@MalcolmOn There is a lot of detailed blueprints online. As I said I can't do anything for the moment, but I can do a small part of the plane like landing gears if you want.
@hpgbproductions I'm not sure this is possible, unless making a code that mimic the behaviour of a floppy rotator.
I think the easiest way is to do the same as in real life, with mechanical assemblies.
To do that you should add a shock absorber part between your 2 parts connected to your hinge (with a floppy hinge at each end of the shock absorber), like this it will have a default orientation when there is no force, but it can rotate. You can also add a piston with the shock absorber if you want to set a specific default orientation when the gear is extended.
I can help you a bit, but I don't have the time to make the 3/4 of the remaining parts. But I can make the landing gear if you want, I'm good at it. Do you use a blueprint ? your vertical stabilizer look oversized. We can talk on discord if you want.
I also think that there is also a part which is a snowball effect. If many people are leaving, other will say that the game will be left behind, so they left too. And we can't stop that... Luckily not everyone is like that
Very nice, fun to fly and realistic. The only bad point is the braking distance which is very short (you can edit this with the brakeTorque variable in the wheels), but it is a common problem with many builds on the website.
Well, I upvote because I work on it in real life, and it's the first one the website, Beautiful machine. Yours have a good shape (not excellent but it's recognizable), it fly very fast, and gliding is not very good. The interior, windows and doors are a good point, I see your effort.
Also the MD 315 bombs were smaller and under the exterior part of the wings.
Very cool design and features !
What is fun is that if you eject and let the plane crash not far away with it's bombs, it propels the capsule away from the explosion due to it
@Gro Yeah. I talk about the exterior fuselage which have the same size as the interior one, so when you look at the side of the door, it makes a weird graphic thing
If you want something basic, I have this joystick, it does well the job. But maybe you want something more sophisticated... like this yoke, but I know that the cable is quite fragile
Good, for a more realistic behaviour of the crankset, you can use the input sum(Pitch/(1000000000)), it calculates the sum of your pitch input, so when you release the pitch, it doesn't go backward.
(1000000000 is the same as 1E+09, but the game doesn't understand this writing in the input.)
@L1nus Oh I thought they completely removed the ability to see the pictures in external websites, but they probably put a delay instead.
@L1nus Yep. Is there a time to see it or something like that on your site ? it intrigues me
Can't see the pictures, is that normal ? I don't see them on any of your posts
Maybe it's me, idk
He's back !
@Hiiamhere Yep, I think too.
I can. Disclaimer: I don't have a very powerful computer (~1500 parts max).
I hope there will be weapons limitations though, otherwise it will be unplayable
It's really scary, I don't know what to think about it. But I don't think it's the serveur shutting down, because they would have notified us.
@kasachstanball Idk if you understand, but your wings are kinda high, so I can't attach the landing gears to them
@kasachstanball I'm sorry but I looked at your build and its geometry make it almost impossible to adapt a tilted landing gear.
Quality will be rewarded contrary to quantity
@ZacOnTrack Nice job on the livery tho, it's beautiful
Nice looking (some great details like the 2nd engine intake), but it doesn't fly well. I see you used less than the normal wing area, why ?
Not bad, but the reverse thrust is useless considering the braking force of the wheels (you can edit it with XML)
@kasachstanball That's not very accurate, something like the A330 landing gear could be suitable ?
@kasachstanball Okay, send me a link and tell me how the landing gear should be, because in this case there is no real life aircraft
Yeah, I can help you. But one question: regarding your posts, does it looks like a real plane ? lol
This new wright runway looks very good works sometimes
@MalcolmOn There is a lot of detailed blueprints online. As I said I can't do anything for the moment, but I can do a small part of the plane like landing gears if you want.
@EasternAviation2015 I was talking about an SP.com post
@hpgbproductions I'm not sure this is possible, unless making a code that mimic the behaviour of a floppy rotator.
I think the easiest way is to do the same as in real life, with mechanical assemblies.
To do that you should add a shock absorber part between your 2 parts connected to your hinge (with a floppy hinge at each end of the shock absorber), like this it will have a default orientation when there is no force, but it can rotate. You can also add a piston with the shock absorber if you want to set a specific default orientation when the gear is extended.
@EasternAviation2015 That's what I do, but it doesn't work. Do you have an exemple of that method still working ?
I can help you a bit, but I don't have the time to make the 3/4 of the remaining parts. But I can make the landing gear if you want, I'm good at it. Do you use a blueprint ? your vertical stabilizer look oversized. We can talk on discord if you want.
I also think that there is also a part which is a snowball effect. If many people are leaving, other will say that the game will be left behind, so they left too. And we can't stop that... Luckily not everyone is like that
Very nice, fun to fly and realistic. The only bad point is the braking distance which is very short (you can edit this with the
variable in the wheels), but it is a common problem with many builds on the website.Well, I upvote because I work on it in real life, and it's the first one the website, Beautiful machine. Yours have a good shape (not excellent but it's recognizable), it fly very fast, and gliding is not very good. The interior, windows and doors are a good point, I see your effort.
Also the MD 315 bombs were smaller and under the exterior part of the wings.
I saw a news this morning about a recently restored Komet with a jet engine, it must be nice to see. Nice build by the way !
Very cool design and features !
What is fun is that if you eject and let the plane crash not far away with it's bombs, it propels the capsule away from the explosion due to it
Lol, I made the same ramp several years ago, this one is really great !
@Gro Yeah. I talk about the exterior fuselage which have the same size as the interior one, so when you look at the side of the door, it makes a weird graphic thing
Love it ! There is some weird adjustments in the door, but forgetting that it's a very good build overall
Map is Xianshan airport ?
If you want something basic, I have this joystick, it does well the job. But maybe you want something more sophisticated... like this yoke, but I know that the cable is quite fragile
This is clearly an impressive remake, knowing that you didn't used extra parts !
@winterro Exactly ! With a BB66000, these were my father's trains from the 60s
Nice build, rare on the website
Looking good, but doesn't fly... You forgot the wing area, I think.
@RaptorF22A I mean, the rear suspension can collapse only with a big collision, it's not random.
Try not to publish too much versions also, I don't understand the concept
Good, for a more realistic behaviour of the crankset, you can use the input
, it calculates the sum of your pitch input, so when you release the pitch, it doesn't go backward.(1000000000 is the same as 1E+09, but the game doesn't understand this writing in the input.)
@73 I found that this company is one of the biggest regional companies in UK, and the Saab 340 was their symbolic plane, that's probably why
Why it is so important ? There is still plenty of Saab 340 flying in Europe... I don't understand
Very fun to play with. It reminds me of my little train circuit when I was younger, with a green BB locomotive which is very close to yours.
Nice and detailed helicopter, but the behaviour is very arcade
It is guarranted that your parcel will arrive in pieces
@RaptorF22A Well, maybe you made something where you would have died in real life lol
@L1nus Don't remember the pics I posted on SPBC ?