62.2k TheMouse Comments

  • New Additions 5 months ago

    Nice, looks pretty smooth underneath. I would change the color of that glass though.

  • What do YOU think should be in SP2 5 months ago


  • Y’all…Face reveal just dropped. 5 months ago


  • Seeking Attention 6 months ago

    1. Attention is not what matters, having fun building is.
    2. If you actually want more attention, build what you love, with good quality.
    3. Make teasers and stuff, so people see your posts quickly, making your plane “hot”
    4. Followers are what matter. Followers=attention. Post a variety if things to get lots of people to notice you.
    5. Just be active and nice on the site.

  • How do I use blueprints 7 months ago

    First, get the images you want. For your plane, I would recommend something like this.
    Then, get a screenshot of each individual plane view. (Horizontal, vertical, and front)
    Go to your simple planes app, and enter the designer.
    Then, open the blueprint menu, and click upload image. (Or whatever it says, i forgot at the moment)
    Upload each screenshot to the place where it should be. (Front view to front, top view to top, etc)
    Then, scale the screenshots to the right size, (1 meter per 2 "fuselage block lengths") and you can build!

  • How to be a moderator? 7 months ago

    There are several requirements. First of all, you must be very knowledgeable about the community, and the site, and must be active here. (As you can see by looking at the current moderators, none of their accounts are under 8 years old, they are the og players) Second, you must be on good terms with the majority of the site, and not pick random fights with people. Additionally, you must either be 16, or 18 years old. (I am not entirely sure which, as I have gotten mixed information on previous searches, but it is one of them)
    I have also heard that you must be active on discord, but I am not sure if that is true.
    Lastly, you need a reason WHY you should become a moderator.
    Moderators are picked by the devs very rarely, (as you can see, there are only 9 moderators) and are picked out of many other people who also wish to become moderators. Generally (from what I can tell from reading previous posts) the devs post a forum where you can submit applications to become a mod when they need a new one, which is almost never. They have not posted one of these, so I dont know where you could really apply.
    In short, it is very difficult to become a moderator, which is why the mods here are some of the best on any site I have ever seen.

  • Rat Rod 8 months ago


  • Chat should i cook this? 8 months ago

    Wouldn't taste too good, maybe if you add some salt, but still, your gonna need a HUGE oven to cook something that big!

  • Reflective Dish Telescope 8 months ago


  • Why is SimplePlanes just so simply, bad? (Rant) 8 months ago

    Ever seen this magical thing called a fuselage block?

  • Why does joeysellers’ have a black dev tag? 9 months ago

    He is a retired dev, so he is black.

  • Dying user 9 months ago

    Deleting accounts is just dumb. Almost every single person I hsve ever heard of that did it lived to regret it. You will too.

  • why did the chicken cross the road? 9 months ago

    If you skip a comment, the comment below me is made by a smart person.

  • i wet myself 9 months ago

    Thanks for telling me that, I definitely needed to know.

  • Active in Alt. 9 months ago

    Why are you so pessimistic? You are such a great tank builder, and you always give underrated tank builders spotlight attention. You have done tons of good things, I really dont understand why you beat yourself up so much.

  • Active in Alt. 9 months ago

    You sent a bird meme. They replied with a bird emoji. It makes sense, no?

  • THIS IS NOT A RICKROLL 9 months ago

    2024, still here.

  • Propeller man! 10 months ago

    Why did you have to make everyone see this lol?

  • Matsuzaka Ma-186MS-Q 10 months ago

    Hey, your back! Good to see you! This is awesome! I cannot wait to crash my iPad.

  • Fishbed 10 months ago


  • Indonesian Corsair 10 months ago



  • Im 3.2 years old 10 months ago

    ”Underaged kid on sp? Ban hammer time!”

  • New Gravatar: Look over there! Its Andrew! 10 months ago

    My life is literally over.

  • Should simpleplanes.com have its own section to upload images? 10 months ago

    The problem is, that would take so much more server, it would be very hard. I doubt it will happen.

  • Pizzer? 10 months ago

    I am on Juno, and so is grangy, monarchii, and tons of other users. Because profiles are the same across both websites, EVERYONE who has a sp account can sign into juno with that same account.

  • New Upvote button? 11 months ago

    Yup. Andrew updated it this morning. It was super glitchy at first, but he fixed it, so it seems to work quite well now.

  • Why is everyone building part efficient aircraft? [PEA] 11 months ago

    Cause they are low parts, so you can have lots of AI traffic without lagging your device.

  • Boeing 737-700 Gol Linhas Aereas (The oldest plane in Brazil) 11 months ago


  • Can't keep up? 11 months ago



  • [TEASER] Butter Machine 11 months ago

    t for tag you autistic monkeys

  • Uhh hey Monarchii did you block me intentionally 11 months ago

    Also, btw, if someone has blocked you, you cannot tag them. It just doesn't give them a notification.

  • bruh 11 months ago

    But forum upvotes only give 2 points.

  • AgustaWestland-Merlin HM2 11 months ago

    It only tags 3 people per comment. So only the top 3 were tagged.

  • High Capacity Child ‘Nabber 11 months ago

    Honk if a kid falls out. Nice.

  • Adam air 574 recreated in simpleplanes 11 months ago

    Just report.

  • The Downfall Of Simpleplanes one year ago

    Simple planes is not over until every single user leaves. We will stay here. We will not just walk away. People get older. They sometimes do not have time for an old game in their life anymore. But new ones join. And old players get better. To quote shinygemsbro, “This game only dies once the community goes silent. It hit a dead end on updates but it'll live as long as the people inside it stick around” and to quote republicofcursedplanes, “ Most of the SP community is still made up of passionate builders. They play SP not to wait for new features, but because they're here to build whatever they want. Not having any more updates does not at all hinder your ability to enjoy the game, because ultimately you're here to play the game, not sulk about not having features.
    And many people still join the community, because like what I said earlier, they are here to play the game.
    The player base may level off, it may even dip a bit, but let me assure you that a lack of updates isn't stopping us from enjoying the game”

  • the bots are invading simpleplanes one year ago

    Yes, and drugs, and more. And on a plane website too!

  • When be gold one year ago

    When you are over 5000 points, and not before.

  • Dear Jundroo one year ago

    I hope Andrew sees this.

  • Why? one year ago

    iPad kids. Also, they just want attention. If everyone would just report, and move on, as the mods constantly say, they would not post nearly as much.

  • Untitled 1.1 years ago

    Thanks, but I am not planning on dying.

  • H125 AS350 BCSO Ai Police 9 days ago

    This is cool, but you should make some of them fly in formation. That would be really cool.

  • I want to play a game.... one month ago

    I have heard a hammer works well

  • What is M-war about? one month ago

    To keep it simple: don't steal my machine guns.

  • Jerry with a literal shotgun 2 months ago

    The quality is amazing.

  • SimplePlanes Interactive Map 2 months ago

    1. Yes, especially as a newer user.
    2. I don't know of any.
    3. I think this could also be a really useful thing for finding good screenshot locations. Also, once the map is made, with some adjustments, it would probably not be too difficult to add to the game as a mod, so you could have some kind of interactive map on the plane. (Lets not get too ahead of ourselves though lol)
    4. To be able to zoom in would be nice. Also, a way to have certain locations highlighted, (such as the uss beast, or bandit airport) maybe by checking a box on the side of the screen or something like that? Also, a way to hide non mobile stuff, like maywar, or the kraken. At some point even, maybe you could do something like google earth, so you can move around in the air to get different perspectives?
    5. Yes, I think that would be very helpful.

  • The Dead Old MiG 3 months ago

    Also, ain't no one faster than the mouse!

  • Name your favorite player!! 3 months ago

    Also, Andrew, obviously.

  • opinions on ai generated stuff/slop? 3 months ago

    You said “to support us”
    What else could you mean?
    There are so many better things to do…

  • :( help,What do I do. 4 months ago

    That sounds horrible.
    There is nothing you can do to change the outcome at this point. You know that she is happy, so be happy for her sake. (Would she want you to be this sad?)
    Don't worry about being active, this is more important.
    I hope the end will be relatively painless for her.
