3,093 TrojanAircraftSystems Comments

  • Carrier-Sub Challenge 3.4 years ago

    This sounds intresting - if there is no technical difficulties I may he able to whip something up.

  • Ejection Seat 3.4 years ago

    Or maybe I’m overthinking this and we were both bored and just wanted to yeet a seat.

  • Ejection Seat 3.4 years ago

    @YSNM Perhaps. Perhaps. But the fact that two genius people cooked up a solution within hours of realizing the update is lacking a key feature of modern fighter cockpits - that’s a statement to human ingenuity.

  • Ejection seat 3.4 years ago

    @Random04 how else you gonna get anything done? Lol. Take it straight to the top and you cut through all the bureaucratic processes.

  • Ejection Seat 3.4 years ago

    @YSNM naturally. We saw a seat and said it needs to be ejected. Thus a detacher was in order. Should your pilot like to live after dumping their aircraft than a parachute is also needed. After you attach the two there really isn’t much left in terms of variety lol.

  • Ejection Seat 3.4 years ago

    It appears we have come to a similar conclusion on how these things work - take the updoot

  • Ejection seat 3.4 years ago

    @MyPhoneBeLike lol oops - guess somebody had to beat the other to the draw

  • Ejection seat 3.4 years ago

    @Jundroo Is there any plans in the works to add a ejection feature to the pilot seat parts? I kinda felt that was missing. Overall 12/10 on the new update! Ya’ll nailed it!

  • Ejection seat 3.4 years ago

    P.S I moved the first person camera to the perspective of pilot who is average height

  • Ejection seat 3.4 years ago

    Now feel free to use this puppy on yer planes - I don’t really care if you credit me or not!!!!!!

  • Halo Type-32 RAV Ghost 3.4 years ago

    @CrimsonOnigiri yeah I don’t remember what it did or what it looked like - other than it looks similar to this creation.

  • Halo Type-32 RAV Ghost 3.5 years ago

    I played halo once - I remember driving either this or something similar to it. I believe I blew up a tank with it? Maybe I dunno it was probably 5+ years ago.

  • When the Tropical Storm is Bussin’ 3.5 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 good to hear ya’ll is okay. Hope insurance will pay for the feller’s car lol.

  • When the Tropical Storm is Bussin’ 3.5 years ago

    Ya’ll okay up there? Nobody got floated away? @AWESOMENESS360

  • When the Tropical Storm is Bussin’ 3.5 years ago

    Wow. Didn’t think it would get that bad that far north. Thankfully it missed my part of Louisana but I feel for those that did get hit. Even though it was more powerful than Katrina it didn’t make landfall at the same angle, so the storm surge wasn’t forced up the Mississipi and Lake Ponchatrain, where the levves would have most likely topped and flooded Nawlins. (New Orleans for ya’ll yankees) However several towns did get nearly wiped out down south.

  • very long thing that swims 3.6 years ago

    Kinda reminds me of some sort of SCP lol

  • Göring classe V1 3.6 years ago

    My phone died after seeing that part count. Not gonna attmpt this one. Updoot nontheless!

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT lol I enjoy slapping people too much. I should probably be in a mental hospital that treats pschospaths.

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    I was going to try to build custom control surfaces. I took one of yer builds and reverse engineered it and still couldn’t figure it out - my next build may have a prototype version of those things but not sure.

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    I kinda have a tendency to build something and then forget about it and then find it again. That’s actually were the carpet bombs and the landimg gear come from lol.

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    This is an ugly aircraft lol

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    I couldn’t figure out how to get the letters to do right either so US air force is spelt backwards on one side :(

  • Light bomber 3.7 years ago

    There be great potentiol in you builds!

  • Hell Cannon Syria 3.8 years ago

    @MinWiii Yes. Florida man has a mind for destruction like your pupper has for comfort. If they put their mind to it, anything is possible.

  • Hell Cannon Syria 3.8 years ago

    @MinWiii when it comes to causing chaos and destruction, florida man finds a way.

  • [AI] X-02 Wyvern 'Mister Blue' 3.8 years ago

    Excellent performance! Not sure I have a single aircraft that can out turn this thing!

  • What i think about the upvotes system in simpleplanes 3.8 years ago

    I can honestly follow what you have suggested. It might even fix the silver user’s blackhole that some of us are stuck in. There are silver builders with gold level builds - and they might get a couple of updoots. It’s insane. Now my builds are kinda crappy, but something like this would certainly propel me forward faster than the current system has.

  • A-37 Heron 3.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness thank you very much!

  • A-37 Heron 3.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness try this

  • A-37 Heron 3.8 years ago


  • A-37 Heron 3.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness how do I do add a link?

  • A-37 Heron 3.8 years ago

    @eternaldarkness can you make this a successor to AntiAirNuri’s alpine fighter challenge please? Thanks in afvance.

  • Sorces for Inspiration 3.8 years ago

    @IssaIwan will look into it. Thanks!

  • Sorces for Inspiration 3.8 years ago

    @Jaspy109 No i never have. Might try that one day. Thanks for yer ideas.

  • Sorces for Inspiration 3.8 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT I like blowing stuff up!

  • Sorces for Inspiration 3.8 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Thanks! Im so high right now I’m smelling colors! (Jk btw)

  • A-37 Heron 3.8 years ago

    @AntiAirNuri @LieutenantSOT ok who do I ask? I dunno any moderator

  • A-37 Heron 3.8 years ago

    Also watch the fuel levels. Like most WW2 jets, she has high speed but poor range.

  • A-37 Heron 3.8 years ago

    @AntiAirNuri crap I forgot to make it a succesor. Can it still be allowed in or do I need to redo the post?

  • please ignore this 3.8 years ago

    Ok lol. Like any good spy I will burn the evidence.

  • please ignore this 3.8 years ago

    Ahh. I see. Definetly chose simpleplanes.

  • Alpine Aircraft Challenge 3.9 years ago

    Low speed, high altitude, and STOL. All in extremly rough terrain. Intresting concept!

  • Convair B-36D Peacemaker 3.9 years ago

    6 turnin. 4 burnin.

  • B-63 ‘’Ren’’ (bomber challenge) 3.9 years ago

    Excellent carpet bomber. It behaves just like a bomber should! Here is an updoot. I will have to get you a spotlight tomorrow as I am out currently!

  • My entry 3.9 years ago

    With a payload the pitch is touchy. Payload does great and blows stuff up. As it should.

  • RAAF Bomber for bomber challenge 3.9 years ago

    Impressive! Paylod is enuf to do damage and the cannon seems to work well! She flys great and can take a decent amount of incoming fire! (P.S i dropped a bomb flying too low and blew my props off lol. Managed to land though.) here is an updoot and a spotlight for ya.

  • NUKE BIRD 3.9 years ago

    That nuke is worth an updoot in itself. The rest of the plabe earns the spotlight! Although it dosen’t turn very well, it is still bery capable of takind down lots of targets!

  • F-111C “Pig” 3.9 years ago

    Hey even the bombs turn! I just noticed that!

  • my fist bomber v4 3.9 years ago

    P.S my first bomber couldn’t even takeoff lol!

  • my fist bomber v4 3.9 years ago

    A truly simple bomber! I love it! Here is updoot and spotlight