@Supercraft888 Yes. US Air Force. I don't get to fly. I work on the ground with cargo mostly. But I do get a front row seat to all that goes on on a military flightline. Lots of awesome planes coming and going.
@Gestour ammoCount you mean? That's what I thought too, but it never seems to actually work. Whatever value I set that to for testing, the gun just keeps firing long after it should have stopped.
I saw F-15s up close the other day. 7 of them left the base I work at. Took off one after another. Such powerful engines. You can feel it in your bones when they fly by on takeoff throttle.
I ran into a similar issue when building my Peacekeeper. Eventually I found a way to make a nice circle with four sections of 5 fuselage blocks in an arc. No modding done at at. Check it out for inspiration.
Loved the detail work. Especially the radio antenna. Not a lot of people add that.
Though, as someone who knows the Lightning inside and out, I did notice a few minor inaccuracies in the realism of this design.
You got a great 9/10 overall.
I've been working really hard on something lately.
I hope they don't introduce a new part that will make all my work pointless.
Actually, I hope they do.
Little advice about making replicas. Download many reference images. Technical drawings and blueprints are especially useful. Study the small details, and understand what each part of the plane does, and how it works. Pay careful attention to dimensions like wingspan and length as well.
Here's something I just built.
It's pretty simple, but very effective.
I built it more with a human operator in mind though, so no idea how the AI will handle it.
@oDDDynamics It takes 3 to get them to stop shooting. They're still dangerous, even when slowly sinking unless a third missile is used. Bind 3 pylons to a single AG, And you can unload all the required missiles with a single button press.
@Makcoink Bombing is ineffective. It's hard to properly hit such small moving targets, and they will become aggressive after noticing their partners have been hit. However, using remote kamikaze drones is a very effective strategy.
There is a point roughly 2.5 miles off the bows of the destroyers where their guns can't reach you, and their missile can't target you. Stay in that spot with a VTOL ground-attack plane, and they will be sitting ducks. Totally helpless.
I'm working on an update of my own as well, coincidentally. I'm going for maximum realism this time around. I've studied dozens of documents, and hundreds of technical drawings, so I know the plane inside and out, down to the last rivet. If you go over my most upvoted Lightning, you'll actually notice quite a few inaccuracies. Even if I'm the only one to notice, they've been bugging me for a while.
@Mathieson No problem. I did it out my love for this plane. Yours is great. Very underrated despite its flaws. I'd love to see an updated version some day.
@MediciAviation243 DC-3? That's a weird plane to be reminded of seeing this one. This plane was mostly influenced by a De-Havilland Beaver if it had low wings instead of high wings. If you want to see a DC-3, my replica Conroy Tri Turbo Three is a better example. That plane was converted from a DC-3 after all.
@MediciAviation243 You picked up points in functionality and performance. A crappy looking plane that does its job well, and has good handling can still get a good average. It's why a lot of the really ugly planes in category six have 5/10 scores.
A pilot once told me "you could be landing on steel or eggshells, but if you're a good enough pilot, it won't matter which."
@AwesomeDesign717 lol
There would still be that one guy who would seek out immortality just to do it.
Simply incredible.
This is ART.
@Supercraft888 Yes. US Air Force. I don't get to fly. I work on the ground with cargo mostly. But I do get a front row seat to all that goes on on a military flightline. Lots of awesome planes coming and going.
@Gestour Hmm... I was hoping to avoid resorting to that method. All well. I hope no one actually waits 24 hours for the gun to reload.
+1@Gestour ammoCount you mean? That's what I thought too, but it never seems to actually work. Whatever value I set that to for testing, the gun just keeps firing long after it should have stopped.
+1I saw F-15s up close the other day. 7 of them left the base I work at. Took off one after another. Such powerful engines. You can feel it in your bones when they fly by on takeoff throttle.
I ran into a similar issue when building my Peacekeeper. Eventually I found a way to make a nice circle with four sections of 5 fuselage blocks in an arc. No modding done at at. Check it out for inspiration.
@frostbite Nevermind, I found it. It's on the list already.
I assume this is a P-38?
Loved the detail work. Especially the radio antenna. Not a lot of people add that.
Though, as someone who knows the Lightning inside and out, I did notice a few minor inaccuracies in the realism of this design.
You got a great 9/10 overall.
@frostbite Link it to me.
Not bad for a first post. I sense great potential.
@DisferGoatz His Lightning is even the same as yours. What a remarkable coincidence. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I've been working really hard on something lately.
I hope they don't introduce a new part that will make all my work pointless.
Actually, I hope they do.
What a coincidence.
I happen to be working on something extra special right now.
Maybe I'll enter it if I finish it in time.
Theoretically infinite.
I got bored at around 100,000ft, and let it hit the water.
A little small, but the shape is very good.
@esms1999 Very nice. That's about what I was shooting for overall.
@Bryan7885 Thanks.
I'd like for wings to have more realistic-looking cross-sections.
@Treadmill103 Thanks. I was paying more attention to mass distribution than appearances, so the design is mostly accidental.
Little advice about making replicas. Download many reference images. Technical drawings and blueprints are especially useful. Study the small details, and understand what each part of the plane does, and how it works. Pay careful attention to dimensions like wingspan and length as well.
Here's something I just built.
It's pretty simple, but very effective.
I built it more with a human operator in mind though, so no idea how the AI will handle it.
@oDDDynamics It takes 3 to get them to stop shooting. They're still dangerous, even when slowly sinking unless a third missile is used. Bind 3 pylons to a single AG, And you can unload all the required missiles with a single button press.
@Makcoink Bombing is ineffective. It's hard to properly hit such small moving targets, and they will become aggressive after noticing their partners have been hit. However, using remote kamikaze drones is a very effective strategy.
@esms1999 I'll build something when I have a chance.
It's nice to look at and all, but 1025 parts is a little rough on my framerate.
Great work, regardless.
There is a point roughly 2.5 miles off the bows of the destroyers where their guns can't reach you, and their missile can't target you. Stay in that spot with a VTOL ground-attack plane, and they will be sitting ducks. Totally helpless.
@Mathieson Neato. Can't wait to see it.
I'm working on an update of my own as well, coincidentally. I'm going for maximum realism this time around. I've studied dozens of documents, and hundreds of technical drawings, so I know the plane inside and out, down to the last rivet. If you go over my most upvoted Lightning, you'll actually notice quite a few inaccuracies. Even if I'm the only one to notice, they've been bugging me for a while.
I would also like something like this. Trying to work in angular shapes is a nightmare when you're only able to pinch two sides of a block.
@Mathieson No problem. I did it out my love for this plane. Yours is great. Very underrated despite its flaws. I'd love to see an updated version some day.
Using the old props, you could break 1000 easily.
Famous example
@Stellarcrazyargonaut Well considering most modern fighter jets are armed with 20mm cannons, .50 cal is kinda small in comparison.
@MediciAviation243 DC-3? That's a weird plane to be reminded of seeing this one. This plane was mostly influenced by a De-Havilland Beaver if it had low wings instead of high wings. If you want to see a DC-3, my replica Conroy Tri Turbo Three is a better example. That plane was converted from a DC-3 after all.
@oDDDynamics Thanks for noticing my racer. Only won 2 matches, sadly.
@BogdanX I greatly look forward to seeing that! It will be a 10/10, no doubt.
@MediciAviation243 You picked up points in functionality and performance. A crappy looking plane that does its job well, and has good handling can still get a good average. It's why a lot of the really ugly planes in category six have 5/10 scores.
@HakkeAirTech I've never encountered this issue. I test on PC, highest physics setting.
@BogdanX @Smasher Thank you.
@Treadmill103 Thanks.
@Bryan7885 Glad you like this one too. Thank you.
@Bryan7885 Thanks again!
@Bryan7885 Glad you like it. Thanks.
@corsair013 Thanks.
@Peridot Thanks.
Some kind of giant bird.
Like the Great Eagles from LotR.
Very good work. My only major problem with it is the inaccuracy of the shape. All else is nearly perfect. This plane deserves more recognition.
@MediciAviation243 Will do. Looks better than most.
Great start, but there's a lot to fix here.
Yeh. I use them pretty often. I go into the XML and change the control input to VTOL to make them extra flap-like.