236k jamesPLANESii Comments

  • YAMATO 1945 3.4 years ago

    @Onedream It's the amount of power it takes for your computer to run the craft. 1 performance cost is the equivalent of how much it takes to run 1 straight block. I think fuselage blocks take about 2.7 performance cost. It's basically like part count but more accurate to how well your computer will run it.

  • YAMATO 1945 3.4 years ago

    49K performance cost lmao

  • Hmm... In the SPVR trailer 3.6 years ago

    I spent NZ$700 on a new VR headset just to play this update lmao
    Also MSFS in VR is lit

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Make wheels buoyant and have the ability to water ski

    Cuz I want a genuine bush flying experience on this garbage map lol

  • How tf 3.7 years ago

    You're probably not gonna buy a cake at a cafe if it looks like crap, despite it probably being the most delicious cake there.
    Presentation is key!!!

  • I won't Say Who 3.9 years ago

    I agree lol. Except amogos, just because it's a fun word to say.
    Honestly among us memes have been the least funny and most over rated meme of my lifetime. I do enjoy memes, but this one was just terrible, not funny, and annoying.

  • SPBC Is a bad server 4.1 years ago


  • Meme about today 4.4 years ago

    "This is the friendliest gaming community I've ever been on!"
    "Quit making forums asking people to stop making forums about drama!"

  • nothing is confirmed 5.1 years ago

    I think my biggest suggestion for the game is to not over complicate the designer to the point where it feels like trying to run in your sleep. Looks at SR2
    The great thing about SimplePlanes is building doesn’t feel awkward at all. Making really detailed stuff is really easy because you can do every action in the designer at the same time and you can do it without deselecting any parts (apart from painting but that’s okay). Tbh my only complaint about the designer would be that trying to place parts on stuff can be extremely regarded sometimes. A better system for that would be nice. But, don’t get rid of all the attachment points on the parts like SR2 because that’s also seriously annoying.

    I would say the thing that would be excellent in SP is proper, realistic physics, like wind deflection and proper aerodynamics, rather than just parts that have “drag” that just resist moving.
    That would be cool.

  • The SimplePlanes Etiquette #1: Using other's creation. 5.1 years ago

    I agree, asking is quite important

  • Moderator announcement: About profile pictures 5.2 years ago

    Oh, that’s me out then. This picture is too sexy :(

  • [Finn·Balor]The Devil's heart 6.2 years ago

    Are you TakeYourLife3000?

  • The Towers July 2001 6.3 years ago

    With tech we have today, this could have been made in less than 200 parts lol

  • New Moderator 6.6 years ago

    Why wasn’t eternal darkness a moderator like a million years ago???????

  • Been a While… one month ago

    im still here lol
    I also joined the military, hence why I havent uploaded any major builds for a while.

  • Website Update 2 months ago

    This top users over time periods thing is cool and interesting and gives a better representation of who the active users are atm, but I think we'll see WAY more arguments over upvotes and abusing the system now :/

  • Funny/Ridiculous things that happen in the forums: 3 months ago

    98% of posts and comments made by just Graingy and his alts

  • SimplePlanes: The Furry Update 1.4 years ago

    Fuselage textures! Finally! Was not expecting them to be like this though...

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.5 years ago

    For a moment I thought this was a late April fools joke lmao
    Oh my god the new switch types are gonna be SO USEFUL!!!

    Edit: the new switches and levers are just aestetic. I was expecting different interaction types. Kinda disapointing :/

  • Happy International Women's Day! <3 2.1 years ago

    i respekt WHAMEN!!!

  • Grand Omnipotent Dragon (a.k.a. GOD, both FLIES and SWIMS) 2.6 years ago

    Just so you know, only the first 3 people you tag in a comment get a notification
    Although, please don't tag that many people without them asking to be tagged first lol
    This is a real nice build BTW!

  • 0 Point Users Still Upvoting Stuff 2.7 years ago

    They're probably upvoting using SPVR. You can upvote stuff regardless of your points there. There's also no cool down.

  • Shitposting. 2.9 years ago

    People who don't like shitposts are butt-hurt poeple who feel ratioed. Don't worry about them. They're funny :)

  • Mods that should be implanted to the game. 3.0 years ago

    Tracks 2 = yes plz
    Ocean mod = Hell yeah! But something more modular since the current version is rather unrefined.
    Kaboom = eh imo not really that important.
    Limitless spin = nah that's obsolete now with funky trees.
    Underwater camera = YES
    Kumamatanga Archipelago = It's a pretty good map but it's too large for most devices. It only just runs on my old computer, which can run 5000 parts. I'd prefer maybe something more finessed too.

  • HOW DO YOU MAKE A CLIP GUN?????? 3.2 years ago

    You buy a clip and attach a gun to it

  • At this point I just embrace it... 3.2 years ago

    @DeezDucks Yeah and they run worse than MSFS on ultra settings on a 4K monitor. It's because they don't have any distance rendering. They stay at maximum resolution no matter how far away you are from it.
    Same with the pine trees most people use on their maps.

  • Points 3.3 years ago

    You have to journey to a far away land, survive for a month out in the wild, and send a sacrificial goat to Andrew Garrison, our God. And once this is complete, there is a 50/50 chance you may get a point.
    As you can tell, I have done this hundreds of thousands of times and can practically call myself Bear Grylls at this point

  • SimplePlanes Does Not Run 3.3 years ago

    I tried taking SimplePlanes for a run once too. Unfortunately it was just a computer game and had no legs

  • SimplePlanes Movie: Update 3.3 years ago

    wow that's a really cool movie

  • Kaboom 3.3 years ago

    mobile version plz

  • Suggestion: The Fuel Dumping Feature 3.5 years ago

    Engine with its input set to an activator, and with its max input set very high, and a white, scaled up exhaust

  • The Rafale in SP 3.8 years ago

    Imo the Rafale is one of the best looking fighter jets

  • BIsexual BI plane 3.9 years ago

    I can't believe nobody came up with this earlier

  • Why isn't the official Jundroo account a dev account? 3.9 years ago

    Because it's fun knowing how many points it has from 99% successor points

  • Anyone else bothered by this? 4.1 years ago

    The sound that bothers me the most is the fact that the sound pitch of the props has nothing to do with their RPM...

  • Broken builds. 4.2 years ago

    Things like this make me wonder how we ever built without the attachment editor

  • SIMPLEPLANES memes! 4.4 years ago

    Original memes: 1/5

  • I'm 5 4.6 years ago

    Epic now go to school or die

  • Updated sounds 4.6 years ago

    Props sounding like they’re at full RPM when they’re on 1% throttle and hardly spinning is one that annoys me

  • S M O O T H 4.6 years ago

    This update has improved the look of the best planes to the point that they could be on-par with legit 3D models.

  • Thank you, Tully 4.6 years ago

    Hold up
    The face is Tully’s body, and some of the background, and the mouth is between his eye and mouth
    What kind of freak is this fish?

  • What happened to XxVirginMary42069xX? 4.7 years ago

    I’m surprised it took so long lol
    Very... strange behaving person...

  • Update suggestion: Text 4.7 years ago

    The number of times ideas like this have been suggested and ignored... :(


    Fine tuner and overload are the main mods that I rely on, which are both on mobile. I also use the designer suite mod because you can save the blueprint locations, but I could easily move to the in game blueprints function.
    The units mod is useful for getting planes to fly more accurately, but it isn’t crucial.
    Then there’s upload with screenshots. I guess mobile users have to be more wise with their colour choices so that their builds stand out better.
    That’s everything really. It’s not a massive disadvantage.

  • We need new tag lol 4.8 years ago

    Here are some other tags we need:

    Anahuac Edit
    (Fabrica de Aviones Anahuac)

    Anahuac Tauro
    Anatra Edit
    (Artur Antonovich Anatra)

    Anatra Anade[1]
    Anatra Anadis
    Anatra Anamon
    Anatra Anasal
    Anatra Anakle[2]
    Anatra Anadva[1]
    Anatra D[2]
    Anatra DE[2]
    Anatra DS[2]
    Anatra DSS[2]
    Anatra Voisin-Ivanov (V.I.)[2]
    Anatra Anadva-Salmson[2]
    ANBO Edit
    (Karo Aviacijos Tiekimo Skyrius - Military Aviation Supply Department) (ANBO - Antanas Nori Būti Ore – "Antanas wants to be airborne")

    ANBO I
    ANBO 41
    ANBO V
    ANBO 51
    Andermat Edit
    (Andermat Aeroplane Co)

    Andermat 1916 Biplane[3]
    Anderson Edit
    (Anderson Aircraft Mfg Co)

    Welch Biplane[3]
    Anderson Edit
    (Louis "Andy" Anderson)

    Anderson #1[3]
    Anderson #2[3]
    Anderson #3[3]
    Anderson Scampy[3]
    Anderson Baby A[3]
    Anderson Edit
    (Andrew A. Anderson)

    Anderson Z
    Anderson Edit
    (Maynard B Anderson)

    Anderson Honey Bee[3]
    Anderson R-1 Rotorplane[3]
    Anderson Edit
    ((Alvin E) Anderson Propeller Co)

    Anderson Special[3]
    Anderson Edit
    (Anderson Aircraft Corporation / Earl Anderson, Delray Beach, FL)

    Anderson EA-1 Kingfisher
    Anderson Greenwood Edit
    ((Ben M) Anderson, (Marvin H) Greenwood & Co)

    Anderson Greenwood AG-14
    Anderson Greenwood 51[3]
    Anderson-Gewert Edit
    (Charles Lee Anderson & E R Gewert, Reno, NV)

    Anderson-Gewert Racing Model[3]
    Andiz Edit
    (Andiz Aircraft Corp)

    Andiz 2-60[3]
    Andiz C-2[3]
    Andreae Edit
    (F O Andreae)

    Andreae 1909 Multiplane[3]
    Andreasson Edit
    (Bjorn Andreasson, San Diego, CA)

    Andreasson BA-4[3]
    Andreasson BA-6[3]
    Andreasson BA-7
    Andreasson BA-11
    Andrews Edit
    (Edward F Andrews)

    Andrews 1910 Biplane[3]
    Andrews Edit
    (C.G. Andrews, New Zealand)

    Andrews A1
    Andrews A2
    Andrews-Acre Edit
    Andrews-Acre monoplane[citation needed]
    Andrews & Nicholson Edit
    (Henry G Andrews & Ray E Nicholson)

    Andrews & Nicholson T-1[3]
    ANEC Edit
    (Air Navigation and Engineering Company)

    ANEC I
    Anequim Edit
    (Anequim Project Team)

    Anequim Project Team Anequim[citation needed]
    ANF Les Mureaux Edit
    (Atelier du Nord de la France Les Mureaux / Ateliers Les Mureaux)

    Les Mureaux 3
    Les Mureaux 4
    ANF Les Mureaux 110
    ANF Les Mureaux 111
    ANF Les Mureaux 112
    ANF Les Mureaux 113
    ANF Les Mureaux 114
    ANF Les Mureaux 115
    ANF Les Mureaux 117
    ANF Les Mureaux 119
    ANF Les Mureaux 120
    ANF Les Mureaux 121
    ANF Les Mureaux 130 A2
    ANF Les Mureaux 131 A2
    ANF Les Mureaux 140
    ANF Les Mureaux 160
    ANF Les Mureaux 170
    ANF Les Mureaux 180
    ANF Les Mureaux 190
    ANF Les Mureaux 200
    A.N.F. 'Expre

  • [UFO CONFIRMED] 4.9 years ago

    Woah that’s weird.
    I remember a post someone else made a while ago saying they saw a UFO just like this.
    I’ve never seen it my self though.

  • The feature we need (maybe it can be a mod) 5.4 years ago

    Said everybody ever since 1.0 lmao
    Yet the devs still haven’t added it... similar to how they still haven’t added rain... 🤦‍♂️

  • Someone Is Converting SP Replicas Into 3d Models And Trying To Sell Them 5.6 years ago

    Although I’d feel angry for someone stealing my design to make money off it, I’d also feel pretty proud considering my design was good enough that someone could make money off it lol

  • Why do you play simpleplanes? 6.2 years ago

    Because my favourite things are
    - Art
    - Vehicles
    And in SP you can do both and interact with them. :D
