One thing that you consider is to add this:
a Customizable Jet engine (like the resizable wheel) i mean one engine that you can tune the size, the type (turbofan, turbojet, pulsejet etc) and the feature to add thrust vectoring nozzles (like the F-22 or the Sukhoi jets)
another thing that would be useful, and maybe easier is a command line that allows to change the guidance type for the missiles, i mean the Fire and forget, or the semi-active homing.
other feature that may wash the game look is to add damage textures when coliding or getting damage (like bullet holes or scrapes)
one bug (maybe) that i experienced is the colors in the jet engines, for example the small jet engines (J15) doesnt have transparency in the effects, also with the BFE150 the blue color is almost invisible or too dark.
@CptKuroYozorakage the radmin is just like hamachi but without stupid registration or user limits, just create a private network (or join one) then host the game you want (in simpleplanes you need the server executable in this post, open it, and in the game set the localhost server) then the ones that gonna join must be in the radmin network, then join to the Radmin IP that the host have)
i have used radmin in a lot of games without problems
guys i updated the broom, now have a speed range selector with activation groups, i did that because maintain a exact speed was a little hard with all the power in just one engine, also i increased the HP in the propeller, that allows a better lowspeed hovering at 10 knots instead of 3-5
game name: simpleplanes
+11inocone: lets make sexy waifus xD
When you put bombs instead of flares
+8Nice Coc... Hen
+7maybe i should replace it and put a furry there
+7Nice idea
Put this 2k part engine in a 30 part plen
+5lol dude, i dont want to be a hater or something, but... how tf you reached platinum with this thing? xD
+5Remember this: Pan means Bread in spanish 😈
+4arab pilots go BRRRR
+4check the part properties and change the Wing-3 to Wing-2, this eliminates the wings movements
+3Dude you are literally the only one that give me notifications, without that tagging my acc will be totally dead
+3One thing that you consider is to add this:
a Customizable Jet engine (like the resizable wheel) i mean one engine that you can tune the size, the type (turbofan, turbojet, pulsejet etc) and the feature to add thrust vectoring nozzles (like the F-22 or the Sukhoi jets)
another thing that would be useful, and maybe easier is a command line that allows to change the guidance type for the missiles, i mean the Fire and forget, or the semi-active homing.
other feature that may wash the game look is to add damage textures when coliding or getting damage (like bullet holes or scrapes)
one bug (maybe) that i experienced is the colors in the jet engines, for example the small jet engines (J15) doesnt have transparency in the effects, also with the BFE150 the blue color is almost invisible or too dark.
+3shulker sounds
+3T H I C C
+3nice try feds
+2breakin bad or ben10?
+2What kind of remora is this
+2@CptKuroYozorakage the radmin is just like hamachi but without stupid registration or user limits, just create a private network (or join one) then host the game you want (in simpleplanes you need the server executable in this post, open it, and in the game set the localhost server) then the ones that gonna join must be in the radmin network, then join to the Radmin IP that the host have)
i have used radmin in a lot of games without problems
+2It gave me an idea
+2materia fecal
+2sorry bud, but i need a witch hat, and a jar
+2@MrCOPTY sorry but... whats PID?
+2guys i updated the broom, now have a speed range selector with activation groups, i did that because maintain a exact speed was a little hard with all the power in just one engine, also i increased the HP in the propeller, that allows a better lowspeed hovering at 10 knots instead of 3-5
+2bruh, im literally the last person in the world that you should ask for a cockpit XD
+2ta chikito
+2Te van a Funar 🥴
+2I Love VTOL's
+2I Love EggPlanes
I Love Metal Slug !!
@Kendog84 xD
+2a million times better than a cybertruck or a E-SUV
+2downloads the plane
+2Oh no ._.
+2the buffalo and the boomerang, my fav ones
+2my question is... how the hell are made that wheels
+2i love cats, i have 15
+2@GroBaleaze STILL OPEN
+2@PatARG no decia de pirateria, sino de britanicos XD
+2wow cool dude, i'd wish to make one functional, but mine model ended in the Useless box
+2hmm probably are generic sounds for various uses, i seen years ago a turkey TV novel that uses the engines sounds of the previon-banshee cars
+2hace falta crear el palacio de la moneda jajajaja
+2Anti-Furries creations deserve being part of simpleplanes history
+2@SuperMeteor @Kernels @FOXLOVER @GuyFolk thank you guys i apreciate it
+2@BeryllCorp thanks dude
+2don't use it on water, becomes hypersonic xDDDD
+2@WeSeekANARCHY i want to upload it but my net speed it's a potato :,v
+2needs hinge rotators between the shocks
+2i seen one like this in ysflight, named ''the thing''
+2looks like the porco rosso Savoia s21
+1plug shaped tree
+1allende's favourite plen