Awesome build. But it's quite unstable when maneuvering to quickly realign sights on target. Wobbles on every roll stop and sluggishly returns to being stable. The autocannons are sick though. Rips anything it hits to shreds
And even though the wings are semi-symmetric, the plane tends to pitch down after leveling out from maneuvers
The Tactical Forces Military Global Ground Combat branch is interested in purchasing 25 units for testing. If the tank meets criteria, we will contact you again for discussing about granting production contract to this arms company for the TFMGGC
-Tactical Forces Military Central Command
@AWESOMENESS360 We're good now. The whole town's a mess from all the crap thrown around by the winds but we only had short power losses. Much love to folks over at New Orleans
@Griffon1 Confidential. Only to be opened by Phoenix Industries on approval of the Accilian Republic government
Good day/evening, Phoenix Industries. Phase Alpha of the AF-08 test flight has been completed.
The aircraft had passed general first flights with flying colors, especially in the dogfighting phase. However, there is one aspect that it failed to pull through in. The guns only fight. Excess instability at low speeds led to bursts straying off lead in final gun solution adjustment to target. Choice of ballistic weapons further contributed to the aircraft's poor performance in this specific aspect of the rigorous combat tests. Overall, the new fighter garnered a solid 6/10 in first flights and sorties, with, again, the guns only test being its weakpoint, as always there's a chance that an old fashioned man to man encounter in the skies will come into play.
Regarding the mechanical, electrical, and digital complexity of this prototype, it should be of little problem. We here in FlightArms CAC specialize in overhauling complex airframes, simplifying, and improving them. Plenty of wiring, gears, and hydraulics will be either removed or relocated to reduce confusion in repairs and maintenance, and the internal computers will be replaced by a centralized mini mainframe for further complexity reduction.
As soon as a finished iteration of the AF-08 airframe is released, which will be designated as XF-08, you will be notified of it for your own tests and evaluation. Until then, we will continue thorough research on this advanced fighter.
-Callsign Pencil, Research and Development Head, FlightArms CAC
Confidential. Only to be opened by Phoenix Industries on approval of the Government of the Accilian Republic
Good day/evening to you, Phoenix Industries. We have received news from our friends in the intelligence corps of this advanced tactical fighter. The X-F wings are interested in subjecting this aircraft to high level tests for possible allocation in our future 6th Generation Fighter Program. And on behalf of FlightArms CAC, they would like to send a request for joint development of the AF-08 with the benefit of shared upgrades and innovations in general.
Should this message be rejected or intercepted, it will automatically destroy its data to prevent enemy discovery regarding the treaty/request. TFM will deny having any message of this type sent to you and the Accilian Republic.
You can only reply once.
-TFM Intelligence and Espionage Corps, TFM Central Command
Are these missiles able to be fitted into the internal bays of our F-22E's? Or externally on hardpoints only?
-TFM Research and Development Aviation Department
@MrOofington Yellow alert is still in effect. All active units are keeping watch for threats. International branches of the TFM are also notified of this and are under Yellow Alert as well.
-TFM Central Command
@Griffon1 Description updated
Just as how CW Lemoine says it
+2@rexzion The early brrt
@Zue5s Gotta love the Hispano twenty mike-mike.
Awesome build. But it's quite unstable when maneuvering to quickly realign sights on target. Wobbles on every roll stop and sluggishly returns to being stable. The autocannons are sick though. Rips anything it hits to shreds
And even though the wings are semi-symmetric, the plane tends to pitch down after leveling out from maneuvers
Can I make a successor to this?
Next up: Wither
+2@MrOofington Still planning to make a purchase? or the WIAF budget's still low as of now?
@CirnoFumo ShinyGemsBro#6416
The Tactical Forces Military Global Ground Combat branch is interested in purchasing 25 units for testing. If the tank meets criteria, we will contact you again for discussing about granting production contract to this arms company for the TFMGGC
-Tactical Forces Military Central Command
Can I make a variant of this for the TFM?
aka my fictional military
@AWESOMENESS360 We're good now. The whole town's a mess from all the crap thrown around by the winds but we only had short power losses. Much love to folks over at New Orleans
Simple, yet effective
I can only dream of flying this 80's era bird. Fabulous build
Cloudy with a high chance of self fragging
@Aviator01 Okay, if you got discord, I'll send the pics to you.
And that's an Su-34 Fullback
Sorry to be the fun breaker for you people. Yeah, I'm fun at parties I get it.
@Aviator01 What's your discord?
@Aviator01 !
@Aviator01 What plane/vehicle? The Decimator?
@KamikazR6 Fat, Ugly, and 100% deadly
Big Ida Moment
@Mikey101234 Got it
Welcome. Sky's free for all, hangars are always open. Build, Fly, Dream.
SimplePlanes community is happy to have you, new user.
Alien? Yes.
+1Monolith? Definitely
Man made? [REDACTED]
I can already hear the screaming siren as it goes for that dive
+1Didn't screenshot, but it was 8.8 million knots and climbed to 9.2 million feet before I restarted
+1@BeastHunter Well, I basically got split into fine atoms but somehow stuck back together in time.
I have transcended reality with this sacred and cursed tool mankind had made into existence
+1@BeastHunter How'd your space travel happen?
Strange looking rubiks cube-
M-100C Block 2
@BangRou Sure. Tag me though so I can upvote and spotlight it
Big thanks to @BangRou for the flak shells FunkyTrees code.
Confidential. Only to be opened by Phoenix Industries on approval of the Accilian Republic government
Good day/evening, Phoenix Industries. Phase Alpha of the AF-08 test flight has been completed.
The aircraft had passed general first flights with flying colors, especially in the dogfighting phase. However, there is one aspect that it failed to pull through in. The guns only fight. Excess instability at low speeds led to bursts straying off lead in final gun solution adjustment to target. Choice of ballistic weapons further contributed to the aircraft's poor performance in this specific aspect of the rigorous combat tests. Overall, the new fighter garnered a solid 6/10 in first flights and sorties, with, again, the guns only test being its weakpoint, as always there's a chance that an old fashioned man to man encounter in the skies will come into play.
Regarding the mechanical, electrical, and digital complexity of this prototype, it should be of little problem. We here in FlightArms CAC specialize in overhauling complex airframes, simplifying, and improving them. Plenty of wiring, gears, and hydraulics will be either removed or relocated to reduce confusion in repairs and maintenance, and the internal computers will be replaced by a centralized mini mainframe for further complexity reduction.
As soon as a finished iteration of the AF-08 airframe is released, which will be designated as XF-08, you will be notified of it for your own tests and evaluation. Until then, we will continue thorough research on this advanced fighter.
-Callsign Pencil, Research and Development Head, FlightArms CAC
Confidential. Only to be opened by Phoenix Industries on approval of the Government of the Accilian Republic
Good day/evening to you, Phoenix Industries. We have received news from our friends in the intelligence corps of this advanced tactical fighter. The X-F wings are interested in subjecting this aircraft to high level tests for possible allocation in our future 6th Generation Fighter Program. And on behalf of FlightArms CAC, they would like to send a request for joint development of the AF-08 with the benefit of shared upgrades and innovations in general.
Should this message be rejected or intercepted, it will automatically destroy its data to prevent enemy discovery regarding the treaty/request. TFM will deny having any message of this type sent to you and the Accilian Republic.
You can only reply once.
-TFM Intelligence and Espionage Corps, TFM Central Command
1.1k units on order as supplementary/support aircraft for our EW combat wings, both Navy and Air Force
@ICIN Otherwise known as aerial drifting
+1Can this do high alpha?
+1Are these missiles able to be fitted into the internal bays of our F-22E's? Or externally on hardpoints only?
+1-TFM Research and Development Aviation Department
@Joshflan10 Deliveries are underway
-FlightArms CAC
@MrOofington Granted and on their way to be delivered
-FlightArms CAC
@MrOofington Yellow alert is still in effect. All active units are keeping watch for threats. International branches of the TFM are also notified of this and are under Yellow Alert as well.
-TFM Central Command