@RepublicofWrightIsles I like nasi lemak i love nasi lemak no one can stop me from eating nasi lemak it's my favourite dish I eat it everyday in school in home in jail I love this sweet spicy and crispy dish that is the nasi lemak.
The fuselage is also longer than the regular 777-300, about 251ft~ aswell as its wings. Fun fact: The 777x wings are so long that the rotating wingtips are installed to make it fit in the airports. Hope this helps ;)
Recommend: could replace the engines with the 787 GENX engines but resize the whole engine using the scale tool in the rotating tool if you had enabled the mods. But anyways this is awesome!
@Transair56 I mean it's probably gonna get confused with the you-know-what conflict, but I genuinely want to make the livery. I also don't want to get banned of this platform so asking first is a good thing
Lol I just realised I can't add links
@SweetSuccubus jangan cakap... plis lah jangan cakap 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@RepublicofWrightIsles I like nasi lemak i love nasi lemak no one can stop me from eating nasi lemak it's my favourite dish I eat it everyday in school in home in jail I love this sweet spicy and crispy dish that is the nasi lemak.
@GeneralUnitedSTATS uhhh... well atleast mine doesn't have any missing parts of the livery 😃
@LuisMe the story is actually the reason why I made this lol
Hehehe my future car
+1The fuselage is also longer than the regular 777-300, about 251ft~ aswell as its wings. Fun fact: The 777x wings are so long that the rotating wingtips are installed to make it fit in the airports. Hope this helps ;)
+1Recommend: could replace the engines with the 787 GENX engines but resize the whole engine using the scale tool in the rotating tool if you had enabled the mods. But anyways this is awesome!
Oh god, I messed up it was supposed to be 136ft long 😭
@planesandgodzilla1954. <i>insert "not like us panda remix"
Air "bite me"
+1Malaysia mentioned ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
+2It looks like a pencil
@A380istheGOAT your old name was "AirPhilippinesFlight54" it's pretty obvious what your nationality was
+1@planesandgodzilla1954 he's Filipino 💀
+1Requested Tags: @Solent19
+2@WaterFlavouredSpitfires which plane?
Requested tags: @Aviationguy24
Yooo this is sick!!!
+1@Aviationguy24 I don't think american airlines had the 200s with the new livery but ok
+1Darnit can't spotlight anymore
Bri ish?
Pasta airlines 🍝🍝🍝🍝
@Rjenteissussy riley's deleted emotion
+4@Aviationguy24 yup! If you have more points you can spotlight any post from a person who has less points than you.
Congratulations for 2000 points! [In a few days I can no longer spotlight your post :(]
Say, can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watched
Were so gallantly, yeah, streaming?
And the rockets' red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave
Early access Hehehehehaw
+1@CessnaC1tat1on27 I will definitely do that
Wait, where's the split winglets version tho?
+1@Ricky33 yes
@Aviationguy24 yes I'm a fan
@TheAirbusA380addict yay
@CaptainBrayden plis be me fred
I just realised I have no friends in this website 🙃
Here at fly us we treat you like sh!t 🔥🔥🔥
This is my favourite American car fr
+1Here before mouse
@Graingy Canada in reality is northern michigan
@Aviationguy24 see the search icon next to the download button? Yeah that's the spotlight button
+1@LunarEclipseSP no lol this was supposed to be a picture of George from young sheldon but the empty image made it more funny
You should learn how to make pictures out of label I'll link the tutorial for you
@Transair56 I mean it's probably gonna get confused with the you-know-what conflict, but I genuinely want to make the livery. I also don't want to get banned of this platform so asking first is a good thing
@theNoobCountry2 yes. I have something in mind.
@geometrydash yes that would be amazing for my new build