1,654 WacoTaco Comments

  • HELP PLS 3.2 years ago

    Indeed, my friend. Merry Christmas. @Marshmann6

  • How to interpolate data to find a functional relationship? 3.2 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s I'll check that out, much obliged.

  • How to interpolate data to find a functional relationship? 3.2 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s ah, but you see! I don't have a graphing calculator, and I am not well acquainted with that type of math. Perhaps there's a free calc online that could help? I want the function I get from the data to be as perfect as possible since there's already a small margin of error in the data points.

  • HELP PLS 3.3 years ago

    So, just a suggestion, I am not sure if it will work in this specific case. Some connective parts like hinges, pistons, and rotors become unstable if the part(s) they are connected to have a mass under a certain value. Assuming you can comfortably xml edit this guy, you may consider increasing the mass values for the gear parts .

  • Liberty M92 Revenant 3.5 years ago

    @Alpha1Omega0 I just made another version. It still has a high roll rate, for certain, however the thrust and control surfaces are better balanced for normal use.

  • MIG - 15 4.4 years ago

    If I were to make a recommendation, I'd say that the landing gear on this guy and the Spittie with the ejection seat have somewhat bulky landing gear. If you're familiar with XML editing, it is a simple process to build custom gear. I do like how you put an actual cockpit and pilots in your aircraft, it's a nice touch.

  • Libetry XH-107 Locust 4.4 years ago

    @ChrisETH Thanks, Chris. I've never really posted for the upvotes or the downloads, and for any given aircraft I usually xml edit the wings so that I can hide multiple small wings inside of fuselage blocks just so I can make the visible wings out of fuselage blocks and then edit the drag and weight of those. I just build what I want to and share in case anyone else might enjoy what I build. I don't mind running a relatively unpopular account, because at the end of the day, I just enjoy designing and building the things I do. The rest is Gravy!

  • Custom Post Thumbnails? 4.4 years ago

    @BagelPlane @jamesPLANESii Thanks for the feedback, folks.

  • Libetry XH-107 Locust 4.4 years ago

    @ChrisETH It is a little basic, but it’s my first real heli attempt. Everything I make takes no longer than two hours max to build (tuning characteristics not included), and people generally seem to be looking for those outstanding builds that use xml modding and notepad file modding, which I can understand. I only do xml to a mild extent, but thank you very much. If you enjoy this heli, you might also consider visiting my profile and checking out some posts. There’s nothing fancy in there, but you may enjoy some of my other aircraft.

  • J34-4 5.0 years ago

    @zhangshenglin no problem, sir, thank you. Additionally, if you wanted to, with "overload," you can resize wings and build fuselage parts that look like wings. That is how I do my wings and control surfaces.

  • J34-4 5.0 years ago



    the mod 'overload' is a great modification to have, and I recommend it. One of the features allows you to adjust the size of cockpit parts, and this allows you to put the cockpit inside fuselage parts that look like cockpits. Your plane looks good, that is only the method I prefer to use! If you want some examples, feel free to download some of my planes to see what I am talking about. What's your first language? I could always try translating myself.

  • J34-4 5.0 years ago

    I've not flown it but I have some suggestions in general. I highly recommend using the Overload mod either on steam or through the site. In addition to more flexibility with part placement, you can edit physics properties of parts and create smooth-looking aircraft. Among other things, the issue with the missiles exploding off of the pylons can be fixed with the aformentioned mod. Lastly, if you don't care for the look of a small cockpit on a large aircraft, you can always use a fuselage part to look like a cockpit, attach the actual cockpit externally, and then clip it into the fuselage part that looks like a cockpit. Then just color the visible/ intended cockpit part differently.

    (You can make guns fire any RPM with no cooldown and turn the tank cannon into the Warthog's brrt gun with that mod too. It is a must have.)

  • Upload with Screenshots 5.1 years ago

    I believe the most recent update has eliminated the ability to use this mod

  • Liberty M91 Chronos 5.1 years ago

    @Dimonchick Just a follow up,it should fly just fine (if not with great performance) as long as you do not let the AI control it. You Will not be able to control it in VTOL unless you use Activation Group 7.In addition, if you do not deactivate 7, the VTOL Stabilization will prevent you from maneuvering freely.

  • F-89B Riptide 5.7 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft Thank you indeed.

  • How do I change the sound of an engine (Ideally XML) 5.7 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Gotcha, thank you.

  • F-89B Riptide 5.7 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft Thank you. Again, not my most detailed build, it's pretty simple, but I like flying this one. Thank goodness for that carrier update.

  • How do I change the sound of an engine (Ideally XML) 5.7 years ago

    @JamesBoA Changing the physical size of the engine does not seem to affect the audio. A .1 x .1 prop is just as loud as a 10 x 10. That's the problem.

  • Liberty M96 SCOUT 6.1 years ago

    @elmong I can sort of see what you are saying, but I only have trouble with a 90 degree crosswind of over about 50 mph. At that point, this thing will fly slow enough directly into the wind to land perpendicular to the runway. It is also a very ligthweight aircraft for a dual engine jet, so keep that in mind.

  • Liberty M96 SCOUT 6.1 years ago

    @yoshicraze thx. I generally try to make my stuff a bit over the top in terms of maneuverability just so that if I put them up against other workshop creations they can get the job done. I am still playing around with inherent instability and maneuverability, though.

  • Liberty M96 SCOUT 6.1 years ago

    @elmong So in my library, when I have relatively successful experiments, I just label them "scout <number>." This in my library is just Scout 8, not M96. The whole scout thing is just an acronym I yeeted. In addition, all of my "scouts" have either self-defense, short range AA missiles or fuel tanks. THe amount of actual scouting you can do in the game is rather limited, so I dont worry about it much.

  • Liberty M96 SCOUT 6.1 years ago

    @elmong Have you tried flying it? In my editor and sim, it is very stable at speeds over about 100 mph.

  • Liberty M-95 Viper 6.3 years ago

    @CPWoody Thx my dude. I do my best!

  • Liberty M91 Chronos C 6.3 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft Thx

  • Liberty M91 Chronos 6.3 years ago

    @Dimonchick What's wrong with it?

  • A-10 Warthog 6.3 years ago

    @Nikinator Thanks for the clarification.

  • F-23 6.3 years ago

    @CptJacobson Sure thing!

  • F - 5 6.3 years ago

    @CptJacobson Feel free to modify it. I haven't used it for a long time, so I never saw the need to.

  • F-42 6.3 years ago

    @CptJacobson Mind you, if you mirror it, there is a chance that the spike on the nose will also duplicate. This has caused problems with some of my similar experiments.

  • F-42 6.3 years ago

    @CptJacobson Of course

  • F - 5 6.3 years ago

    @Malaysianbuilder So the wobble in a steep turn is caused by the wing shape in a high or low angle of attack turn. The air is forced to hit the wing slightly from either the top or the bottom of the wing instead of its leading edge, causing it to destabilize, wobble, or roll. It is a problem with the actual Su-25, and that is one of the reasons you see fighters with short, diamond-shaped wings.

  • F-6 6.3 years ago

    @breitling Oh yeah, to clarify, I made it years ago but uploaded it very recently.

  • F-6 6.3 years ago

    @breitling I do not. I've had this one a long time but just started uploading stuff. Why do you ask?

  • F-6 6.3 years ago

    @breitling Thank you. I made that plane years ago and have since become much more proficient at building performance planes, but this had some good info in in it.