839 Sofa Comments

  • Did anyone order some SimpleWarships NAVAL GUNS??? 8.4 years ago

    @TheBroadside @UnstableOrbit Heck, I'd back a Kickstarter if it came to that. But at the end of the day, life stuff takes precedence - It'll be done when it's done and I'm still looking forward to it when/if it does.

  • CF.43 - Hetic Republican Air Force 8.6 years ago

    @Viper28 Thanks for the heads-up. tbh the CF.43 design needs some serious revision in terms of aerodynamics. Furthermore, for something designed as a carrier-based fighter, I haven't once managed to successfully land it on a carrier (though I'd attribute that more to my poor piloting skills than the design). I've been playing with different wing designs, as well as a system for flaps and more effective air-brakes.

  • Suggestions Please 8.6 years ago

    War zone sounds cool, what sort of things were you planning on doing with it? I've gone on ad nauseam about an idea where you'd have two "factions" of NPC vehicles/ships/bases (ie: one shoots at you and the other doesn't, dunno if them shooting at each-other could be a thing) to emulate an ongoing battle, and the player can participate at their discretion, providing CAS for "friendlies", bombing enemy bases, etc. Maybe hostile air traffic spawns near enemy bases when you get too close? Iunno if all that that would be practical or doable within SP, though.

  • Happy Fathers Day!!! 8.6 years ago

    The Day of the Dad is upon us.

  • Inspired by SimplePlanes - A Thing I Want To Try Over Summer But Probably Will Not 8.6 years ago

    Now that the semester has ended, I'm going to try and get started.

    All the "beginner tutorials" for C# seem to assume I know my head from my bum when it comes to computer stuff, which I do not. This is gonna be tricky. But I want to at least make an attempt to learn it before I get started on art assets.

  • Shoutout 8.8 years ago

    I try my best /bows

  • BNR.29N SealverBullet 8.8 years ago

    @Yottabyte1024 Confounded Schneider Trophy aircraft and their foul wizardry!

  • Inspired by SimplePlanes - A Thing I Want To Try Over Summer But Probably Will Not 8.8 years ago

    @Delphirier @Static It's more the mechanics of the campaign I'm referring to, though I guess it just takes some getting used to. Moreover, though, is the aesthetics: I'm not a fan of the "kitbashy" look to it.

  • Inspired by SimplePlanes - A Thing I Want To Try Over Summer But Probably Will Not 8.8 years ago

    @Skua Good to hear. Hopefully, they have the patience for my nonsense.

  • Inspired by SimplePlanes - A Thing I Want To Try Over Summer But Probably Will Not 8.8 years ago

    @Skua Seems to be the case from what people say, yeah. I have a friend from Garry's Mod (one of the contributors to the ACF addon) who said he'd help show me the ropes, but I'd imagine he'd have to explain it to me as though I were a child.

  • Inspired by SimplePlanes - A Thing I Want To Try Over Summer But Probably Will Not 8.8 years ago

    @Skua Yeah, Unity was what I was looking at. Obviously I known't the faintest thing about how it works, but I figure this is my opportunity to try and learn.

    On an unrelated note, I keep misreading your name as "suka" (сука). :I

  • Can Anyone Help Me? 8.8 years ago

    @Procyon .xml files are the files that contain the codes for different vehicles. When you open them up, the different parts are represented by different lines of code (or groups thereof). By modifying that code, you can modify the parts in ways the editor won't allow. You can access them using a program called Notepad++, which is free, iirc.

  • Suggestion - Gamemodes 8.8 years ago

    @Halfstrike That'd be neat, yeah. Like I keep saying, though, I really wish this game was capable of supporting more than four vehicles in one instance. That would open up so many possibilities.

  • Suggestion - Gamemodes 8.8 years ago

    @NovaTopaz Possibly, yeah (hence the mention of SimpleWarships). Or torpedoes.

  • Suggestion - Gamemodes 8.8 years ago

    @jsaret prolly because I only posted it just now and people either haven't seen it or saw the textwall and went "eew" and left.

  • Suggestion - Gamemodes 8.8 years ago

    @Dosbrostacos Maybe mobile doesn't have the bomber escort mission? It's under the combat tab on the PC version.

  • Suggestion - Gamemodes 8.8 years ago

    @Dosbrostacos Are you on mobile or PC? cos iunno if mobile got the weapons update yet.

  • Suggestion - Gamemodes 8.8 years ago

    @Dosbrostacos But there already are bombers and there's already a bomber-escort mission.

  • What we want in simple planes 8.8 years ago

    Here's something I ought to stop prattling off about, since I know it won't happen, but fantasize about anyway: A variation of sandbox mode where there's more than four planes buzzing around at once, NPCs split into a hostile and friendly faction, stuff to bomb that the former will try and stop you from bombing, and more stuff that the latter and you have to keep the former from bombing. Obviously won't work for performance reasons, among others, but a man can dream.

  • Why Only 2 - 3 Vehicles at a Time? 8.8 years ago

    @NovaTopaz I wouldn't say a plane falling to pieces like it was held together with school glue is realistic either, but this isn't War Thunder - The game's realism seems focused on the flight model, not damage physics, and a plane disappearing in a big explosion after taking several hits seems like something that would make sense in the game's context.
    But, issues of realism aside, you said that unifying the physics of the parts into a single model would in fact be detrimental to game performance, so scratch that idea.
    Maybe, on any gamemode that would demand large numbers of aircraft (ie, more than four), a limit on parts per-vehicle is put into effect? Maybe players who are more confident in their platform's performance can raise this number in the game settings?

  • Can Anyone Help Me? 8.8 years ago

    You mean making the roundels themselves in the editor, or help coming up with a design?
    If it's the former - In the designer, you can use fuselage parts to make "decals" by editing the plane's .xml files. These can be found in C:\Users(you)\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\AircraftDesigns, and edited in NotePad++. In the code, you can find the properties of fuselage parts you've placed in the designer, and change their size with greater precision and fewer limitations than you can in the designer. It's tricky and time-consuming, but it works.
    If it's the latter - I don't fancy myself a graphic designer, but I can try and work wit ye on that.

  • Did anyone order some SimpleWarships NAVAL GUNS??? 8.8 years ago

    @UnstableOrbit I am very excited to see the result!
    I wish I could offer help to bring it to fruition, but I don't have anything to bring to the table. I don't know the first thing about coding, and you clearly have the modeling taken care of by now.

  • Why so many "no one likes my plane posts"? 8.8 years ago

    I guess it's because, admittedly, there's not a whole lot to do in the game - You can only do so many races or dogfights before it starts to get boring, so I guess showcasing your work becomes the draw. Or people are just fond of their work and seek validation from the community.

  • Did anyone order some SimpleWarships NAVAL GUNS??? 8.8 years ago

    "1000mm/1 meter(why would you even NEED guns this big on a battleship?)"
    Duh, to sink the other guys! I mean come on, was 46cm really the best we could do?
    Also sorry to necro but I'm still really excited for this project, assuming it's still a thing. Been hankering for some ship-building that's not From the Depths or some mobile game.

  • Your Lore 8.8 years ago

    The following has been applied in multiple places but I'm applying it here too cos I couldn't think of anything different but maybe I will eventually.

    So, the continent of Altirus. It kinda sucks. Some big empire went belly-up there five hundred or so years back, and everyone's sorta been fighting each-other since then. Only now it's starting to dawn on them that maybe feudalism isn't such a good idea anymore and also economic-military alliances are the hot new thing, so the west teams up to become a continental superpower. Meanwhile the eastern nations see this and are all "oh crap these guys are totes gonna invade us" so they also team up and they have a big war but not really because it's actually a whole bunch of smaller wars that sorta stop and start.

    Robania is a little backwoods nation that gets caught in the middle of it. They'd been just sorta content farming and logging and fishing up til that point but then they get invaded and then stop getting invaded, and some ambitious military brass is all "hey this military rule thing isn't half bad, we should conquer stuff" so they establish a sorta quasi military-dictatorship and start trying to conquer stuff. Also, they build airplanes.

    Iunno where the default islands in SP play into this setting. They prolly don't. Maybe it's part of some naval campaign but part of the canon is that Robania has a pretty crummy navy.

  • A6M ZERO 8.8 years ago

    I've seen a million attempts at the Zero, but this one takes the cake.

  • Why Only 2 - 3 Vehicles at a Time? 8.8 years ago

    @NovaTopaz They already shatter into pieces from a single bullet to the fuselage, though. Maybe part hitpoints is something they ought to implement.

  • Why Only 2 - 3 Vehicles at a Time? 8.8 years ago

    @NovaTopaz Would that be for the purpose of soft-body deformation, though? Or would it act like a single "hitbox" for the whole vehicle? Cos I was thinking more the latter, unless that's what you mean. (I'm not fluent on this stuff, you have to speak to me about it as you would a small child)

  • Why Only 2 - 3 Vehicles at a Time? 8.8 years ago

    @NovaTopaz So yeah, like I thought - performance issues thanks to physics calculations. Which begs the question - are all those individual physics calculations necessary? Is there a way to unify the physics of all the parts into the vehicle as a whole? Might that be something the devs can do to help the game's performance? That's what I ultimately want to know.

  • Why Only 2 - 3 Vehicles at a Time? 8.8 years ago

    @bjac0 Well yeah, as I said in the op, I figure it's tied to performance. I just wanted to know what, exactly.

  • What Happened to the SimpleWarships Mod? 8.8 years ago

    I just assumed the folks working on it had more important stuff to do. I mean, we can't demand results, seeing as they're few in number (might just be Unstable, iunno) and not getting paid. Though I do got me a hankerin' fer sum naval action; From the Depths is a bit too finicky and WarshipCraft is stuck on mobile.

  • Did anyone order some SimpleWarships NAVAL GUNS??? 9.0 years ago

    /vibrates intensely

  • WIP: Kauai Custom Map 9.0 years ago

    Looking very nice so far. Whereabouts will we be able to download it after completion?

  • Online multiplayer battles and races to SP! 9.0 years ago

    I think the devs were saying that SP's level of physics simulation would be tricky in a multiplayer environment. I'm definitely looking forward to the mod being workd on by @HellFireKoder and @UnstableOrbit however.

  • Designing tips? 9.0 years ago

    My process is as follows:
    -"Sketch" out a functional design. What sort of role will this aircraft fill? Place some fuselage pieces and wings to start off, focused on accommodating that role. A fighter would probably be designed for speed and maneuverability, whereas a bomber would likely have to be big and powered by multiple engines.
    -Tweak aspects of the design (fuselage length and shape, positioning of wings and control surfaces, etc) and test them in sandbox. Experiment to see what kind of configuration feels the most suitable.
    -Put in detaily bits and tweak the appearance, so long as it works the way you want it to. Working from some kind of reference (even if you're not making a replica) often helps. Fiddling with numbers in the .xml files may be necessary to get things the exact shape and size you want.

  • Anyone play warthunder? 9.1 years ago

    @icecoldlava https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pMqSsk2IRN8

  • Question - Bots' Impact on Performance 9.1 years ago

    @FullFruntall Think it's because of the polygon count from all the objects, or all the physics calculations going on?

  • BP.1A (Army Type) flying boat / heavy bomber 9.1 years ago

    @GINGER007 It really could, yeah, but I can't make proper replicas because you can't get dimensions in the designer.

  • Anyone play warthunder? 9.1 years ago

    Yes and I'm awful at it.

  • BP.1A (Army Type) flying boat / heavy bomber 9.1 years ago

    @DeezDucks ty m8

  • Question - Bots' Impact on Performance 9.1 years ago

    @AeroEngineering I say forty because the idea I had involved two teams of bot planes and ground units (one friendly and one hostile) duking it out across the sandbox. Then again, iunno if either team would really need twenty planes just to make it work.

  • Question - Bots' Impact on Performance 9.1 years ago

    @AeroEngineering Then again, it could be that the bot planes as of now are thrifty with parts. Two or three might not be a problem, but having, say, forty buzzing around at once could be an entirely different story.

  • Dummy Targets in Sandbox Mode 9.1 years ago

    @Nickasaurus I took a moment to monitor the CPU and memory usage throughout a solo flight versus a bout in WWII dogfight mode (2 bots at once) and a game of Bomber Escort (1 - 3 bots at once). I didn't notice any changes between them. FPS, meanwhile, stays locked at 60 no matter what. So maybe I'm not correctly monitoring it, or this is just a problem on mobile devices and exceptionally low-end systems. Whatever case, darned if I ain't curious. I think this warrants further discussion, although not on this thread.

  • Dummy Targets in Sandbox Mode 9.1 years ago

    @Nickasaurus I'm looking at dogfights and races now, and that's not giving me any idea whatsoever. Are you saying that PC and Mac players are getting major performance hits just by having two or more planes out at once?

  • Dummy Targets in Sandbox Mode 9.1 years ago

    @Nickasaurus I don't see how that would be very performance-intensive unless you had hundreds of them buzzing around at once.

  • Chrome 9.1 years ago

    In the paintjob tool, there's a "Style" button at the bottom of the color swatch. Chrome is labeled as "Gloss".

  • How to aim bombs 9.1 years ago

    When in doubt, dive-bomb.

  • Suggestion - Vehicle variants 9.1 years ago

    Entirely unrelated to the above, but how does one do formatting on this forum? Is there an actual means of making line spacing between paragraphs, or do I just have to keep cheating with periods?

  • Dummy Targets in Sandbox Mode 9.1 years ago

    What would be neat is a sort of "living sandbox", where you have two AI factions (one friendly, one less so) duking it out over the map. Instead of just having targets to shoot at, you have enemy fighters to scrap with, bombers to intercept before they reach their targets, commerce ships to sink, bases to level, and your own counterparts to work alongside and/or defend. I think there could be something similar for the less combat-inclined, but I dunno how that'd work.

  • I have a SUGGESTION FOR US!!!!! 9.1 years ago

    Does this mean I have to stop calling my friends "G O B L I N"?