I can recommend mine to you, it is very easy to use it, and it isn't expensive. There is the roll and pitch control, the throttle, there is a mini joystick (usefull for camera view), and there is 4-5 others buttons for what you would. That's "basic".
The name is "Thrustmaster USB Joystick (2960623)"
@Cobra63 You have to select your picture with the blueprint tool, place it beside the build, then press the upload button and when you will take screenchots, frame the picture you put with the blueprint tool.
Well done ! Some tips for after: I saw that you started use blueprint, nice, you started to make custom landing gear, nice too ! Now I suggest you to make the shape of the cockpit with fuselage, and next to hide the cockpit block into this shape.
@CatHoldingTheSun You should, try it
@ZWLenning np
+1F-14 Tomcat
I can recommend mine to you, it is very easy to use it, and it isn't expensive. There is the roll and pitch control, the throttle, there is a mini joystick (usefull for camera view), and there is 4-5 others buttons for what you would. That's "basic".
The name is "Thrustmaster USB Joystick (2960623)"
@Cobra63 You have to select your picture with the blueprint tool, place it beside the build, then press the upload button and when you will take screenchots, frame the picture you put with the blueprint tool.
You can also contribute to the community without building... Before find inspiration.
+1Yes, it looks like a T-33... but this is not the exact shape. Do you use blueprints ?
+1The cockpit doesn't look like this
I'm not chineese-friendly but it looks cool
+1@Hasnan11 Blackburn Buccaneer ? I think that's not hard to make
Beautiful ! T
Well done ! Some tips for after: I saw that you started use blueprint, nice, you started to make custom landing gear, nice too ! Now I suggest you to make the shape of the cockpit with fuselage, and next to hide the cockpit block into this shape.
Cool screenshots dude
@GuianLorenzo I thought landing gears were small, but after seeing a blueprint it's normal
+1Nice, do you use a blueprint ?
@NINJ4PRO merci
This idea is cool and funny
Nice !!! An aircraft of the association where I go sometimes, a Cessna L19, have the same role than this one
+1Eh beh pas si mal, surtout pour la description t'a fait des efforts, c'est bien.
Wow. Very nice work !
@Souplane Oh nice
Nooooo a chineese aircraft
+3Cool !
You don’t participate in FAF challenge ?
I’m French so I like this but... Cockpit shape /20 ?
@RhinoSP @R2d2hunter Thanks !
+1@AirbusA320200 it float a bit, but it’s not a float plane...
Oh no, Featured
Big Thanks to all !
Lol, I've seen a 777-300 One world friday
Car challenger
+2Your first build upvote :) Nice boat btw
@ollielebananiaCFSP Yes, thanks
@2Papi2Chulo Ah ok
Nice !
+1Amerika Bomber ?
@FlylarbWebarebear So take a better blueprint... A350 is a popular aircraft so It may be easy to find a good blueprint.
Doesn't look bad
it need some improvement. Wheels are too bigger, and the nose don't looks like this... try to use blueprints !
Cool truck !
wait... Throttle ?
@WarHawk95 Apparamment oui...
Alors gg a bogdan
@WarHawk95 Quoi
Cool !
love it !
Ooh nice !
Maybe the coolest tractor on earth. Nice build man !
+1you won a follow