Really? First, give credit to the original creator in the description. Second, if your going to modify a creation, don't just paste engines and recolur it. Put some effort.
So here are the steps that I do, many other people do it differently and there is no right or wrong way to build a jet.
1:start with nose cone- I usually use a fuselage blocks that go down to 0 height and width at the end to make the tip, I find fuselage comes are too round
Get a orthographic diagram of the plane, Upload an unlisted, take the orthographic photos of the plane that the site makes, then use any photo editor app to layer the orthographic images of the plane onto the blue print, resizing as nessessary
Thanks for the upvotes!
+1Sorry bud :/
Very nice detailing man, very nice
+1that's good to know, any progress is great 👍
+1Oh yes, I've already started on it mate
+1How so? It's the Mage I engine
Thank you for the support!
+1Thank you so much for the upvote! How goes the progress on SimpleRockets 2? Blasting away?
Thanks for the upvotes guys!
Thanks for the upvotes!
Thanks for the upvotes!
Thanks for the upvotes my dudes!
Thanks for the upvotes my dudes!
Thanks for the upvotes, Appreciate it!
Thanks for the upvotes guys!
thanks for the upvotes!
thanks for the upvotes guys!
Thanks for the upvotes my dudes!
Thanks for the Spotlight man! Really appreciate it!
+1It's one of the best corners of the internet
+1You are indeed FURHSDT
Not bad! The design is very cool, work on the legs more and you'll have a really good mech
+1This is very impressive! How does it fly?
+1It's sad that you must go, but the simple planes community shall try and finish this thing, don't worry
+1Where is the Andrew Garrison head?! The jelly invasion memes, heck, even the old missiles before they implemented missiles
+1Holy crap the cockpit is brilliant
+1Oh god I'm blind
+1Yeah I agree, albeit I may have done the same thing with the 3 seekers
+1It's a flying phone, close enough
I can TRY, but I am on iOS
+1I think the closest you going to get is attaching the cockpit to a hinge rotator and making that as a pivoting lock-in system
Transfomers! Robots in disguise!
+1Really? First, give credit to the original creator in the description. Second, if your going to modify a creation, don't just paste engines and recolur it. Put some effort.
+1Oh man, this could be your thing, planes with a part count less than 50, yet still look good
+1I'll try this thing when I get home
+1So here are the steps that I do, many other people do it differently and there is no right or wrong way to build a jet.
1:start with nose cone- I usually use a fuselage blocks that go down to 0 height and width at the end to make the tip, I find fuselage comes are too round
Okay, I'll help, I assume ur building a fighter jet so here is my experience
+1Wait...the Dev just said I'm right, at his own game?! Impossibru!!!!!
U forgot to pull up landing gear man! Get to my level!
+1Gender: female
This is artwork, right here!
+1Bonecrusher? Is that you?! Oh I hear optimus saying "GIVE ME YOUR FACE!!!"
+1As a halo fan all I can say is... Unfrigginbeliveable!!!! Suck I'm on mobile oh well @RiGetz
Sure, just give me credit if you do use it
Turbojet actually, first jet propelled plane built by the British
Get a orthographic diagram of the plane, Upload an unlisted, take the orthographic photos of the plane that the site makes, then use any photo editor app to layer the orthographic images of the plane onto the blue print, resizing as nessessary