Kinda, but Also the intent is to strategically place said parts and adjust their health accordingly. I for one am not a fan of big planes snapping in half from a lil burst, so I gave the main fuselage a ton of health. When I implement this on my next aircraft, it will be more dynamic and natural instead of a grid system like you see on these wings @IceCraftGaming
is 9/11 included in the hull loss accidents?
+4@weebabyseamus glad to see you're still active as well after all these years
+3Did Sputnik 1 burn up or is it still in orbit?
+3Is kraken on mobile
+3Oh how this game has grown lmao
+2ah, rip this game
+2Rootin shootin cowboy shootin Putin@Dukeofdanger
+2This did 9/11
+2@LunarEclipseSP yes sir
+1@TheAngelofDeath5 is the spy a tf2 reference
+1any criticism is welcome
+1@LJh1 Plankton. He is inside piloting the robot, but I did not model him
+1@LJh1 ??
+1@LunarEclipseSP thanks for the upvote, hopefully my planes can start getting reach again ever since I upped my caliber 😅
+1Sorry for the hidden part on the silhouette :P it’s all there don’t worry
+1@IceCraftGaming you seem rather familiar as well
+1Kinda, but Also the intent is to strategically place said parts and adjust their health accordingly. I for one am not a fan of big planes snapping in half from a lil burst, so I gave the main fuselage a ton of health. When I implement this on my next aircraft, it will be more dynamic and natural instead of a grid system like you see on these wings @IceCraftGaming
+1How were the legs made
+1Thank God@randomusername
+1Oh ok@FastRacer023
+1It says blade count “error” lol
+1This is what I live for
+1Credit to @komuhachi for the shotgun
+1Use it on that one half-plane some dude uploaded a few weeks back
+1Why are all these so cuuuute...
+1Alright, who put it on airplane mode?
+1Thank you @AndrewGarrison. Is this because you saw my forum post?
+1@AndrewGarrison when is the next tournament
+1@PhillipTarpley I think it's a great idea. In the game settings, there should be an option to activate all the faults.
+1@FrankieB it wouldn't make a good P-51 cockpit. Doesn't look like it belongs in a P-51. Maybe a 1930s naval aircraft
+1@Kevpilot ok
@TheAngelofDeath5 huh
Choose better angles for photo
I am going to discuss politics
@TheAngelofDeath5 no habla espanol
@126 to be fair, it wasn’t 9 years straight. It’s been very on-and-off lol
I enjoy the durability
@PlaneFlightX interesting, thank you
@BaconEggs holy crap I remember you from my middle school days
@PlaneFlightX yes, I modded them to have control surfaces
@Randomplayer the wings did not take any damage, I set them to 1hp with XML
Sorry for crop
Here from Reddit- good stuff
@AltheimManufactorum ahhh I see
This is epic. Adds so much to my lore as well. Perfect target practice too
737 Min
Why did y’all rename Tarpley Airport?