Well anything on the other side of the glow will illuminate. like looking through glass or a panel, instead call it a “glow area”, when viewing anything trough the “glow area” it will be brighter. It would be nice it it could light up ground. MAKE A LIGHTING UPDATE!!!
Cough-not a tank but ok-cough
Nah bro just kidding XD
For real though this brings back some serious nostalgia, tf2 was the bomb, literally lol.
Really insanely amazing job Too btw nice work!
Fun fact, the singer who made this all the more of a well Known event; Gordon Lightfoot, passed away. When he died the Maritime cathedral played the bell an extra time to count to 30 and thus adding him as a crew to the ship.
The bass boost at the end tho
+18[Everyone Liked That]
+16Imagine thinking it’s a competition
+14This does put a smile on my face
+11Now all we need is actual unmodded multiplayer
You ever look at someone and wonder, what is going on inside their head?
+10im not happy bob, not happy
+10Germany: we need a bigger gun, where can we get a bigger gun?
+9Krupp: yes
All right kids let’s do the math To make a plane:
3552(2)+500= 7604
Let’s make it even more realistic:
7604(2)= 15,208
If anyone has gods computer can you make a 15,208 part plane
+9I feel like it’s eyes need to be that deep fried Meme once it locks into a target lol
+8@AndrewGarrison Immersive music, once locked on to enemy or enemy locks on to you in combat the music should change.
Otherwise interstate is a nice vibe
+7Every crash per round should gradually increase in difficulty,
+7Imagine understanding FT and math at the same time, that’s a avengers level threat
+7I fear no man, but that thing....it scares me
+7Well anything on the other side of the glow will illuminate. like looking through glass or a panel, instead call it a “glow area”, when viewing anything trough the “glow area” it will be brighter. It would be nice it it could light up ground. MAKE A LIGHTING UPDATE!!!
+7Everything but the tires
+6Roman sculptures be like
+6Imagine having the audacity to not have a description for such an amazing build
+6Cough-not a tank but ok-cough
+6Nah bro just kidding XD
For real though this brings back some serious nostalgia, tf2 was the bomb, literally lol.
Really insanely amazing job Too btw nice work!
The website is even lagging
+6It may be small, but it’s got a very ahem robust...upper deck
+6iOS mod capabilities were found at Area 51
+6Ah, it appears there IS a hole in my right wing...hmm
+6Underrated amount of effort, nice work soldier
+5Why hasn’t this gotten more attention? Hold on
+5That’s enough internet for today
+5Ok mod user
+5Yes!!! They also need to organize the part selection...the hollow fuselage should be next to the regular one. @randomusername
+5That arachnophobia is kicking in
+5Needs more updates
+4That helmet is accurate af
+4I thought this was just an image but damn that’s some really good fuselage art!
+4“Be careful, as people don't like being told what to do...”
+4thats great
bro why is there a tree? and why is it actin so funky.
you may know laugh.
+4I would sell my soul
+4One pointy boi
+4Lol a ton of simps are losing it rn, it’s a shame she left- but only because I liked her builds bahaha
+4Lol imagine building a 5,000 part build, haha ridiculous...
+4My phone is praying that I don’t click download
+4Why is the Haunabu there?
Germany be like: I am spin
+4Has anyone ever thought of grabbing the brown pearl with magnets? I know it’s super fast and super aggressive but I’m sure it’s possible
+4Y’all don’t get it, any post with mods or unsupported things can be downloaded,
•you click download,
•it will try to load the build, there will be a text box that shows up,
•once dismissing the box go and click undo, then redo
the build should show up.
+4@Gameboi14 that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
+4a good quality meme
SimplePlanes: ah yes this will be Upvoted
+4iOs UsErS bEinG LeFt iN tHe dUsT
+4Fun fact, the singer who made this all the more of a well Known event; Gordon Lightfoot, passed away. When he died the Maritime cathedral played the bell an extra time to count to 30 and thus adding him as a crew to the ship.
+3Someone say cockpit?
+3Damn boi he got them dummy thicc legs, the heck this thing made of most titans are full bodied
+3This is what the “newest” page looks like
+3NiCe tRuCk