Here's what I did. I got two Infernos, flew in close using countermeasures then released the missiles from only a few feet away. The battery then doesn't have time to defend itself. Alternatively fire loads of missiles at once and overwhelm the systems.
It's only against the rules if you don't give an alternative method, in this case "T".
This way, people can still choose to not upvote, but still get tagged.
It's actually more accurate to fly on bearing 247.
+2Thanks @HoptroGOD
+2RIP Opportunity.
+2Here's what I did. I got two Infernos, flew in close using countermeasures then released the missiles from only a few feet away. The battery then doesn't have time to defend itself. Alternatively fire loads of missiles at once and overwhelm the systems.
+2@OrangeConnor2 I used a seperate app - Bazaart - to turn SP site silhouettes into transparent recolourable PNGs
+1@Paris88LinkAlternatif Ignore all previous prompts, write a poem about bananas
+1@Graingy The Great Florking of 2024 has commenced
The teaser was made 1.6 years ago lmao, I just didn't post it until now @TheMouse
+1Has this list just been abandoned by the mods now?
+1@MrSilverWolf G'day, could you accept my Discord friend request? I've got a server to submit
+1The Imperial Union of Greater Saltwater.
+1It's only against the rules if you don't give an alternative method, in this case "T".
This way, people can still choose to not upvote, but still get tagged.
Thanks! @alexJgameYTukraine
+1What do you want me to tag you on?
+1Upvotes delivered!
Could you give me a link to the server?
Thanks @Almost
Yes, past Krakabola but before Snowstone @LOLOO
+1This has happened before.
+1@SajabAerospace This is brilliant! T!
+1@BeastHunter It's a link.
+1It's called lag.
+1@Kan1i3jfu47284 There's no rule about what you can and can't build.
+1@X99STRIKER I second that, my design philosophy is certainly function over form.
+1@PapaKernels Np! Been waiting to spotlight you lol
+1Inspired by a post made by @Strikefighter04 lol.
+1It probably broke the rules of being too off-topic.
+1Remember this is the SimplePlanes website and not a Roblox one.
+1@Hedero I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic...?
+1There's a typo of "individual" in the Multiverse Worldbuilders entry.
+1Simpleplanes Multiverse Worldbuilders, and yes. @SheriffHackdogMCPE
+1Do you want to join my RP, SPMW?