10.2k Sparky6004 Comments

  • Simpleplanes Users 3.9 years ago

    The users that post 17,000 teasers but never post the build:


    I think they’re tired of seeing that

  • SimplePlanes VR discussion 3.6 years ago

    I honestly agree with these suggestions, but I wanted to suggest one thing that I decided to retract because I think it wouldn’t benefit optimization or the playerbase.
    I wanted to suggest a new sort of island meant to be more vehicle friendly, kind of like krakabloa but less rock climber-esque
    More of a friendly island for, oh let’s say an eighteen-wheeler or a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Having actual roads, calm hills, less of a insane track like skypark and more friendly to chill, long drives from airport to beach.
    You can see why I retracted my statement, that seems like a challenge to even the mobile player-
    the Android mod requesters... femurbreaker.mp4
    I’m a mobile main, I do use PC sometimes but it doesn’t run very well, so my guess if they even attempted to try and create it, most definitely wouldn’t be mobile friendly. Plus there are some great modded maps that are pretty similar, but not to the desired extent you’d want, which is where I placed my statement.
    I’m in contact with a few modders, some still new, most of them are either making mods that can melt an old graphics card or are really pitiful. So the chances of them making a mod map worth it is little to none. They don’t even take requests anymore

  • Jundroo pls 3.7 years ago

    SP missiles are absolutely stupid
    Because as soon as it looses fuel is goes absolutely braindead and spins out, when it reality, as long as the missile has speed and energy, it will continue to glide to the target.
    When targeting, if the missile misses the target, it turns back around if it has the fuel no matter the angle.

  • Can we have a simpleplanes lore? 3.4 years ago


  • F-5E Tiger II [READ DESC] 3.4 years ago

    Ruined the plane over.
    The cockpit is the most amazing ones but very low functionality with certain buttons (I read the description)
    The flight model is pretty wack, the trim and VTOL tabs are useless and the AG’s are wrong. I expected the lights to kick on when pressing AG7 but it jettisoned something which made the nose gear do the stanky leg.
    Oh and the fuel load is wrong

  • Is mikoyanster ok? 4.1 years ago

    Irl issues most likely

  • Update v1.11 - Inside Job 3.4 years ago


  • Remake of Krakoboa? 3.4 years ago

    I’m tired of making my stuff literal rock crawlers just to drive across an island

  • My Thoughts About SimplePlanes 2 2.1 years ago

    I’d love build cross-compatibility
    dunno how that may work but my thought is like the system some people found, that could download SP builds on SR2.
    Download SP builds on SP2. That would be my biggest wish.

  • How I got arrested 3.1 years ago

    Ok listen
    This isn’t meant to be reddit, please if you’re making forums like the mods say “keep them on topic.”
    This can be turned into a DOX if you aren’t careful, no one wants that blood on this place. Keep IRL stuff to a minimum. No one comes here to see “I got drunk!”, “I bought a Ford!”, “I did so and so!”
    I definitely won’t be the only person saying this, I’ll probably be the only one commenting about it but not the only thinker

  • calling bs on that one chief 3.5 years ago

    Acts kinda like the AIM-54A alright. Some issues with tracking after long distances

  • I FOUND IT! HOW TO CARPET BOMB IN SP!!! 3.6 years ago

    ... why is everyone recommending stuff we’ve known for ages lmao
    It’s ok, y’all are still learning

  • Simpleplanes Users 3.9 years ago

    @Tookan I never said I was Targeting. Or mentioned X4JB. But I guess he works too.

  • Sincerely Announcement of a friend passed away, Rest in Peace @AtlasSP aka Ben Eriss 10 months ago

    Rest easy Ben, rest easy… 🥺
    I know it’s a bit personal, and is not really my place to ask.
    What disease was he diagnosed with…? Whatever it may be, I’m sorry to hear and may he rest easy.
    I may have not known him or been around him, I hope the family and everyone around him the best wishes during this time of grievance.
    Rest easy, Ben. Thank you for everything. ❤️‍🩹

  • How to mobile multiplayer 3.0 years ago

    So incredibly on point. I cried, no one says it better.

  • simple plane game 3.1 years ago

    The earrape was a bit too much. It was good before it was ruined.

  • F-15EX 3.2 years ago

    This is straight up offsetting ngl
    The afterburn thrust is cringe
    The turnrate is absurd
    It’s just too OP overall
    The shape is down pretty ok but it’s still possible to improve on.
    I’d say just take this as a win (as you have already) and try to learn from the mistakes. Learn about FunkyTrees and XML or ask someone who’s experienced.

    This is a form of opinion, one person isn’t always correct. Just take it it’s you would a normal comment

  • Napoleon Bonaparte 3.7 years ago

    “Women’s Rights? Throw them in the trash-“
    don’t hurt me it’s just a quote

  • Raising the BAR (Teaser #2) 3.9 years ago

    Story time.
    So, 3 Germans walk into a Bar.
    That’s it.

  • Verifpro Sucks 2.1 years ago

    Honestly not funny
    This is a serious matter my dude…

  • IA Raycaster First Map Demo 2.5 years ago

    @Reworkable @MrTrolling09 BRUH WAIT FOR THE FINISHED PRODUCT
    it’ll be much MUCH more worth the time

  • Focke-Wulf Fw190 2.5 years ago

    @realSavageMan The reason why is because of how little attention was put into this thing. I like it, I do but the effort to smooth things out, is slim, and needs to have better research into the added “details.”

    I have to put my opinion on this one, I usually stay out of it but this time I have to mention it.
    The engine exhaust. The FW-190 on almost all series (FW-190C doesn’t) has no sort of flap mechanism behind the 3 exhaust ports on each side. It’s just a panel they paint so the heat doesn’t destroy the metal frame behind it. it’s just smooth other than the maintenance aspect.

    That’s not all that is wrong with this build. I won’t be listing them off but that would take a while, and will leave them up to you to discover.
    It’s just not taken care for. That’s why I don’t like it. Great plane, great try but it just didn’t meet the expectations you usually have set.

  • Antonov An-124 2.8 years ago

    Sad how Antonov Airlines’ second AN-124 that was being repaired and renovated was also a victim, with Myria
    Atleast their first one is still flying. Saw her a bunch of times on radar

  • CHINESE NAVY KJ-600 AWACS 3.0 years ago

    They copy pasted the E-2
    they literally attempt to copy paste everything because they can’t come up with their own ideas most of the time @R3N13L

  • SimplePlanes has a fatal flaw... 3.3 years ago

    It should have a different title, it’s really misleading tbh.
    Gl with the channel tho, and life.

  • Petition: Shocks 3.4 years ago

    @rexzion how about instead of just being personally nuclear-blasted after 1 single part explodes, you just actually take damage normally?

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning 3.6 years ago

    Wheels that can cut steel
    This build could be much better... it seems very rushed, and is very blocky in places.

  • Why Does Rafale Even Exist? 3.7 years ago

    Not everything needs to be stealth.

  • SimplePlanes MultiPlayer Servers 3.8 years ago

    @Chaka I’m having issues.
    No joy on entry, failure to connect. Same with

    I’m in US east, and I can only connect to the german server

  • Tank Burning Flame Effects 4.1 years ago

    This is called “cook off” which is when the ammo storage and fuel compartment ignite and basically make the inside a volcano. This flame effect is the fire shooting out of the hatches, usually blowing them off when they’re shut due to very high pressure. This indicates that it’s probably going to explode, and is a very graphic end for the crew (no chance of survival)
    This all happens in less than a minute
    The explosion is from the ammo storage being heated up to the point where the munitions detonate, usually around 5 to 15 seconds after cook off begins

  • Teaser - Heavy Arctic Rover 4.6 years ago

    discord noises intensify

  • Marriage 2.8 years ago

    So uh
    I didn’t come on SP.com to learn someone that I don’t even knows I don’t even know is getting married.
    I came for plen ✈️ and cor 🚗 and bōoot 🛥 and occasional tamk
    You see where I’m coming from? I get it’s off topic but it’s a bit too far off topic to really sit back and say “hm, should I ignore or tell them?”
    But still wishing them well

  • I'm Back. 2.9 years ago


  • This is a petition for mod support for mobile 3.0 years ago

    Not gonna happen
    Good luck trying, you’d be better off dreaming or getting a PC.


    wait but mods aren’t devs
    1head lookin *&#

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.5 years ago

    L E T S F # $ @ ) + I N G G O O O O O O O O

  • Ground vehicle damage model 3.6 years ago

    This is the best detailed description I’ve seen in a while for anything this complex and gold.
    The editing is really well done as well. Very nice and relaxing to watch.

  • Bug from years ago still exists. Solutions? (I have updated the game) 4.0 years ago

    I would unfortunately have to say you may need to reinstall the game. It seems like a download issue. I’ve never stumbled across this bug before but that’s all I can suggest. I hope it’s fixed soon for you.
    Edit: nevermind I just saw that you said you did. Hopefully they’ll fix it.

  • One of the 24/7 servers will end in February 28th 4.0 years ago

    Hasn’t went down.
    It’s still up, explain please

  • M1A2 abrams 4.3 years ago

    That is not an Abrams Turret... that’s a Patton turret...

  • DD-1100 2A - Zerstorer (Deutschland) : Stealth Challenge 4.4 years ago

    I would spotlight this, but I don’t have enough points. Great build though!

  • WolfHunter9111 Existance 2.1 years ago

    hopefully never tbh

  • I’m Quitting SimplePlanes. 2.6 years ago

    Sorry, your troll wasn’t good enough.
    It’s like saying you’re working for Microsoft in the Telemarketing department with a heavy Indian accent.

  • YOOOOOOOO 2.8 years ago

    I had to stop upvoting your stuff because literally the upvote cooldown is getting annoying and my arm is tired
    Page 7 out of 11

  • Cold War Gone Hot (Teaser) 3.1 years ago


  • Slightly more accurate emulation of wasp-like flight behavior during hover 3.3 years ago

    I want this to die immediately. (Not your creation or video)
    Wasps and hornets are the scum of the flying bugs.
    They attack poor bees without reason or provocation and ruin people’s days/lives
    Bees are amazing. You can literally tame a bee if you know what you’re doing

  • Multiplayer Mod Patch 0.13 - No Longer Just a Chat Room in SP v1.11 3.4 years ago

    Troll shield is incompatible, well crap.

  • XF-84H “Thunderscreech” (Semi-Realistic Sound!) 3.5 years ago

    Good to see someone other than me likes making things sound better!
