405 YeastBoi

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joined 5.4 years ago

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I'm YeastBoi, and THIS is my plane showcase.

I work here with my keyboard, and my mouse, Big House. Everything in here has a story >>and a CoM<<. One thing I've learned after 300 hours is that you never know IF it's going to fly.

Rock music ends

Any plane that doesn't have 'YeastBoi's Model _' in its name is part of a bigger worldbuilding project that I'm working on. Some names that you might see often are:

A.V.Arc - alternatively called Aviarc. A plane manufacturer in the fictional country of Vanarya. Claims to fame are the Goosematch and Arrowdawn.

S.O.Vre - alternatively called Sovre. A subsidiary of A.V.Arc in the fictional country of Canarvia. Claim to fame is the Sunbeam.

La Noma - plane manufacturer in the fictional country of La Salma. Claim to fame is the Sloonie and all of its variants and offshoots.

Lori-Maren - plane manufacturer in the fictional country of Alarcia. Claims to fame are the Little Eleven, Osprey, and Falconet.

Abicarot - plane manufacturer in the fictional country of Southarma. Claim to fame is its A series of light fighters.