@PilotFuz I like the fuse timer, but the game doesn’t need to be war thunder. Mouse aim is war thunders thing, and there’s more fun challenge in aiming like a real fighter.
It’s kinda stupid, and I have to agree, I made a post in 30 minutes and it got almost double the upvotes of my 2nd best upvoted build, which took a week. Maybe people should stop upvoting things like memes and whatnot and just accept it is made for a laugh, not for the points. Some people do put a lot of time into this game, and it’s very sad to see when they don’t get the attention they deserve because other people don’t think that a build is good if it doesn’t have upvotes. It stings, and a lot
I give up. Beautiful, truly stunning
+1@PilotFuz I like the fuse timer, but the game doesn’t need to be war thunder. Mouse aim is war thunders thing, and there’s more fun challenge in aiming like a real fighter.
Why is it in orthographic view? I can’t see the scaling properly. :( but great build ntl!
Hold on a second this is a ted talk
Gee thanks
Etendard IV or Mirage III
Ahh so it’s just people being stupid as usual, sad that it translates into such a creative website.
+1Please, For the love of God, Dont Upvote this post
T Power
@Belloaka Hey, I realized your plane is below the minimum amount of pieces, is it ok if my plane is only 15 parts?
“If anything happened to this beautiful body, it would be the world’s loss!”
+1Waifu Material
Imagine turning 15 13 days ago, when you could have two months ago (flexflex)
Thanks for the help! Good rickroll
If you are curious, I’m remaking my old garbage F-4 into a much more realistic looking and flying one. I even tried to make custom landing gear!
So that was your name? All this time...
Please Tell me when you make more!
Wishing you the best of luck with your brain cancer, I know you can beat it!
+5Is this an early form of the mig-21?
+1Thanks for the spotlight!
Again, someone beat me to the punch trying to build this plane! I thought I had an original idea!
+1Is there an update under development for sr2 or sp? Just curious
+1It’s kinda stupid, and I have to agree, I made a post in 30 minutes and it got almost double the upvotes of my 2nd best upvoted build, which took a week. Maybe people should stop upvoting things like memes and whatnot and just accept it is made for a laugh, not for the points. Some people do put a lot of time into this game, and it’s very sad to see when they don’t get the attention they deserve because other people don’t think that a build is good if it doesn’t have upvotes. It stings, and a lot
+6Return of the exosuit?
Epilepsy intensifies
+2Your profile picture looks like a girl from my old school. Kinda creepy to me. But otherwise I enjoy your plane!
(Mysterious_Defeater) was playing GTAV while you made this screenshot
Mental destruction
+1BTW I made this plane the background on my phone
BTW I made this plane the background on my phone
Damn, a true mustang, through and through. You’ve earned my upvote, and that’s something I rarely ever give unless I see the plane as truly special.
+1Wow it actually got removed! Lmao.
Did you know that spam stands for: Sparkling Pompous Ankle Meat? Probably...
You guys are getting upvotes?
+1I like getting rickrolled once in a while. Keeps me sane.
When I saw this I started hearing synchronicity ii. You made it much better then me already, and it’s not even done!
Metal Gear?! It can’t be!
Your lying, there’s no way that’s only 1450 parts
+2Holy man. I’m going to build it
I was thinking of building one of these! You’ve done it better!
I know where you got your spitfire, but where do you get your other planes?
+2Pretty cool
This is my first ginormous post, but it’s not mine.