50.7k ShinyGemsBro Comments

  • F-15E Strike Eagle 1.5 years ago

    bomba egel
    Now with passenger seat

  • F-16C -Have Glass V- 1.5 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer Molten cheese if you ask me, whatever gets hit.

  • F-16C -Have Glass V- 1.5 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer The blast-frag warhead probably won't do too good against armored targets though
    Unless they have a variant that's HEAT-tipped

  • Shenyang J-16 Shadow Orchid 1.5 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX I think the mods brought it back cause I requested a successor fix to Aghsan's Su-30SM. Instead of the original base fighter I used, it was the first version instead.
    I just remembered I already deleted this build. So this might very well be the case on why it has a strange download/upvote ratio

  • [ Teaser ] VTuber Brainrot 1.5 years ago

    Do F-16C Rainpuff after this to honor her Ace Combat playthrough

  • Is it possible to reach platinum anymore 1.5 years ago

    Is it possible to reach platinum? Yes
    Is it worth the trouble? No
    Is it rewarding? Yes, in a way
    Is it generally helpful in this site? No
    Even a bronze user who put time in builds could outshine a tried and hardened platinum user.
    Conclusion: Points are pointless. Build what you want, how you want, when you want. Just be sure to abide by the rules.

  • Shenyang J-16 Shadow Orchid 1.5 years ago

    Requesting successor fix. Original build is this

  • Getting Into the Ice Base 1.5 years ago

    You can only get in there by 3 methods without destroying the defenses:

    • Alot of countermeasures
    • High speed, powerful brakes
    • Invincible aircraft

    Otherwise, no. You're really gonna have to do a SEAD strike on the SAM batteries if you're looking for a safe entry into the Ice Base

  • Cannon debris can destroy your plane? 1.5 years ago

    • Can debris kill 100% yes. Absolutely. If it's from your own build or a target/pieces of the target that flung itself into your path or direction, or you flew right into it.
    • Can explosion debris kill No. They're just visual entities that represent the effect of an explosive kicking up remnants of what it hit in different directions.
    • Can explosions kill Yes, and no. Yes, cause you were in the radius of it's blast. No, the fireball and smoke won't damage anything.

  • For the ?Lore? 1.5 years ago

    Ahh PowerDirector. Missed using that app during my high school days for presentations.

  • the sun 1.5 years ago

    Why does the water in your thumbnail look like wet paper

  • Simple Planes Plane 1.6 years ago

    Simpler times, aye?

  • BRP Antonio Luna 1.6 years ago

    Our navy sucks but better to have a few missile boats than nothing

  • SPRAY 1.6 years ago

    KFC spray

  • Northwind FC-10 Phoenix A 1.6 years ago

    What in the topgun

  • Umm, this is disturbing… 1.6 years ago


    Time to hijack some airliners.

  • Simple Delta 1.6 years ago

    @LunarEclipseSP Looks more like a modified Eurofighter with a single engine

  • Simple Planes Plane 1.6 years ago

    Yo dawg. I heard you like simpleplanes.
    So I put simple in your planes so you plane while you simple

  • USA.F-4(210p) 1.6 years ago

    @ZerkkZxeSP You leave the inside of the brackets empty for photos.

  • Shady Grove. 1.6 years ago



  • IM STARTING TO GET TIRED 1.6 years ago

    You're better off being in DCS if you're seeking near-perfection. Or even MS Flight Simulator for all your needs.
    Don't look for realism here, guy. That's the last thing that happens in this game and site.

  • Northrop, F-5E Tiger II VFC-13 Fighting Saints. 1.6 years ago

    Waited for so long only to find out I can't fly it. Thanks alot partcount.
    I headbutted the gold button though. So there you have it.

  • Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat 1.6 years ago

    Funny how I was searching for an F6F that can replace the ancient one in my list, then here's one showing up right on the front page as I logged in.

  • mim 1.6 years ago

    I was expecting the Patriot missile defense system cause the title said mim.
    My mind immediately thought you built an MIM-104 build then a second later I realized it meant meme

  • Why do white points people upvote my build in numbers 1.6 years ago

    It's either;
    - New players
    - Players that have been around for a bit but just don't bother getting points up their names
    - VR players. They can upvote but they can't post anything or gain points with their accounts.
    - Votebots

  • U.N.owen was her?(music box) 1.6 years ago


  • Vought XF4U-1 Corsair 1.6 years ago

    hm yes

    German Corsair Prototype

  • Plz read 1.6 years ago

    @F15EInbound hw dr u 2



  • Plz read 1.6 years ago

    Commit slef alt f4

  • The Pepsi Concorde 1.6 years ago

    beepis konk

  • Main Battle Tank T90A 1.6 years ago

    St. Javelin:

    I bless thee with 19 pounds of tandem-charge HEAT right through the roof

    But really, for a mid-tier build this is well done

  • Focke-Wulf TA-152 H1 1.6 years ago

    long weeng

  • Stalking Block 1.6 years ago

    Does this thing just stay on the ground when it stalks?

  • (TEASER) More Redneck NASCAR 1.6 years ago

    This is yeehaw to the next level what the hell

    Edit: Pencil Vania

  • LVT-tank 1.6 years ago

    I destroyed reserve matches using this thing in my early WT days. Good times

  • North American P-51D Mustang "Bunnie" 1.6 years ago

    The red tails were colored flyboys bound for glory

  • Increase magnet range for missile ! 1.6 years ago

    I wouldn't exactly say increase the range of a magnet, but rather raise it's overall pulling strength via Overload Mod
    Quite the wild concept there though. But I don't think there can be a no-lock missile unless what you made is a custom SAM with FunkyTrees guided munitions, which is what one of our mods did right here

  • I need help 1.6 years ago

    Take a look at this. It's what I've been using for my latest text decals
    Has lesser resource demand than what hpgbproductions made. Though alot less quality.
    EDIT If you want the white background gone, I'm afraid you might want to edit it yourself manually. Set the image on a transparent background and erase the white BG while leaving what you need untouched

  • PLATINUMMMMMMMM 1.7 years ago

    Guess you now have access to the N word

  • Jagdpanzer 38t 1.7 years ago

    Yag da Panzer

  • Burger king foot lettuce 1.7 years ago

    burgr geeng food leddus

  • Curtiss C-46 Commando 1.7 years ago

    She's a fat one, alright.

  • Cockpit-1 1.7 years ago

    rportd for germain cursor le mao kekew xdxdeksdee111!oneone

  • I finally got a PC 1.7 years ago

    @ToeTips You know it's true.

  • Do you guys want me to make a mobile railway? 1.7 years ago

    If you can, you make.
    If you don't want to, you don't.
    That's it.

  • Seriously 1.7 years ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes Then just follow the people that you find most interesting. It's only overloaded cause every chance they get they hit the blue button on a profile.
    Not downplaying any users here or saying that they're bad and should be unfollowed. But if the reason that they have a ton of people they follow is maybe they're friends with them, I think a friends list would work out instead of just cluttering their jetstream tab with a ton of posts that they have to ask to be tagged. This defeats the purpose of having the jetstream in the first place.
    But then again, there's a ton of good builders that exist. And I can understand one would indeed follow them cause they like the said builder's product quality. But again, it's their own fault for having a pile of content shoved up their eyes when it really doesn't have to be that way.

  • OCEAN GATE TITAN. 1.7 years ago

    Fun fact: People died in this swim tube

  • F35A,B,C [All the differences] 1.7 years ago

    Honestly, screw the B model. The A and C were far more practical. They work out just fine.

  • we do a little trolling 1.7 years ago

    That's not even trolling. It's just outright theft of Russia's last 5th gen fighter

  • This game is now pretty boring, 1.7 years ago

    Jundroo's better off making SimplePlanes II using latest Unity3D for better rendering and optimization. Just like what CursedPlanes said below, the code used to make SP is a little ancient by today's standards. It would be nice if the second game allowed to port builds made here, to there so it can be further improved with newer features.
    But then again, you're gonna need some ludicrous brainpower or even a miracle for that to happen.
    Worst case scenario is we're all gonna have to move to Juno if they decide to abandon SimplePlanes altogether.
