9,320 Yoshimi Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Universalized revamped fuselage blocks
    I don't know whether this is possible because of backwards compatibility and such, but I'll leave this suggestion anyway.

    Integration of all variables
    All fuselage blocks will be added together into a single block. This block simply called "fuselage" has toggle able transparency, hollowness, coneness. It will also of course have dead weight, fuel, buoyancy, thickness, inlet angle, height/width/length/run/rise.
    This would allow for some new cool things like glass cones and it would also make everything more organized (in my opinion).

    Partial fuselage
    There would also be an option to make the fuselage a half fuselage or even a quarter fuselage. This would be very useful when building, especially when making interiors, cockpits etc.
    This could be set up using an angle. The default would be 360, half 180 and quarter 90. This would allow for even more shapes, like 45* fuselages or whatever.
    (Because of the way fuselages are modelled maybe it's only possible to change this angle in steps of 15, since the fuselage block is a polygon with angles of 15.)
    Advanced corner types
    Add a corner type with a slider from 0 to 1, 1 is perfectly circular, 0 is perfectly hard.
    I think this would be great, although it's probably a little ambitious. If only parts of my suggestion could be integrated that would still be awesome.

  • Player Power 3.8 years ago

    WOW! JUST WOW. 😱 EVERYBODY 🙇👴 IS ✅ JUST ☠ CHEATING. 😤 And I'm 🙅 just here... 📌🤙 Scrolling... With 🐝 my 👦 finger... Like 👍 a 😜👏 normal 🖖 human 👩 being. 😑😑 AND THESE PEOPLE 👨👨 ARE 👴 JUST 🕛 CHEATING. 😠 MY FINGER IS 💰📃 BLEEDING. IF I KEEP 👌 SCROLLING 😂 I 😉 WILL BLEED 💉 OUT. 💯 Please 💘 just 😡🍆 ban 👏🚫 these 😍🍆 cheaters, okay? Please 😖🙏 Jundroo! Jundroo I gave 🎁 you 👨👉 over ⤵👇 1.3 ⬇♂ Megawatts of power, 🏼⚡ please 💕🙏 just listen to me, okay! I saved 😉🆘 you ♿🦃 guys 😍👨 SO 🏻💯 MUCH 😩🙌 money AND 🍆 THESE ❌🤢 FRICKING CHEATERS ARE JUST 😐😤 TAKING 💅 IT ALL 😄👌 AWAY 💨🏽 FROM ME. 🎓⬆ REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE @AndrewGarrison @WNP78 @PhilipTarpley

  • Kouki's VTuber Debut/Introduction 3.9 years ago

    Yo dude, do you have an onlyfans?

  • Phalanx Close-In Weapon System Minions 3.3 years ago

    minion peepee 😳😳😳

  • Screen, made out of bullets 3.6 years ago

    It once again proves that the only purpose of a living organism is to replicate it's genes...

    you can't get babies with an anime girl

  • Kenneth for Jundroo Developer Vote. 4.0 years ago

    oh god. your understanding of what the job of a developer is is just not accurate. so yeah, no.

  • Big S U C C !!!!!!!! 4.1 years ago

    nice F-100D replica!

  • 24 hours worth of points... 2.8 years ago

    Suffering from success

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #8 3.2 years ago

    You guys should include a pinned comment with links to all the builds and their creators. That would make it a lot easier to actually test out the builds yourself.

  • How to get hollow fuselage thickness to = a given width 3.3 years ago

    Nice, this is useful.

  • Why the cri-cri is a better plane than the Rafale 3.6 years ago

    4: cri-cri can't be locked on by IR missiles because of futuristic low-heat emission design

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Right now in the game a camera will not render anything that's too close to it. Remove that, if possible.

  • Finally! 3.5 years ago

    this smells like bs

  • Jal 123 3.8 years ago

    This is just honestly disrespectfully bad


    @Mostly YES I WILl! I really hope he will give me a personal video tutorial on how to make custom control services!!!1 BOGDANX IS THE BEST PLAYER ON THE SIMPLEPLANES!!!1 I would pay him my allowance if he could teach me how to get better!!!

  • Can you guess? 4.0 years ago

    The thing ⏮ I really 💪 like 🍪 about 🤖💦 Planes is 🙀 that 💦➡ we 🔞👵 learn 👨 that 🙋 WWII happened in 👏 the 👏🤠 Cars universe. 🎇 Which 🥙 means there 🏿👉 was 👏☝ a 👏 Cars Hitler, 💞😍 a 👌 Cars 🚗 holocaust, a 👌 Cars ☠ Pacific 🌊🌊 War, 💯 a Cars 🚗🚗 D-Day, a Cars 😡😡 nuking of 🍆💯 Hiroshima and 🍆 Nagasaki, a Cars Rape of 🎖🚋 Nanking, a Cars Battle of Iwo Jima... This 🔴 leads to so 😮 many important ✅ questions, like: 😎 were the 🤴😃 Cars 🚗 Little ⌚ Boy 👉 and 🙅 Fat Man 🤔 nukes 🚀🎆 sentient? Was 👏👏 it a suicide 🔪😔 mission? Are ALL Cars nuclear 💥😏 weapons sentient? Did 👉 Tsar Bomba have 🈶🏋 a 💰 personality? 😍 What 😤🙏 kind of car 🍳 was 🔙💦 Car Hitler? A VW? A 💰🌉 forklift? Was 💦🏻 there ✔ a 💰😄 Cars ☠ 9/11? Were 👬😍 the planes hijacked, or 🏼 were 👀 the 😎 planes themselves 👧👩 radicalized? I 👵🙅 could go 🛫✅ on


    Damn you're salty

  • Mobile Suit Girl Challenge 3.2 years ago

    Awful everything

  • SimplePlanes has a fatal flaw... 3.2 years ago

    I think you aren't quite hitting it on the nail. I think the true problem with why SimplePlanes content creation is so hard is because people spend so much time on builds. How are you gonna explain in a short form video how to make a build that maybe takes 20 hours to complete?

  • Minecraft Phantom 3.3 years ago

    Everyone that voted for the phantom should step on a lego

  • Illuminati Confirmed 3.4 years ago

    Cease your investigations.

  • Miku 3.5 years ago

    weebs are oppressed in this community

  • Stabilizer Tutorial 3.6 years ago

    Reject gyroscopes
    Return to FT

  • Moo-Torcycle 3.6 years ago

    the standard to get featured is so low these days

  • Cheems 4.1 years ago

    @KnightOfRen could you please remove your upvote?

  • Simple half track 2.7 years ago

    Can I use the gun on my ship?

  • SimpleVirus 3.1 years ago

    This did not age well

  • Gold players can now update their airplane XML on the website 3.2 years ago

    Will there be any regulation and enforcing on not using this feature? For example still uploading a separate public build that has minor improvements/fixes? This could be seen as abusing the system to gain more points.

  • KV-1E 864 3.3 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 I dare you to steal the hull and make an SU-152

  • MC/SV-1 "Honey Badger" 3.5 years ago

    Those tiny wheels are just... ugh

  • Help for broken color 3.8 years ago

    I think you scaled a part wrong. You should always keep the scale even, so 2,2,2 or 0.5,0.5,0.5. If you scale for example 0.5,5,2 the lighting will mess up.



  • Ducc 3.8 years ago


  • 1:1 Banana for Scale 3.9 years ago

    7 inches is pretty big. 5 is average.

  • i have uncringed myself 3.9 years ago

    Wait, are you two actually married? That's so great! Congratz!

  • i have uncringed myself 3.9 years ago

    @russianspy you were literally 6 when baconeggs was active

  • If I wanted Reshade, is there a way to disable/enable when I whenever I need to? 4.0 years ago

    @KnightOfRen tagging people like this is truly cancerous.

  • Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf J 4.0 years ago

    I will give this tank a review, since i feel like I am certified to do so, since I have made a Panzer III myself.

    Note: my scale ranges from 0 to 10. Everything from a 5-10 is positive. Everything from a 0-5 is negative. This means that this build gives me positive feelings. It is a good score.

    Shape: 5/10

    The tank is about 70% too big.
    Let's start to talk about the general shape. The turret is so incredibly slim that I really doubt that you even used a blueprint. This causes the basket on the rear of the turret to look comically slim.
    Also the turret cheeks don't look on point. Besides that the turret roof isn't partially slanted like it should be.
    You didn't even try to curve the rear of the turret (I know, that is hard to do).
    The hull shape looks decent at first glance, but there is definitely something wrong with the rear of it.
    You should've used a blueprint in case you didn't. If you did use a blueprint you should've followed it more carefully.

    Running Gear: 8/10

    I really like the way you made the tracks themselves. They are reasonably part efficient and look great. Though I feel the shape and quantity of the little hollow fuselages on the inside of the tracks are off.
    The suspension system is nice. It is adequately detailed. However the torsion bars are too high on the hull. Also the little parts that stop the torsion bars from moving too far are very inaccurate (thereby wasting quite some parts). They should just be simple triangular-like wedges.
    The side hatches are just extremely thick and therefore I can't take them seriously.
    The sprocket wheel has too many teeth and is basically just a cylinder with 2D texture on it.
    The road wheels are decent, but maybe a bit too simple. Also the gap down the middle is way too wide.
    The idler wheel is way too thin and it makes the whole running gear look very flimsy.
    The tracks are too wide which makes them clip into the hull.
    Overall I respect that you even tried making a custom running gear instead of simply using the Tracks_2 mod.

  • l e a v e 4.0 years ago

    Some people might miss you.

  • Your Future Husband - Handsome Squidward 4.1 years ago

    he is not handsome

  • Broken builds. 4.1 years ago

    I have quite some time ago transitioned to making all connections manually. This means that whenever I place a new block I remove all connections and add the connections I want manually.
    What is also useful, especially on builds with moving parts like your swing wing, is temporarily nudging out the moving part that you are working on. This way you won't get any automatic connections to parts that you don't want it to connect to.

  • tutourial for making dinosaur walkers 4.1 years ago

    Don't toot your own horn too much there, bud.

  • Type 075 LHD 2.4 years ago

    Damn that description looks like straight propaganda lmao

  • M113A8 Aero-gavin 2.7 years ago

    F-16 > F-35
    Legacy Hornet > Super Hornet
    RADAR = useless
    Air to air missiles = useless
    Dogfighting > BVR

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.7 years ago

    This is way better than that F-14 that got featured the other week. I have no clue why you are not featured. You are both silver users, and your plane is just better in every single way.

  • Quite-kid Seat 2.8 years ago

    Is Amalia your crush?

  • Quite-kid Seat 2.8 years ago


  • MH-6 Updated 2.8 years ago

    Combusted randomly in flight. Instructions not in game. 2/5
