Please do not reach 100+ upvotes for no reason
Dont worry it just an experiment how you react when you see an anime girl
What kind of mf would build this big of a ship
Underwater camera, perfect for submarines
Something that Philippine navy will buy
Aight time to wait for some anime hater kids
Sun of the Imperial Andrew Navy
Press my comment to get 1 H-word pass for 1 day
Wow just look at the details, its soo fascinating. Man i would love to make this into a jdm style vehicle
Pinoy magnet
Hop up is dat a new wright airport?
Russian a340 intensifies
Sucks to be an android user
@Josephina577 u rly expecting someone that probably a non filipino person to build you a god forsaken philippine registered Roll on/Roll off passenger vessel?
Dose damn germans be using hacks in ww2
mobile friendly version when?
Great. Now we need a type 59 and it will be complete
Can't sleep without this
Wow 8k HD RTX on Andrew
The way that giant cockpit chases you is just creepy
2042, philippines just found a way to defy physics and gravity
POV: You found a english comment
Whats with the name dou😭
Uhh anoo i canto speku engrisu
Walvis isnt real, hes just jundroos AI Bot that makes AI generated stuff
" Peter what the hell? "
" JOE, JOE GET INSIDE THE BLADES ARE STILL SPINNING " (oh my god Peter what is that thing)
I love how the booba is flat so no jerks can do weird stuff on it
Imagine putting twin towers in a plane game
If u see a ufo its not aliens. Its Germans
That "why no android? Shut up and keep firing" hits hard
I love it
My humor is broken once again
Looks cool but don't use war thunder thumbnail lol
I was expecting atleast 1500+ parts but 499?! How tf
I like girls kissing each other
I just download simpleplanes and its very fun, i still need to learn to build a decent plane since mines just blocks
"My son, you're the ammo"
Nobody's gonna talk about the foot that is sticking out under the tank?
Super idol a220
All hail JONDA HET
Woaaaaaahaahh isz dat an andoirfd boton
heheheheheheeheheh cumnon
Please do not reach 100+ upvotes for no reason
+22Dont worry it just an experiment how you react when you see an anime girl
+10What kind of mf would build this big of a ship
+10Underwater camera, perfect for submarines
+10Something that Philippine navy will buy
+9Aight time to wait for some anime hater kids
+9Sun of the Imperial Andrew Navy
+8Press my comment to get 1 H-word pass for 1 day
+8Wow just look at the details, its soo fascinating. Man i would love to make this into a jdm style vehicle
+8Pinoy magnet
+8Hop up is dat a new wright airport?
+8Russian a340 intensifies
+8Sucks to be an android user
+7@Josephina577 u rly expecting someone that probably a non filipino person to build you a god forsaken philippine registered Roll on/Roll off passenger vessel?
+7Dose damn germans be using hacks in ww2
+7mobile friendly version when?
+7Great. Now we need a type 59 and it will be complete
+7Can't sleep without this
+7Wow 8k HD RTX on Andrew
+7The way that giant cockpit chases you is just creepy
+72042, philippines just found a way to defy physics and gravity
+7POV: You found a english comment
+7Whats with the name dou😭
+6Uhh anoo i canto speku engrisu
+6Walvis isnt real, hes just jundroos AI Bot that makes AI generated stuff
+6" Peter what the hell? "
+6(oh my god Peter what is that thing)
I love how the booba is flat so no jerks can do weird stuff on it
+6Imagine putting twin towers in a plane game
+6If u see a ufo its not aliens. Its Germans
+6That "why no android? Shut up and keep firing" hits hard
I love it
+6My humor is broken once again
+6Looks cool but don't use war thunder thumbnail lol
+6T I C C W I N G S
+6B O N K
+6I was expecting atleast 1500+ parts but 499?! How tf
+5I like girls kissing each other
+5I just download simpleplanes and its very fun, i still need to learn to build a decent plane since mines just blocks
+5"My son, you're the ammo"
+5Nobody's gonna talk about the foot that is sticking out under the tank?
+5Super idol a220
+5All hail JONDA HET
+5Woaaaaaahaahh isz dat an andoirfd boton
+5heheheheheheeheheh cumnon