That's stupid that he got in trouble for it honestly I think if someone were to partner with the community and make and sell Simpleplanes builds as 3dcast models that would be awesome.
@MOPCKOEDNISHE when you finish the tracks mod can you adjust the attachment points on this one? It needs only one on top, bottom, left and right sides centered instead of two, and one on the very front centered. and they need to be as close to the model as possible.
@KingHandspider he has a potato computer and always lags the server. He loves to yell at others because he keeps overclocking his gpu. That's why i keep locking on to him with missiles to get him to leave.
@Squirrel Hey give the kid a break. He apologized to me. He was kinda in the right. Besides he's going through a rough time. It was my fault after all.
@Rawhide since i can't get Weaponsmith's permission and i totally respect him as a player, i will not post a link to the download in an unlisted craft and i will not tag you in said craft tomorrow. This will totally not happen around 3:00pm PST
First of all @xGeneralFischx get your facts straight. Anti rp members are not bullying rp members. And don't you dare go comparing rp members to commie nazis. Yes we have a few idiots and when they do srupid things it's US who shun them.
@Sgtk @CRJ900Pilot I'll say it that the zero had very little effort in it. This is why the community is dying. People put all there effort into a build but unless they're platinum or bronze they get nothing. Look at the second place spot. Way more effort and a much harder design, but, he's gold. 3rd place. He didn't just throw circles on a plane. He put much more on it and even some new parts. But, GOLD.
@Strikefighter04 can you upload a version without the tarmac and orient it straight please? I want to do Lee Archer's bird but that will take a major overhall and I need to be able to nudge on the right vectors.
Would be a shame if a fan landed on it
+1What mods do you have installed?
+1You need to look up from time to time.
+1@DPSAircraftManufacturer agree
+1I'd hope you at least made it a highwing
+1@BACconcordepilot no because we also need a flaps and slats input. That's why we need 4
+1That's stupid that he got in trouble for it honestly I think if someone were to partner with the community and make and sell Simpleplanes builds as 3dcast models that would be awesome.
+1@JohnnyBoythePilot np even though i believe this to be a hoax. Fun fact: the "witnesses" never served at all.
+1@TheFantasticTyphoon absolutely
+1Who the feg makes a 1/1 scale rc plane? Outside of realflight?
+1Next time i have a pet fish that dies I'm putting it in an estes rocket and sending it off the proper way.
+1What the cinnamon toast fu...
+1We hate you too. Toodaloo and much love!
+1Just get out. Leave.
+1@MOPCKOEDNISHE when you finish the tracks mod can you adjust the attachment points on this one? It needs only one on top, bottom, left and right sides centered instead of two, and one on the very front centered. and they need to be as close to the model as possible.
+1@Minecraftpoweer no. See he was spreading bs, i called him on it. He then turned his sights on @KingHandspider for no reason.
+1@KingHandspider he has a potato computer and always lags the server. He loves to yell at others because he keeps overclocking his gpu. That's why i keep locking on to him with missiles to get him to leave.
+1upload them all
+1@jamesPLANESii his name has H*nda in it. That's a strictly forbidden word here. (Mods please show mercy)
+1Aviastar or The-Blueprints
+1how do I turn?
+1@Freerider2142 yeah some crap started going down outside my house and i had to go deal with it and then i had to do housework
+1Can you put a spawn box over skypark navy fleet and by DerekSp and uss beast and then put the whole project in a zipfile for me? Pleeeaaazzz
+1@exosuit oh and it was weaponsmith who made the boat mod.
+1MFW When I still have DarthAbinav's mod, and now I have this mod, so now the whole US Navy is in my map.
+1@Gestour it said i don't have android build support
+1@Squirrel Hey give the kid a break. He apologized to me. He was kinda in the right. Besides he's going through a rough time. It was my fault after all.
+1@Phoza that's dated info. Those were all removed as of 1.7.5. @AndrewGarrison @PhilipTarpley corect me if I'm wrong please
+1@Rawhide since i can't get Weaponsmith's permission and i totally respect him as a player, i will not post a link to the download in an unlisted craft and i will not tag you in said craft tomorrow. This will totally not happen around 3:00pm PST
+1@Gestour done and done. This mod is gonna be Simple but awesome.
+1@Gestour can i install that and pickup where i left off?
+1First of all @xGeneralFischx get your facts straight. Anti rp members are not bullying rp members. And don't you dare go comparing rp members to commie nazis. Yes we have a few idiots and when they do srupid things it's US who shun them.
+1Just buy the game again.
+1@Sgtk @CRJ900Pilot I'll say it that the zero had very little effort in it. This is why the community is dying. People put all there effort into a build but unless they're platinum or bronze they get nothing. Look at the second place spot. Way more effort and a much harder design, but, he's gold. 3rd place. He didn't just throw circles on a plane. He put much more on it and even some new parts. But, GOLD.
+1@ChiyomiAnzai idk i don't really use mobile.
+1I tried but noone entered.
+1@Strikefighter04 can you upload a version without the tarmac and orient it straight please? I want to do Lee Archer's bird but that will take a major overhall and I need to be able to nudge on the right vectors.
+1@Gestour yeah that'd be a hell of an oversight.
+1Mfw there's cheaper ways to destroy an airplane
+1Uh, it's illegal to USE the dark web.
+1That means nothing in some cases
+1He did in fact say that they won't support legacy androids. Funny because if i were to make a cut it'd be ios.
+1@jamesPLANESii @AdlerSteiner actually I'm going to add smoothers in the whole way down but i have to finalize the tail first.
+1Wow! Nice detail. The RV8 is a tough one.
+1Simpleplanes got pulled from Amazon a year ago.
+1Flies alot better with a heli rotor