19.2k klm747klm747 Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    It would be really great if we could assign inputs to clickable buttons and levers, like making a button change the input of, for example, "Variable1". We could then use the "Variable1" to control rotators, lights, etc around the airplane. It just seems that we don't have enough inputs / activation groups for all the things around the airplane. That output could be assigned in the overload xml editor of the lever/switch/knob, maybe with a category called "output"
    Switch off- output1=0
    Switch on- output1=1
    Not sure if you planned this, but it would give us many more options for controlling our planes and adding doors, light groups, etc.
    P.S. it would also be great to have knobs that can give a variable output when you use the scroll wheel on them (like 0.74 or 0.23, kinda like VTOL)

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 3.6 years ago

    "We're also working on a big update for the original SimplePlanes"


    I CANNOT WAIT to make better cockpits without spending dozens of hours!

    (Btw, it would be really awesome to also have clickable buttons/movable levers in the regular sp, like FSX. There just aren't enough activation groups for autopilots, doors, engine start, lights, etc. I was thinking of a funky trees system where you can push a button that changes a variable, like input1 goes from 0 to 1 when button1 is pushed.)

  • Boeing 747-200 2.9 years ago

    Why is it 700 feet long tho

  • We're doing merch! 3.3 years ago

    What would really be cool is if we could send in screenshots of our builds to be on a shirt or hoodie.

  • Sweater Chang 4.7 years ago

    @1918 Good Work.

  • SERIOUS wasted potential if this is not implemented 3.4 years ago

    We just need more Activation groups. That's the absolute easiest way. 25 would be great. (1-8 are keyboard, 9-25 (or even 50) are switches.)

    Actually, just being able to set the amount of AGs we want would be better.

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 5.9 years ago

    Still waiting for someone to build an F-35 around this...

  • I have been banned lmfao 1.6 years ago

    You need to be banned forever

  • Boeing2707-300 2.2 years ago

    No instructions?

  • Boeing 757 Business Jet [N757AF] 3.0 years ago

    Waiting for the political comments
    Great replica! I'll check out how it flies and everything now.

  • Andrew GarriSUN 3.1 years ago

    When are people going to stop making these

  • Airbus A300-600F FedEx 3.3 years ago

    First thoughts- very good model with great styling and good livery detail.

    1. good livery, at a glance it looks great
    2. some doors open
    3. flight dynamics are very good
    4. relatively good cockpit
    5. Lighting is very good, I love that you used the real switches!
    6. Suspension is good, unlike so many other planes with none

    1. Landing gear retracts on the ground (would destroy the airplane)
    2. Cargo door can open in flight (might destroy the airplane).
    3. Reverse thrust works in air (might destroy the airplane).
    4. There are four ailerons, real A306 only has two.
    5. Spoilers don't assist with roll.
    6. Slats don't quite behave properly, they should angle down a bit (and there's a kreuger flap near the root that was missed).
    7. Nose gear is not responsive in turning, makes it hard to taxi.
    8. The airplane is much too light (below empty weight).

    Final thoughts- Very good model, but the part count seems a bit high for the number of features that were modeled.

  • Free Education Version 3.4 years ago

    I thought this was the update beta XD

  • 747-200 CATHAY PACIFIC 4.2 years ago

    This plane looks nice, but it has some very serious issues when flying. The effort has not been put in to make the flight model accurate.

    1. Flaps have huge gaps in them.
    2. The model is obviously too short.
    3. It accelerates too quickly.
    4. Takes off in under a quarter of wright's runway
    5. Inboard ailerons should not go up when applying spoilers/speedbrakes in midair.
    6. When in midair, not all the spoiler panels should go up, and not all the way. They should be in "flight spoiler" mode, in which locks the furthest inside panel as well as the two outer ones.
    7. The spoiler panels are at like 80 degrees when extended
    8. Outboard ailerons should lock when in high-speed flight (this prevents wing twist)
    9. Aileron control is very bad at approach speeds.
    10. Did you even check the drag points?
    11. Main landing clips together when retracting
    12. The back door should be directly under the beginning of the base of the tail.
    13. Elevator control is abysmal at all speeds
    14. No suspension.
    15. No main gear steering.
    16. Back main wheels (the furthest back four) don't touch the ground.


    Visual model is mostly alright, but the flight model needs serious work.

    I know that you have it in you to make this thing fly right.

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.5 years ago

    Very good job, thank you for taking a little break from SR and doing this for us! Quick question though, in a future update, would it be possible for you guys to create a fuselage block that just makes holes in fuselage blocks? (Hollow and non-hollow) Kind of like a hole-punch. It would make high-detail things like windows and cockpits so much easier to build, as well as looking very clean for no extra parts. Especially in building airliner cockpits, it would help us to make much more detailed builds. We would be able to use the hollow fuselage to its full potential. Currently we can't really use the hollow fuselage for hollow body planes because there are no options for windows, bomb bays, hatches, etc. In my idea it would be possible for the "anti-fuselages" to only "cut" the parts that they are attached to, so that we can still put things in that spot afterwards. They would be made visible/invisible with a shortcut and would not be able to be seen or moved in the regular designer view, so they don't get in the way.

  • Airbus A320 Spirit Airlines 1.7 years ago

    @AXEPOH I think you should make an airliner, it would be interesting to see how you do it. Make sure you tag me when it's done!

  • Fun fact: you can teleport anywhere 1.7 years ago

    I teleported myself 100 billion km away and there is only blackness

  • AN-22SH Never Built Challenge 2.0 years ago

    smoothing is a thing lol

  • EGGA CHAD 2.8 years ago

    Man why is there discord notifications in there- messing with me

  • Airliner Seats 2.8 years ago

    Okay, upon closer inspection I have noticed that the set of 2 and 3 seats have the text on the back reversed and are therefore unusable

  • B-17 G Flying Fortress 3.1 years ago

    I like the interior detail, but the outside needs a bit of work especially on the vertical stabilizer and main wings.

  • SPVR Update - Labels 3.5 years ago

    This update is truly amazing an I can't wait to be able to make low part glass cockpits. I just hope the numbers have an option to glow.

  • SPVR Update - Gauges 3.5 years ago

    Can we also change the white and green arc locations?

  • Kumamatanga Archipelago 5.6 years ago

    This mod's size is bigger than SP itself...

  • TEASER: Airbus A350 XWB Family 5.9 years ago

    How to make wingflex:
    Divide the wings into three or four parts. Then add rotators between the parts. (The rotators don't need to be bound to any key or even be movable). Then put a wing that creates lift in the winglet. As the plane gains speed, the wing at the end of the fuselage wing will create lift, bending the rotators and allowing the wing to flex upwards.

  • Pigpen 2.4 years ago

    @TheOneAndOnlyToad How did you check that none of us had any problems with him?
    (Also come on, disliking a plane isn't what he's getting clowned on for. It's the "This is the dumbest plane I have ever fly")

  • LOT Polish Airlines 737-800 2.4 years ago

    Did this guy get to platinum with only reposts with liveries

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) 2.7 years ago

    Hello- The USS Best catapult blast shield doesn't stay down anymore for longer planes. Link to forum post

  • 20,000km range test 3.2 years ago

    @ShawnJohn20 Tankers... I forgot those would technically give your plane infinite range.

    BTW, I'll definitely be using this map for testing the range of my airliners!
    BTW BTW, I made a non xml plane that can travel 119.56 KM on only one percent of fuel- 11,956 KM range on a four seat general aviation twin. This is flying along at 343 knots at 15,000 feet. Imagine sitting in a Baron for almost 19 hours nonstop.

  • Boeing 777F 3.4 years ago

    Very nice, let me see how you did

    First off, the visual model is pretty good. I like the visuals and you did a good job on it.

    Alright so there's still a couple things you could fix on the new 777, mainly the gear and the high speed aileron lockout. I believe it's 240 knots, but don't quote me on that.

    Also, there's a little issue with the speedbrake deployment, you might need to check out a video on the speedbrake deployment for approaches. The rudder is also not the correct 2 part piece, you'll need to check out a picture on that too if you like. There's a tab down there that turns independently. There's also very little nose wheel suspension.

    You fixed a lot of stuff though, so I'm impressed on your progress. I just don't think it's ready for post yet.

  • Flying iPhone 3.6 years ago

    this is pretty good but you missed out on the opportunity to make the sim eject hole the gun ports

  • 767-400ER Fuselage 3.7 years ago

    @GuianLorenzo It should be optimized to run on devices with lower power. However, it's not actually flyable so...
    @ToxicAviationAviation Glad you can handle it!
    @Thecatbaron Thank you very much, I believe the next piece will be just the nose with all the instruments ETC in it. That will be the final piece before release.

  • Fast Pepega 4.0 years ago


  • Tupolev Tu-154M Interflug 4.1 years ago

    When you mix 777 gear with 727 tail and yak 40 stretch

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.5 years ago

    @MAHADI true, but more restrictive. We would be able to make much more things if we had anti-fuselages. Just think about how easy it would be to make airliners. Windows punched out, and then focus on the important stuff like interiors instead of wasting time paneling and using billions of parts just for it to not be smooth.

  • PLAAF Chengdu J-20 4.6 years ago

    @ChrisPy yeah I feel like this thing is just an upvote magnet with a crap ton of parts and if you fly it, the illusion falls apart. If you take a look at the A330 Finn made you'll see a post of mine explaining that one as well. He is very good at detail but not at actual flight performance. If he focuses more work on the flight dynamics it will be much better.
    @FinnReignSUPREME I think you are doing well at outside appearance, but the flight dynamics need fixing. This plane is pretty unresponsive and doesn't control correctly.

  • >3900 Part Aircraft Nearing Completion 5.6 years ago

    The only things left to do are the IFE Satellite Hump, flightcrew rest area, actual flight dynamics, some of the overhead panel, lighting, and final touches to fix things up. This plane HAS TO be posted by Sunday because I'm going to Orlando on Monday.

  • Boeing 757-200 5.8 years ago

    All the people who have supported me:


    Thank you all so much for giving feedback, upvotes, and encouragement!

  • Sukhoi Su-34 2.1 years ago

    @Bird6369 I got it to +124G and -46G

  • LOT Polish Airlines 737-800 2.4 years ago

    @Reworkable ahh I saw only reposts with changes on your profile that's why I thought
    Didn't see any original creations

  • Cardboard craft 2.5 years ago

    I'll be very interested to see the finished fan and everything else

  • How do I compute range for prop aircraft 2.7 years ago

    range is speed and time. your speed times the amount of hours the plane can fly for is the range. The easiest way is to time how long the plane takes to lose 1 percent fuel and then multiply that number (in hours) by 100, then multiply by speed.

  • Boeing 747-8 lufthansa livery 2.8 years ago


  • VHI MB-20A(Medium Bomber Challenge) 2.9 years ago

    Cockpits are getting so nice these days with such little performance impact. It's amazing.

  • Airbus A350ULR Singapore [Full Interior] 3.1 years ago

    @realSavageMan yeah I forgot
    I did now, but you gotta add FBW to your next airbus plane

  • SWL-10 3.2 years ago

    I really like this.

    But the ILS features for wright airport aren't working.

  • 767 Update (Almost One Year!) 3.3 years ago

    @LordVader99 reduced from 15,000.
    @Augusta81 @Augusta81 Finishing this project 2022.
    @WaffleCakes I can get about 13-18 fps on an overclocked 9700k.

  • 767 Update (Almost One Year!) 3.3 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX sent

  • Airbus A300-600F FedEx 3.3 years ago

    @UsernameTH5 no problem, and I really like this plane!

  • [BETA] DC-10 nose section!! 3.4 years ago

    Shape seems a little bit weird but I like where you're going.
