@Pennywise0831 Which build did you try ? I'm kinda confused, I know I'm not the best at all but I have a pretty low point score compared to others.
Also, criticism is always a good thing for improvement but you just said that my builds are disapointing, I would like to know what in your opinion could be improved on my builds :)
@HiHiTryLol It's never an easy task haha, that's why I'm not to make these for people anymore, I'm a film maker IRL and sadly I doesn't have enough time anymore to do it here too.
Such a simple but good looking plane, I love the details on it, the airbrakes being part of the landing gear bay doors, spoilers, flaperons, real bays for the LG, these inverted air intakes, just lovely and really good for a fictional plane, a lot of creativity here.
Different variants, good flight model (right in between realism and fun), cool to play thanks to a polyvalent loadout, an interior with a nice cockpit (not the most complete or detailed but looks good for sure and is a good addition), an inertial camera (same here, not the best but hey nobody thinks about it), flies nice, land nice and feels nice.
Good job man !
(looks more like a 4th gen plane in the handling but that's just me being an ass, love it !)
@Graingy yes I did, you forgot but somebody else asked me for the solution on discord, the problem is that I have issues with taking screenshots when the reshade tab is open since it's protected by something that won't let me take screenshots
I don't know if life is worth it, but I sure do know that dying isn't.
Some people on that earth are literally getting bombed right now, and are looking out for a better life, not stoping it, you're getting bombs on your head too, yes in a metaphoric way, but it's the same thing.
It's my favorite game, first got a cracked version because my parents weren't really into video games (which I do understand today, love you). But as soon as I got my own money, I bough it. I will buy SP2 and I'm sure that I won't regret it neither.
@ComradeSandman Once again, I started playing without knowing about the website.
Today, even tho it took a big place, I would totally play without it.
I rarely download people's builds.
I do think this game is fun, it's only my opinion of course but all that matters for me is the total liberty it gives me when it comes to building stuff, and, oh, it's a sandbox game so it sound pretty logical.
Why improve when there's nobody to share your stuff with ? For yourself, that's what a hobbie is, something you do for yourself.
It's ok to not like a game as much as somebody else, but don't put it on the website.
@ComradeSandman yes, yes it did.
As a person who started playing this game without even knowing about the website and the posibility to share builds, upvotes were really the very last thing I cared about when I discovered this place.
Sharing something doesn't require any point system, people caring about them just didn't get the point of this game.
MAPA was pretty good at making A.I builds, but not much more, the three others are just randoms ?
I mean, it's nothing compared to when bogdan or spiritus left the game, these players really added something to the game boy being here and posting stuff.
Today the playerbase is just less good than yesterday and most players can't build anything good, that's also why people just a little better than others end in forum posts like this when they leave.
But the reality is that most of their builds can be done by all of you reading this, with some effort...of course...
@ComradeSandman they're still points tho...even if it is the reflection of what people "might" think of your build, it's just being an idiot to build for others to react.
Grow up.
gg, it's really cool that you succed such a high score, not everyone can do that, most players haven't reach 100 upvotes on a build.
However, do you think you deserve those ? Not being mean or anything, I'm just curious about what you think about it, do you think your build is better than most builds on the front page ? Or that the other 100+ upvotes builds you've seen out here were better or not.
I feel like that (memes builds put aside), most builds getting such an amount of upvotes are generally higher quality.
Good job tho, can't wait to see your next builds, I feel like you wanna do good stuff and that's the only thing that matters for me.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 same questions same answers, russian faced problems and solved them with the same solutions as americans dis. Yes it's a solution copy, but the two planes don't have much in common
@Graingy the Tu160 and B1 aren't actually in the same league, the B1 being a low altitude penetration bomber, and the tu160 being a high altitude fast moving bomber (fun fact, it's the heaviest military plane ever produced and still in service, pretty cool right ?).
The only reason people are hating it IS because it's a russian plane, american kidos can't recognize that something is great if it ain't american, even tho most times they don't know shit about the other plane.
@Luminaria you're giving points for speed ? Most planes don't have the same top speeds that's absurd...
I don't even see a criteria for the build quality or how efficient it is...
very cool
+1@Pennywise0831 Which build did you try ? I'm kinda confused, I know I'm not the best at all but I have a pretty low point score compared to others.
Also, criticism is always a good thing for improvement but you just said that my builds are disapointing, I would like to know what in your opinion could be improved on my builds :)
@HiHiTryLol It's never an easy task haha, that's why I'm not to make these for people anymore, I'm a film maker IRL and sadly I doesn't have enough time anymore to do it here too.
Thanks for making all this a better place ! happy to see that even without updates this place is still kept alive
Such a simple but good looking plane, I love the details on it, the airbrakes being part of the landing gear bay doors, spoilers, flaperons, real bays for the LG, these inverted air intakes, just lovely and really good for a fictional plane, a lot of creativity here.
Different variants, good flight model (right in between realism and fun), cool to play thanks to a polyvalent loadout, an interior with a nice cockpit (not the most complete or detailed but looks good for sure and is a good addition), an inertial camera (same here, not the best but hey nobody thinks about it), flies nice, land nice and feels nice.
Good job man !
(looks more like a 4th gen plane in the handling but that's just me being an ass, love it !)
+6@samuelschnurralves haha true
hi, why the gyro ?
@SPTNR why tho ?
@keiyronelleavgeek566 Yeah it's pretty much always like this, but you got your answer haha
@Grob0s0VBRa thanks@overlord5453 I do, don't worry haha
@Grob0s0VBRa thanks
@Graingy yes I did, you forgot but somebody else asked me for the solution on discord, the problem is that I have issues with taking screenshots when the reshade tab is open since it's protected by something that won't let me take screenshots
+1Ask someone for a good screenshot (or do it yourself) and use it has a thumbnail
Nice to see it posted, see you when SP two is released
@Trainzo if you need some screenshots you know who to call !
+1@SPTNR nah not my type
@RMZSPinactive weren't you supposed to leave ?
@SPTNR yeah one time wasn't enough
@SPTNR skill issue
@SPTNR skill issue
Hi, lovely plane, would be nice to make a variant for kangy's SPVR challenge
@MitchesPlanes man this discussion is getting old haha
I do have codes that work great
+1I don't know if life is worth it, but I sure do know that dying isn't.
Some people on that earth are literally getting bombed right now, and are looking out for a better life, not stoping it, you're getting bombs on your head too, yes in a metaphoric way, but it's the same thing.
It's my favorite game, first got a cracked version because my parents weren't really into video games (which I do understand today, love you). But as soon as I got my own money, I bough it. I will buy SP2 and I'm sure that I won't regret it neither.
+7I'm so happy to see this
@ComradeSandman Once again, I started playing without knowing about the website.
+2Today, even tho it took a big place, I would totally play without it.
I rarely download people's builds.
I do think this game is fun, it's only my opinion of course but all that matters for me is the total liberty it gives me when it comes to building stuff, and, oh, it's a sandbox game so it sound pretty logical.
Why improve when there's nobody to share your stuff with ? For yourself, that's what a hobbie is, something you do for yourself.
It's ok to not like a game as much as somebody else, but don't put it on the website.
@ComradeSandman yes, yes it did.
As a person who started playing this game without even knowing about the website and the posibility to share builds, upvotes were really the very last thing I cared about when I discovered this place.
Sharing something doesn't require any point system, people caring about them just didn't get the point of this game.
MAPA was pretty good at making A.I builds, but not much more, the three others are just randoms ?
I mean, it's nothing compared to when bogdan or spiritus left the game, these players really added something to the game boy being here and posting stuff.
Today the playerbase is just less good than yesterday and most players can't build anything good, that's also why people just a little better than others end in forum posts like this when they leave.
But the reality is that most of their builds can be done by all of you reading this, with some effort...of course...
+3@ComradeSandman they're still points tho...even if it is the reflection of what people "might" think of your build, it's just being an idiot to build for others to react.
Grow up.
gg, it's really cool that you succed such a high score, not everyone can do that, most players haven't reach 100 upvotes on a build.
However, do you think you deserve those ? Not being mean or anything, I'm just curious about what you think about it, do you think your build is better than most builds on the front page ? Or that the other 100+ upvotes builds you've seen out here were better or not.
I feel like that (memes builds put aside), most builds getting such an amount of upvotes are generally higher quality.
Good job tho, can't wait to see your next builds, I feel like you wanna do good stuff and that's the only thing that matters for me.
+1@F8boa that's good news haha
+1@DCSplanepro12 I'll ask him
@ComradeSandman yes
@F8boa which one being the sim ?
@DCSplanepro12 we don't really care about those
@DCSplanepro12 It's a friend of mine that made it, gotta ask him if he wants to share it
@DCSplanepro12 oh it's a un-posted build
@F8boa his is more stable and user friendly, also over all he did a better job than me in my opinion
+1@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 same questions same answers, russian faced problems and solved them with the same solutions as americans dis. Yes it's a solution copy, but the two planes don't have much in common
@Graingy russian copy on the design solutions, some questions have the same answers. But build for an other puropose
@DCSplanepro12 how do you get what ?
@Graingy the Tu160 and B1 aren't actually in the same league, the B1 being a low altitude penetration bomber, and the tu160 being a high altitude fast moving bomber (fun fact, it's the heaviest military plane ever produced and still in service, pretty cool right ?).
The only reason people are hating it IS because it's a russian plane, american kidos can't recognize that something is great if it ain't american, even tho most times they don't know shit about the other plane.
+3Don't ask for upvotes :) people will upvote if the build is cool 👍🏾
Nice to see that you finished it, keep going I'm sure you'll be a great builder
+2If you're talking about upvotes, well I just don't care about them
@Luminaria womp womp yourself 🥴
@Luminaria you're giving points for speed ? Most planes don't have the same top speeds that's absurd...
+1I don't even see a criteria for the build quality or how efficient it is...
that's actually pretty cool for ten parts haha
@GuardianAerospace I feel like you're the same as I am, 20% of building and 80% of looking at your creation haha