Me when funky funnel placement
Looks European Double cab Locomotive with Pantograph
0/10 ugly ass
I don't like how theres 2 towers behind the first picture 💀
I thought SaHa cars carry the pantograph. Whats on the SaHa cars tho?
This looks like a jr 103
Im forced to fight a m47 patton?! 💀
Honestly that guys a douche bag
@liuxingling0354 buddy not all of us can afford powerful phones.
@DatFiat126Fan19 just ignore that mf he brings nothing but trouble
Stop. Enough of this shit, your cluttering the comment section with this worthless argument
I like the roadwheels now aligned to the other side because of torsion bar
Malboro or toilet ananas nasdas t o i l e t a n a n a s n a s d a s whats this? toiletananasnasdas tOileTaNAnasNaSDas to- toilet an- toilet ana- toilet ana- toilet ana- toilet ana- toilet ana- toil- t-
Weird panther there buddy
Add tank tracks and ill be happy
"Our DC-8"
Whats with the name dou😭
The Old Gang 😎
Tier 5 ahh tank
@DatFiat126Fan19 ill show u something, ill tag u
But yeah im making a fictional locomotive
@DatFiat126Fan19 i accidentally post it on public lmao
Oh sht i ment to post this on unlisted 💀
@BYardley lmao agree
Ive driven this before, even tho its electric it sounds good
It sucks
For the folks out there that wana download the the tank without the mod, here are the steps on doing so
Step 1: download the build
Step 2: once u see the screen that says "this build requires track mod blah blah blah" just press ok
Step 3: press the undo button
Step 4: after that, press the redo button
And there u have it
It's just too bad i can't try my trains in a proper railway maps
Literally is-2sh
Are u sure this is not a westwind?
Sucks to be an android user
Uhh anoo i canto speku engrisu
Lite version coming soon Notice: This build was ment to be SPR compatible but its not been tested there
Upcoming projects: Blue livery 5007 Kiha 350 Kiha 59 kogane Del 918 Del 902 JR 203 EMU
Plz remove ur upvotes i have to fix something
I have to repost lol
Somethings very wrong here
This was supposed to be unlisted bruh
@fedexguy2009 what the hell are u yapping about? Bros the yapperist of the yappington
@fedexguy2009 alright cry about it
Kawaii ultimate
@theNoobCountry2 asking for upvotes is against the rules honey
France when they realize ww2 has no build in trench warfare feature
Realistically its not a tank. But a armored car or armored fighting vehicle
The first thumbnail looks like joe got his bus back
Why name it Furina dou 💀💀
It'll be cool if u make a version where my device can actually run it without turning into a anti personnel landmine
As a Real life railfanner this is an absolute T-RAIN for me
@AtlasAir747MyBeloved its (not) metra
Me when funky funnel placement
+2Looks European
Double cab
Locomotive with Pantograph
0/10 ugly ass
+2I don't like how theres 2 towers behind the first picture 💀
+3I thought SaHa cars carry the pantograph. Whats on the SaHa cars tho?
This looks like a jr 103
Im forced to fight a m47 patton?! 💀
Honestly that guys a douche bag
+2@liuxingling0354 buddy not all of us can afford powerful phones.
@DatFiat126Fan19 just ignore that mf he brings nothing but trouble
Stop. Enough of this shit, your cluttering the comment section with this worthless argument
I like the roadwheels now aligned to the other side because of torsion bar
+1Malboro or toilet ananas nasdas
t o i l e t a n a n a s n a s d a s
whats this?
toilet an-
toilet ana-
toilet ana-
toilet ana-
toilet ana-
toilet ana-
Weird panther there buddy
Add tank tracks and ill be happy
+3"Our DC-8"
+3Whats with the name dou😭
+6The Old Gang 😎
+1Tier 5 ahh tank
@DatFiat126Fan19 ill show u something, ill tag u
But yeah im making a fictional locomotive
@DatFiat126Fan19 i accidentally post it on public lmao
Oh sht i ment to post this on unlisted 💀
+1@BYardley lmao agree
+1Ive driven this before, even tho its electric it sounds good
+1It sucks
For the folks out there that wana download the the tank without the mod, here are the steps on doing so
Step 1: download the build
Step 2: once u see the screen that says "this build requires track mod blah blah blah" just press ok
Step 3: press the undo button
Step 4: after that, press the redo button
And there u have it
+1It's just too bad i can't try my trains in a proper railway maps
+2Literally is-2sh
Are u sure this is not a westwind?
Sucks to be an android user
+7Uhh anoo i canto speku engrisu
+6Lite version coming soon
Notice: This build was ment to be SPR compatible but its not been tested there
Upcoming projects:
Blue livery 5007
Kiha 350
Kiha 59 kogane
Del 918
Del 902
JR 203 EMU
Plz remove ur upvotes i have to fix something
I have to repost lol
Somethings very wrong here
This was supposed to be unlisted bruh
@fedexguy2009 what the hell are u yapping about? Bros the yapperist of the yappington
@fedexguy2009 alright cry about it
+1Kawaii ultimate
+2@theNoobCountry2 asking for upvotes is against the rules honey
France when they realize ww2 has no build in trench warfare feature
+2Realistically its not a tank. But a armored car or armored fighting vehicle
+2The first thumbnail looks like joe got his bus back
+2Why name it Furina dou 💀💀
It'll be cool if u make a version where my device can actually run it without turning into a anti personnel landmine
+1As a Real life railfanner this is an absolute T-RAIN for me
+2@AtlasAir747MyBeloved its (not) metra