10.2k Sparky6004 Comments

  • SPVR Update - Labels 3.6 years ago

    @Aviation02 make custom gear bruh
    It’d be useless to add another stock gear

  • Now that we are getting gauges and sliced what would be the best NEXT big update you would like? 3.6 years ago

    Tank tracks
    a new more vehicle friendly island (I mean with actual roads, not like a stunt track...)
    Optimization is n e e d e d

  • Pro.1155 Destroyer 4.1 years ago

    Jesus! This is absolutely amazing! But the part count is... the downfall on it.

  • Jundroo team plz add rain (stormy, overcast, and broken clouds and light-heavy fog) and thunder/lightning 4.5 years ago

    I would love this idea! Rain and Storms would be awesome. If not, just add waves! If other games can do that, then SP can. The thing they need to do first is optimise the game. It’s really badly needed rn

  • The MP Legacy is over. 4.5 years ago

    @BagelPlane It’s been fun. Unless someone creates a working Anti-troll, that prevents everything, then it might be my last flight.

  • IJN Zui'yo 4.7 years ago

    This loss is almost as big as Rick May, but to the Simp(le) Planes community.

  • Junkers ju-87 Stuka 5.0 years ago

    This is cancer in a nutshell

  • LYNX HAS.3 Sea Skua ASM (CT) 2.6 years ago

    Criminally underrated
    This build is great

  • Alisa 2.8 years ago

    Mods may need to close the comments soon xd

    Hoping nothing bad happens…

  • Apache Showcase 2.8 years ago

    People who work with or around helicopters loosing their minds about the slow rotors:

  • Mach cone of shame. 2.8 years ago

    No, not at all lol

  • Custom Vapor Trails 2.9 years ago

    This has been a thing since FunkyTrees was invented…

  • Will there be an SP2? Part 2 3.0 years ago

    What actually happened to comments
    This is actual brainless mode for the most of you guys
    Now, my turn.
    I agree with you, a new game would be a good idea but at the same time, the game is already in itself hard to run on a majority of the devices the players of this game have. Pointing to android “cMoN cLeArLy MoDs cAn bE oN aNdRoId sO gIvE iT”
    That would also waste thousand of hours people put into certain builds, and people still building. So I would genuinely hope that they add a system to move all builds on the current website to the second game, or have an ability to download on SP1 or SP2.

  • SP Extra FINALLY fixed!!! 3.0 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke get over here
    . . . 😐
    🗡 👕🔪
    . . . | |

  • Gigant Class Super Container Ship 3.1 years ago

    This would sink. Either capsize or literally unable to float
    It’s too low to the surface of the water, even for a canal or river boat
    The width of the ship is also the real fate. This ship if in too much rolling waters would capsize immediately, unless all the containers happened to fall overboard. Even then, an imbalance of said containers might cause issues.
    I get it, it’s looks good but doesn’t mean it’s invincible

  • Golden Bing Dwen Dwen 3.1 years ago

    @YFengHorizion ice cream in Chinese, said as “Bing Chilling”

  • Minecraft Parrot 3.5 years ago

    The parrot can’t dance. 0/10 waste of my time

  • Guys, Stop Making "Going Away" Forum Posts. 3.5 years ago

    It’s rude to do that at this point.
    It’s like announcing in someone’s chat when they’re streaming like “Hey, you don’t know me at all so I’m gonna announce I’m leaving for no reason.”
    ”Ok cool, and?”

  • Darn it Andrew 3.5 years ago

    Welcome back

  • How to squad 3.6 years ago

    Is there a way to make it so there’s what you call a “squad” (duo) of vehicles? Such as can drive together 1 behind the other from bandit to Yeager?
    Winches don’t work, they just drift off the path and crash, or the wire breaks.

  • Hey devs… could you maybe… ya know… give the engine a new noise while you’re at it? 3.6 years ago

    I fourth this absolutely.
    I know, this sounds like a stupid idea, but how about just a custom sound generator...?
    No, not a noteblock, custom file
    I’m tired of having to use magnets as horns, magnets and vtol engines as steam locomotive sounds, winch as a stall horn, etc etc. it’s annoying. I agree, now engine sounds would be cool, but how about just a new FT function to mute the engine to combine with a custom uploadable sound block?

    no, not a mod for Christ sake

  • What is the most active American multiplayer server? 3.7 years ago was removed because the servers were shut down
    . is the main as of right now
    . is offline because SOMEONE basically abandoned it, while it was offline.
    . one is basically dead


  • Pro.1164 Missile Cruiser 3.8 years ago

    Tbf, I like it, but way too many parts

  • Mike Wazowski face swap 3.9 years ago

    @WarHistory11 no? Make it yourself, it’ll give you experience

  • the little things that are almost possible 4.2 years ago

    I don’t think the devs care about community suggestions anymore.
    Too inactive now.

  • Asteroid is being mean 4.2 years ago

    Asteroid is correct.
    When your passengers aren’t vomiting into a bucket from the constant pitching then we’ll see

  • Waves would be nice. 4.4 years ago

    @KnightOfRen I don’t like your spam. Please, It’s not funny. Just annoying.

  • Russian submarine WORKING DIVE 4.7 years ago

    The submarine decides to fly and never stop going up slowly. It’s a great sub, but it acts odd...

  • Ford 8n tractor one month ago

    The fact that my family owns 2 of these made me shocked to find this.

    Neither run. They keep doing a Ford, they break down constantly.
    That’s why Farmalls or International harvesters are wayyyy better ⭐️
    We have several Farmalls. Check out 1920-1940 series Farmalls, they’re amazing ❤️

  • Should simple planes add this? 1.9 years ago

    Literally described modding…

  • Mimi-Sentry 1.9 years ago


  • Cringe 2.2 years ago

    le cring
    simp club

  • Celestial Time 2.2 years ago

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE that’s the date the skybox was permanently set to

  • forum post 2.3 years ago


  • Morko-Morane(25parts) 2.4 years ago

    Welcome back!

  • Smart Bomb 2.5 years ago

    🤓 bomb

  • Something is coming 2.6 years ago

    Where is SimplePlanes?????????????

  • Focke-Wulf Fw190 2.6 years ago

    downvote 👎

  • BGM-71 TOW 2.7 years ago

    I wish this had a TOW-2B variant

  • New Moderators 2.7 years ago

    ayy, Silver actually got it. Nice
    now, for both them to completely disappear after 2 months

  • AH-64D Apache 2.7 years ago

    No emergency M4 in the cockpit. Disappointed (< joke)
    Edit: flies terribly. Super slow to react to input, very little rate on collective, yaw input is slow. It just doesn’t feel like an Apache, which has some more powerful response to input.
    Plus the cockpit, so many unnecessary details for zero functionality.
    This is honest a waste of parts and detail, both in flight functionality and interactivity.
    I realize this comes off very rudely, and I’m sorry if it offends.

  • Now accepting moderator applications 2.8 years ago

    I'm too busy at random times but cool

  • Orca III Cockpit Functionality test 2.9 years ago

    day 4 of no mp

  • Sukhoi Su30 2.9 years ago

    R-73 is a heater not an ATGM lol

  • 24 hours worth of points... 2.9 years ago

    We gotchu fam
    Simply the best Simple community.
    Big congrats

  • Waking up in the morning be like 2.9 years ago

    I’ll help out with that!

  • DC-3 Early release 3.0 years ago

    what’s that?
    I never met those of my own

  • SP Extra FINALLY fixed!!! 3.0 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke proof… NOW!

  • SP Extra FINALLY fixed!!! 3.0 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke proof or didn’t happen
