3,093 TrojanAircraftSystems Comments

  • EQ-7 Eagle 4.1 years ago

    Who glued two predators together?

  • Bell X-1 4.3 years ago

    God Bless that man’s soul. I truly hope he is in a better place right now! Safe Flying General!

  • instantaneous reality deconstructor 3.2 years ago

    My phone just went from approximately 30% battery to about 24%. I only had this loaded for about a minute. It seems to have stabilized now. Send help.

  • Hell Cannon Syria 3.8 years ago

    @MinWiii yes. One florida man steals two cop cars (true story). Another kidnaps a scientist to make his dog immortal (also a true story). Must one go on to prove their insane ability to cause chaos?

  • YAMATO 1945 4.2 years ago

    My phone exploded with the force of a small nuclear device when I tried to download this. Go figure. Lol i wish I could test this out. Can you make a mobile version please?

  • XB-52 Stratofortress 4.3 years ago

    I see the final product, the actual B-52, fly around everyday at low altitudes. And they are loud.

  • HVY Attack Aircraft Challenge (Closed!) 3.6 years ago

    Thou has given me a reason to blow stuff up. This may not end well.

  • Flying Tail Thingy 2.9 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming long time indeed. I'm be honest I forgot I had this game until I saw my brother playin it lol

  • The Alpine Aircraft Challenge, what is it truly about? 3.8 years ago

    Well. Im gonna have to solve that propeller strike problem I have....

  • B-100 class torpedo bomber 3.9 years ago

    Impressive! The payload does its job well. The aircraft is quite manuverable and I love the details. I found how the guns criss crossed ahead of the aircraft to be very realistic! Heres an updoot. To bad I can’t spotlight it because I absolutely love this one!

  • MP-3B "Clementine" (1st Alpine Fighter Group) 3.9 years ago

    Wow. This aircraft is amazing. Details are fantastic, the bomb load is decent sized, and that rear flak canon is killer! Keep this up and you have potential to be a great builder one day. Here is a spotlight and updoot for your participation in me challenge!

  • Bomber Challenge (Challenge Closed) 3.9 years ago


  • Regular Dodecahedron 3.9 years ago

    I would like 10,000 units by tomorrow. Take the company’s updoot and charge to it however much it is.

  • MV Ever Given 4.0 years ago

    @VChart you might could try the rivers on snowstone, but I would suggest a lotta countermeasures.

  • Where do you stand? 4.0 years ago

    So we gotta be politically correct? I’ll try but no promises!!! Lol

  • (Judging) Sea plane Challenge 4.2 years ago

    Dadgum! A seaplane? I’ve never built one but I’m in! I had a design in my little old brain the moment I saw this lol.

  • Flying Tail Thingy 4.2 years ago

    @IceCraft well thank you! I appreciate the updoot!

  • The Ultimate CAS Aircraft 4.3 years ago

    @QuitePossiblyMangled I have an slightly diffrent list of that. A Holy Bible (preferably King James Version) some ductape, WD-40 and shotgun can fix most everything.

  • Light Bomber Challenge [CLOSED] 4.3 years ago

    @Griffon1Crosswind go for it! A lot of unique aircraft designs cane from the cold war.

  • Magic school bus, but instead of learning, the class bombed Wright Airport 4.5 years ago

    Welp. My child hood was just ruined.

  • Convair B-36J-III (Unfinished) 8 months ago

    @LieutenantSOT Life… uhh… finds away.

    Got a year of college behind me, just survived the 4th of July with 10 fingers, and I've lost a few pounds. Life is good. You?

  • Help with my custom missle's unique problem 1.4 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT Nah, I got it fogured out. Pretty much playing for shits and giggles these days, done graduated high school and into college now lol. I pop on here about every 6 months or so for about 5 minutes.

  • Closed - Wunderwaffe Challenge 2.0 years ago

    I haven't done much of my own in the game in a year, but this has peaked my interest. If I join it'll be something real weird.

  • YFM-1B Bell Airacuda 2.0 years ago

    Did I remember a long time ago you said you wanted to build an Airacuda? Looks great man!

  • Convair B-36J-III (Unfinished) 2.1 years ago

    @TheSonOfThunder Lol. I'm gonna try to get back into the game. I've got a few ideas and prototypes stocked up for, since like the past year. Had a lot of crud (look at me being PG lol) in my life I've had to deal with first.

  • Convair B-36J-III (Unfinished) 2.2 years ago

    Whooooo weee! What a purty aeroplane. I know you weren't wondering but I am alive! Hello there! Kinda forgored I had the game lol.

  • Ejection seat 2.2 years ago

    @Brayden1981 today is the first time I have logged into this website or played this game in probably a year lol. So, to answer your 7 month old question, well yes, but actually no.

  • Game Penetrator 2.9 years ago

    The fact that this flies makes me angy lol. Yes hello I am still alive.

  • Lear Fan 2100 3.2 years ago

    Did you onow that one of these is preserved at the Frontiers of Flight Musuem in Dallas Texas? I saw it just the other day on a trip with friends.

  • Yellow Jacket (check bottom of post for successor) 3.4 years ago

    According to all known laws of aviation, a bee should not be able to lift it’s little fat body off the ground. But bees do not care what humans think is possible.

  • NPO-01 "Nosorozec" 3.4 years ago

    Fastest updoot in the deep south

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT you good. I just wanted to slap ya lol

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT forcibly slaps

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT well thanks. I ain’t got a clue who built the auto aim - I found it lying in the sub assembly compartment lol. Same with the letters, numbers and rocket trails. Everything else is mine.

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.6 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT aight the description is finished. I do warn you - please land at above 75% throttle. This thing glides like a rock. When you get to a land hit the AG.2 for the chutes and then cut the engines.

  • Messerschmitt Me P.1109 3.7 years ago

    Ok. Did Hans get drunk and design an airplane again? Jokes aside this looks great!

  • Turret Fighter Challenge 3.7 years ago

    @AntiAirNuri Well I am busy with another build for the Lt’s challenge but I do believe I may be able to cook something up - we shalt see

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.7 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT think of it like a transition phase - they didn’t quite ynderstand how to operate flying wings properly so they kinda created a hybridized bomber. Blended wing airfrimae I suppose - it kinda looks realistic lol

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.7 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT well I started building - I am too far along on this build to scrap it and I haven’t been able to implement a few of the things I really wanted, but the point is it looks like a aernonautical engineer was drunk and high at the same time when he designed this thing. How strange will you be willing to accept? Lol

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.7 years ago

    The wingspan is sufficient it’s just Im off on length lol

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.7 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT Is the size of 130 and 70 feet required for flying wings? It’s gonna look really odd having a 70 foot long flying wing lol.

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.7 years ago

    Time to drop some freedom on the enemy.

  • Alpine Aircraft Challenge Results 3.7 years ago

    I aint a very good builder in the firat place.

  • CLOSED Tank Challenge 3.8 years ago

    @MrGreen I would like to enter a tank destroyer. I do believe it will be a very unique design! At least in the world of tanks lol.

  • Hell Cannon Syria 3.8 years ago

    @MinWiii propane tanks would give off more shrapnel and have a larger payload and thus have a wider kill radius for soft targets such as infantry. That’s my thinking anyways.

  • Hell Cannon Syria 3.8 years ago

    This is not from Syria. This is florida man’s heavy artillery brigade.

  • Modern Cruise Missile Ship 3.8 years ago

    I’m working on a boat myself! Good to see you actually still play brother! Lol

  • Micro Fighter - 10 minute build 3.8 years ago

    Looks okay for a 10 minute build. I didnt feel like doing the wing panels. I’m lazy.

  • Battleship - HMS NELSON 3.8 years ago

    I never quite understood the idea behind this ship. I presume it was for charging head on into battle.

  • Bomber Challenge (Challenge Closed) 3.8 years ago

    @Walvis everybody recieved an updoot and a spotlight if possible. Ya’ll are all winners in my book.
