years ago

    @GoldenArrowCO I think you need to take a good look at the colors if you haven't. That, or there's something wrong with your screen.

  • COD Modern soldier 2.1 years ago


  • AH-1G Paimon 2.1 years ago

    @Aludra877 Can you not flood the comments section

  • AMX International [VR] 2.1 years ago

    Credit where it's due
    @Phoebe - AMX International airframe
    @GuyFolk - HUD, targeting, and map displays
    @ReinMcDeer - Simple JDAM setup

  • (Outdated) F-4S Phantom II 2.1 years ago

    Ah yes

    The flying brick of the Cold War

  • Celestial Time 2.1 years ago

    You have no idea how fast I skimmed through the description and hit download

  • FB-22B Strike Raptor 2.1 years ago

    Raptor, but strike

  • Fat Amy? No. Battle Penguin? Yes. 2.1 years ago


    you wouldn't make it psm right?



  • Mil A-24 Thunderhind II 2.1 years ago

    What have you done

  • Mil Mi-24 Hind [TEASER] 2.1 years ago

    I love the simulated cannon

  • Fat Amy? No. Battle Penguin? Yes. 2.1 years ago

    Why Fat Amy or Battle Penguin when it can be

    Fat Penguin