19.0k Zippy6 Comments

  • WHICH MOD DID IT??? 3.1 years ago

    schizo post

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 3.7 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison I don't know if you already have other skilled builders lined up, but I would like to volunteer if need be to rework some of the stock planes to give them a modeled cockpit.

  • Socrux S.TA-320 Arara 5.4 years ago


  • Every single thing that happened on the site in the last 24 hours has been erased from existence 6.1 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries bruh 30 upvotes just gone that I’m not sure I’ll get back. I’m runnning out of salt shakers here.

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    there needs to be a downvote button

  • EGGA CHAD 2.9 years ago

    OMG her body proportions are SOO unrealistic my body will never look that good.
    I must head to the gym right now so I can mold my body into the shape of EGGA CHAD.

  • 1234 Part Challenge Results 4.3 years ago

    WHOO Podium Position bby!

  • B-17G "Nine-O-Nine" | In Memory 5.5 years ago

    It recently stopped by me on tour. 909, witchcraft, and Toulouse nuts would fly over my house several times a day. Just over a month ago I was crawling through it . I never would’ve imagined something like this happening so soon.

  • New plane poll 6.2 years ago

    Or a Twin "zwilling" style fighter (think f-82)

  • YL/G-28 Spike II 6.4 years ago

    Lol “deceleration umbrella”.

  • Jundroo-ish F6F Hellcat 3.1 years ago

    return of the king.

  • Junkers Ju-390V Lufthansa 1955 4.9 years ago

    Ju EF-100 next?

  • PaK 40 5.2 years ago

    @X4JB yeah I've fixed it already, just havnt posted yet.

  • Naval Attack Challenge 2019 - Action video 5.3 years ago

    My computer broke before the deadline so I couldn't finish my build. Am much salty lol.

  • Biplane Challenge! [30 upvote prize] 5.5 years ago

    Rose's are red.
    Violets are blue.
    I'm going to participate

    In biplane challenge V2.

  • Tracks 2 5.7 years ago

    Ok a few things. First off. EPIC MOD. Like unbelievably cool! However I think your labeling the various parts of the tracks is inaccurate and kinda confusing. Here's what I recommend things be named instead.

    1.) Gear wheel- this is typically referred to as the drive sprocket, similar to bicycles.

    2.) Main Wheel- I have seen these called many different things such as road wheels, suspension wheels, bogey wheels, and running gear. Any of these could work.

    3.) Free wheel- almost had it with this one. Usually this little boi is called the idler wheel. Its free spinning and kinda hangs out, so I guess it is free?? XD

    4.) Turning/roll- it looks like you tried to apply automotive or aviation words here. Instead of turning, try "Traverse" or "Hull traverse".

    5.) Support wheels- Another example of 'you almost had it'! These are either "return rollers" or "support rollers". Take your pick!

    6.) Levers- To put it simply these are called suspension arms.

    7.) Chess (offset)- I'm not sure what exactly you were trying to say here. Maybe "chassis offset" although that is still not ideal. I think some variation of an alternate name for main wheel plus offset. E.g "Bogey Offset" if you need to keep things as short as possible.

    Everything else is perfect and I look forward to fiddling with your mod in the future!

  • ??????1941???????????? 2.6 years ago

    Rolls Royce armoured car?
    Guy Light Tank (Wheeled)?

  • Just teasin' ya m8 2.9 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer i use it sometimes if I need to capitalize. But ive gotten used to just hitting ctrl v a bunch. I almost dont even notice it anymore.

  • Just teasin' ya m8 2.9 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer ctrl + C and ctrl + V bud. Its very not pog.

  • Fightertown 3.1 years ago

    Man I gotta stop starting side builds. I have side builds for my side builds!

  • LS 1 twin turbo motor 5.5 years ago

    And on the 6th day, God said "LET THERE BE LS"

  • DesignerSuite 5.7 years ago

    @WNP78 yes you did. Much thank.

  • Synergy Prime 6.0 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick last pic is from the synergy website. I didn't do that fluid analysis. Although I am aiming to be an aerospace something in the future.

  • Grumman TBF-1C 6.1 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck cause rip my computer that's why. Honestly I'll let someone else do that if they want.

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 e4 "Mein Lola" 7.0 years ago

    Although if you want to get REALLY anal, the E4 variant didn’t have the cannon firing through the hub. Those were not introduced until the F variants .

  • Plasma reactor BF-150 7.1 years ago

    What would be a lot cool would be if it had colors. You could put a pretty neat paint job on it to make it look "sciencey"!

  • SR-71 BlackBird 7.1 years ago

    Fantastic job on the top profile!

  • Just teasin' ya m8 2.8 years ago

    @Brayden1981 actually F=M*A

  • 3D printed RC plane. 3.0 years ago

    What's the print time?

  • Living up to be more than a Spark. 4.2 years ago

    Its a pretty cool gig for sure. I didnt have to do any fancy interview for when I joined my Dept as they were pretty desperate for manpower. Good Luck.

  • Soviet guard emblem 4.2 years ago


  • Super Hellcat 4.4 years ago

    @KangaKangaTheRoo sorry for the mis-tag XD

  • Super Hellcat 4.4 years ago

    @KangaKangaTheRoo No FT. It just uses a normal gyro.

  • Heinkel P.1080 4.5 years ago

    Nice job! Honestly the only improvement I could think of would be a custom airfoil wing. Some simple details (like panel lines, roundels, or numbers) could also really add a lot to this as well.

  • TDD-1 Tuatha De Danaan 4.5 years ago

    Imagine waiting 10 years to have two characters finally hold hands.

  • Semedian Swanson CAC230-200EC "Whaler" 4.5 years ago

    That fuselage shape is awesome. Could do with some more engines tho, Somehow three little turbofans dont do it justice.

  • Help with the new cannon part 4.8 years ago

    I would set the reload of some guns to 0 to make it super quick.

  • Roman Ballista (re-up) 4.9 years ago

    @BeryllCorp believe it or not it was actually an improvement ;)

    Only left a small scar on the bridge of my nose and gave me a healthy fear of simple levers. If I hadn't had safety glasses it would have been much worse.

  • Junkers Ju-187/287 4.9 years ago

    @BogdanX yes you are right. This aircraft is indeed speculation, as is any other depiction. However, if you truly believe that the act of calling any speculation "wrong" is wrong , then you cannot call my lack of a gull wing a "flaw".
    Without a time machine (or at least legit documentation) we can never know for sure, that's for sure. I am just very confident that my speculation is closer to the actual truth than any other speculation before. In fact, without that previous speculation, I would not have been able to draw many if the conclusions I made.
    However, what I do know for 100% certain is not speculation is the location of the supercharger air intake. Go ahead and look at at a pic of a Jumo 213 engine and tell me why the air intake should be on left side of the aircraft when the supercharger is on the right of the engine XD
    This was not a paper project that never left the drawing board, after all we have pictures of physical models.
    That aside, thank you very much for your feedback. I'm glad you enjoy flying this bird. Main reason for no trim on the elevator is I'm very new to the funky trees thing, and I ran out of time to fiddle with this. I was lucky enough that I had started it before the challenge went underway so I had a head start. But even with that head start i was working right up to the deadline. Theres so much more i would have added given time, such as functioning trim, more dials and gauges, and camo. Well done on your Stuka too, it's good to see it get the proper attention it deserves.
    May the best builder win ;)

  • Roman Ballista (re-up) 4.9 years ago

    Last time I made one of these I ended up taking up a crowbar to the face. 10/10 would reccomend safety glasses as a good idea.

  • Krupp L2H143+PAK35/36 4.9 years ago

    Really could do with at leas a simple crosshair reticle. Diffucult to aim the cannon otherwise.

  • RPM Calculations 5.1 years ago

    Honestly best bet is just use throttle input. In game engines may have an idle sound, but it's kind of a fake idle as they are essentially just off.

  • Wheel Jitter Halp Plz 5.1 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf thank you sir it was a success. Do you want to be tagged in the final product?

  • 3D Printing feature 5.2 years ago

    I have. It works great! Print quality is really only limited by the printer and your building skills.

  • Is it possible to create working Ground Effect F1 cars? 5.3 years ago

    @Mobius1Cyka make suspension B E E F Y.

  • Test 5.5 years ago


  • PaK 40 5.6 years ago

    @RailfanEthan blocked and reported.

  • Spring help. 5.7 years ago

    @randomusername thanks. All fixed now.
