44.2k ollielebanania Comments

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    I know it's a joke but all those upvotes aren't funny, first of all because this plane obviously don't deserve all those upvotes so it's just like saying "look this is crap we are going to make fun of it", also it can be very frustrating for all the players who always try's to make good planes and don't even get to 30 upvotes....

  • Pigpen 2.4 years ago

    @ElvivKauam like you can do better lol

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.5 years ago

    damn, I'm 20 years old now, started playing this game when I was 13, and now it's over.
    but actually no !
    it's really sad to see this game come to an end, yeah it's the last update, and the player base will slowly get thinner and thinner from now on.
    but we will never let this game die, we complain a lot but we already have everything we need, we can literally build anything ! a lot of random players ask for more weapons, engines, screens and stuff but...we can build all that stuff, and it is somehow the fun part of that game, we don't have much to do once we finished our builds, so guys, keep enjoying what this game has to offer to us : the ultimate building experience.

  • I Am On The SimplePlanes Wikipedia lol 2.4 years ago

    people should be known for their records and points ? bruh.
    what about the fact that people aren't known anymore for their builds quality but only for how many internet points they can get.

  • Happy International Women's Day! <3 2.0 years ago

    In a community like this one I don't think it would be a good idea for girls to show up, it would be awesome if they could but people here are sometimes just so stupid and strange with girls.

  • A Juicy Update w/ ESA for Juno: New Origins 2.0 years ago

    when cave update ?

  • car 2.5 years ago

    this thing should be racing on a track what a beast 🔥🔥 and it's even good looking 🥵
    haters be like 🗿

  • WIP Refuel truck 2 2.7 years ago

    what the fuck is wrong with all the people saying "t", can't you also say gg to him for making such amazing things, no hello, no gg, no wow, you guys only know how to say "t"

  • Do you regret buying SP? 5 months ago

    It's my favorite game, first got a cracked version because my parents weren't really into video games (which I do understand today, love you). But as soon as I got my own money, I bough it. I will buy SP2 and I'm sure that I won't regret it neither.

  • **VERY BASIC BOMB BAY TUTORIAL** (very basic, for begginers and new players) 11 months ago

    @winterro hmmm, no images anymore, mhhhh

  • AI Tanker lite 2.0 years ago

    I'm sure one person will jer* off while playing this wtf is that

  • Mirage F-1CT 2.2 years ago

    Hi, I love the Mirage F1, it's a fantastic plane and you did a great job at making it (even tho I really doesn't like this livery). The plane looks good, like it's maybe the best looking Mirage F1 out here (and you made a CT, lovely version) but there are some things hat could have been improved like the trailing edge of the wings, the cross section around the cockpit and the fact that you used very laggy imported images, it looks nice but cause lag for nothing.
    About the flight model tho, things are less good. The plane accelerates way to fast, it's almost a STOL, this with the fact that the plane has way too much lift, it takes of in 1 second.
    Second thing is the roll rate, the Mirage F1 was very agile I had a great roll rate (also, the vertical stabs doesn't have roll inputs IRL), but yours roll like a A380. Besides, the pitch capabilities are insane, it can take up to 15 Gs in the turns and -10 Gs, of course it's totally too much.
    But don't take all this has a "f*ck you you're bad", you did a really great job on it, just need some improvements, but that's the point of the game, at least I hope you had fun building it and flying it, because it's a fantastic looking plane !

  • My Thoughts About SimplePlanes 2 2.2 years ago

    I do agree on one thing, I just hope that the building mechanisms and th designer will start almost the same. I know that a lot of people are looking for something making everything easy but I think that we like SP because it is hard and Time consuming when you want to do good stuff.
    In my opinion SP2 should focus on gameplay, new and better graphics, better optimisation to make the main point of this game so much better : building

  • Mig-31 FoxHound 4.4 years ago

    this Mig 31 is way better than the one from a player that I will not name but that has way to much points fot what he does

  • Scorpion Mk.1A 2 months ago

    Such a simple but good looking plane, I love the details on it, the airbrakes being part of the landing gear bay doors, spoilers, flaperons, real bays for the LG, these inverted air intakes, just lovely and really good for a fictional plane, a lot of creativity here.

    Different variants, good flight model (right in between realism and fun), cool to play thanks to a polyvalent loadout, an interior with a nice cockpit (not the most complete or detailed but looks good for sure and is a good addition), an inertial camera (same here, not the best but hey nobody thinks about it), flies nice, land nice and feels nice.

    Good job man !

    (looks more like a 4th gen plane in the handling but that's just me being an ass, love it !)

  • Shenyang J-11E Yinglong 7 months ago

    A lot of parts for many details, we like details, details are great.
    But sadly details went sto some places and not others, the cockpit is beautiful but the wings shape really is good looking (at least it's fuselage wings).
    Some goes for the fligh characteristics, it flys like an RC plane, maybe it was your goal but I find it kinda sad that such an high detailed plane that could be use to simulate air flight got such a crappy fligh model.
    I really like the description and the whole manual, really useful.

  • Who actually liked PEA planes 7 months ago

    PEA was in my opinion just an excuse for a lot of bad players to publish a bad build without it just being a bad build.
    Some players managed to do great low part / efficient builds and that's all that matters.
    You guys have to chill out, it's a game, it's internet points, it's 3D planes in an ugly 3D map, no need at all to make 400 forum posts about it.

  • 2023 What’s planned for Simple Planes for the next year 2.2 years ago

    1 : Sonic Boom would be nice.
    2 : Pretty complicated to add, the mod already do somehow a good job.
    3 : Why not, like the sonic boom it would add some visuals.
    4 : The only "tank part" that should be added are tracks, other things can be made thanks to skills.
    5 : No, you can make your wing thanks to fuselage parts, just get good. It won't be fun anymore if it is too easy.
    6 : Yes, because why not.
    7 : No it would cause more lag, but a better AI option panel would be great, with more configurations ans options.
    8 : No, same as for the wings, get good, it's a sandbox game, build stuff.
    9 : There is way enough cockpit parts, look at what people already do.
    10 : Canopy parts ? Once again, the fuselage block exist.
    11 : Like SR 2 ? Would be nice if rotators, pistons and shocks still have so many problems. Otherways it's pretty easy to make custom landing gears.
    12 : Stupid, for kikoos. You can make your own custom weapons.
    13 : Same answer, make custom weapons, you can't ask to the devs to make every single weapons that exists IRL.
    14 : ????? There are VTOL engines bruh....
    15 : Why ? Maybe more options to the already existing ones but no need for more.
    16 : Yes, I would even say a new map, it's a game mostly about planes, and the only thing we got to see most of the time is water, a really terrain would be nice.
    17 : Just create your locations.
    18 : Better races'.
    19 : Better missions'.
    20 : No ?

  • "SpLiT tHe ThRoTtLeS" 2.4 years ago

    wow never saw an F-14 on the website !
    kidding, good luck on this build, cool feature

  • Does the game comes to an extinction? 2.5 years ago

    I don't see more or less players, the website is actually pretty active, SP related discord servers still have a lot going on, builds are still posted A LOT and the last update a bring so much new a awesome things that the best players just take their time to build since there's so much to do now. The game has never been as awesome as it is today. And it's not because there isn't an upvote everyday that it is dying, some people play gamesit from the 90s, do you really think they are waiting for an update ? No, they just enjoy the game for what it is, and SP is an awesome sandbox game. It will die, as every game will, but trust me, SimplePlanes is still alive and for a pretty long time.

  • I have lost my interest in SP 7 months ago

    Upvotes ain't progression, upvotes are the reflect of what the community likes.
    If you play for others, there's no point playing, bye.

    And honestly, your builds are good, but I don't really see why they should get more upvotes, they are pretty average, not trying to be rude, but it kinda upsets me people living because of that, play for yourself, have fun, and if you really play to get upvotes, just do pixel art, waifu related planes and memes, because that's what the community likes.

  • I just realised how to make planes for aircraft carriers 2.0 years ago

    I didn't understand a single thing

  • Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F 2.5 years ago

    very nice plane for the part count

  • is it against the rules ? 2.5 years ago

    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII I kinda feel like people are trying to get upvotes in every way possible, but it's only in my mind I guess. The rules aren't clear enough to make conclusions. Some challenges have better written rules lol.

  • Spitfire Mk Vb - Startup, takeoff and landing tutorial 2.7 years ago

    no need for that, I'm a pro at flying this aircraft into bridges ;)

  • A cinematic masterpiece: Focke wulf fw190 2.9 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming thanks of what video goes brrrr

  • F-5 - I added the engine 3.0 years ago

    this is stupid, why would you put so much detail on something you don't even see when your fuselage isn't even that luch detailed or very good looking ? put parts where it is important to put parts, not on something we don't even see

  • Why the PEA Hate? 7 months ago

    @Pan and people like you, just a little bit better than average, hating on other people because they put PEA in the title of their builds disgust me.

  • Do you want me to delete my account? 7 months ago

    I've seen that you're french, il y a un serveur discord dédié aux joueurs de SP francophone, ça pourrait surement t’intéresser.

  • What happened to BogdanX? 1.7 years ago

    @MTindustries kids want to be part of the problème, adults avoid them

  • Radar? | Game Suggestion post | 2.0 years ago

    You can already make radars thanks to FT

  • My discovery on Variable Swept Wing 2.3 years ago

    COL has nothing to do with speed, in SP and in real life, the things that you have to look at is thrust, mass and drag.
    It also works in SP, the only thing is that sweep wings doesn't change the drag amount when sweept, because the parts have a fixed amount of drag, but changing your COL won't do much to the speed. The point of changing the weep of the wing is just to reduce the drag, less resistance to the air means more potential speed.

  • How do you get points to upvote? 2.4 years ago

    Upload an aircraft!

  • Ai Formations 2.4 years ago

    make an AI version of the plane which you want to take a screenshot with. In this AI version, remove all weapons, or disable them if you want to see them (like put an ActivationGroup on it, AI can't use them). Then reduce the engine power of it just a bit, so if YOU reduce throttle, it will be able to follow you, but at the very moment or it will go past you and turn, just accelerate a little and it won't be able to go faster than you. Then just spawn it as agressive of course. With all this you can fly in formation for hours.

  • My Honest Opinion of Cuttable Fuselages in SP... (Plus news for Jundroo) 2.4 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer Yup, for me, it's kinda like all those games that have far more things in mind than Minecraft, better storys, more crafts, more blocks and stuff, but still, Minecraft stays because it has this thingy thingy

  • My Honest Opinion of Cuttable Fuselages in SP... (Plus news for Jundroo) 2.4 years ago

    I'm pretty sure SP won't die, I mean FlyOut looks really great and cool but I honestly think that we won't find in FlyOut this thingy thingy we found in SimplePlanes, this weaird feeling of a game that actually doesn't want to help you. I mean, when FlyOut will be out, I'm sure it will be very easy to make realistic looking planes, it's already the case for the few good players on it. But what's the point of making it too easy ? What's the point of building if you're not doing it because it's challenging ? I like SP a lot, and of course this game still needs a lot of updates to get the job done. But I really hope that it will stay like it is, with complexe FT, weird ass shapes to make in 20hours, unrealisitc flight models that you can make good, all those shitty builds on the website and all the awesome ones. SimplePlanes in I think the ultimate sandboxe game in term of pure building.

  • Smart Bomb 2.5 years ago

    I'm not into SP memes, but this got me into the funny

  • for people that like upvotes lol dumb internet points 2.5 years ago

    @ColonelCanada what's the the point of your comment ? I don't beg for upvotes, make a ton of build to farm them or complain about wanted more or not having enough.

  • **GOOD SCREENSHOTS GUIDE** 2.6 years ago

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 yes, as a bad a example lol


    @WarHawk95 I won't tag you, trash human ;)

  • I TALKED ABOUT SP AT SCHOOL 2.9 years ago

    @Scratchoza Hi didn't know it was you ! I said that this game allow people to make whatever they want, and your build was a good exemple of that, told them it was a really nice creation ! congrats I really liked your build.

  • Dassault Mirage 2000C 3.8 years ago

    @WarHawk95 And it kinda looks like that other Mirage 2000 that we make fun of, almost sure that he used piece of the other build or at least copied some parts.

  • J-10 EX 4.0 years ago

    @Qingqiu See the cockpit ? For what ? Understand the part-count ? It's not an excuse, my last build as a cockpit too and I my build is still at 1000 parts, NOT 3000. And having a good looking cockpit is a thing, but when your plane flys like a brick well the cockpit isn't really useful.

  • Mig P1, mig challenge entry 4.4 years ago

    @KnightOfRen say the guy who was at first pinging people for no reason

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 I call this disgrace, I don't care about how many upvotes I get because I'm not that good, but when I see some goddamn god creations that can barely hit the 50 upvotes and this crap who can get 100 upvotes just for a "meme" (by the way it isn't a meme) it's shocking.

  • Man… so many great people are leaving us… 6 months ago

    MAPA was pretty good at making A.I builds, but not much more, the three others are just randoms ?

    I mean, it's nothing compared to when bogdan or spiritus left the game, these players really added something to the game boy being here and posting stuff.
    Today the playerbase is just less good than yesterday and most players can't build anything good, that's also why people just a little better than others end in forum posts like this when they leave.

    But the reality is that most of their builds can be done by all of you reading this, with some effort...of course...

  • Rockwell B-1B Lancer - Sweep Wing Strategic Bomber 6 months ago

    @Graingy the Tu160 and B1 aren't actually in the same league, the B1 being a low altitude penetration bomber, and the tu160 being a high altitude fast moving bomber (fun fact, it's the heaviest military plane ever produced and still in service, pretty cool right ?).

    The only reason people are hating it IS because it's a russian plane, american kidos can't recognize that something is great if it ain't american, even tho most times they don't know shit about the other plane.

  • I'm leaving for real 6 months ago

    Who cares ?

    It ain't a multiplayer game, just have fun by yourself instead of finding joy in others caring about you.

  • EF-2000 Typhoon 6 months ago

    The model is absolutely beautiful, but the flight model is sadly a total mess.

    But I can't point out the work done on the build quality, it's pure beauty

  • Why the PEA Hate? 7 months ago

    @52REX It does make a lot of sense to me, we kinda share the same opinion on many points.
    The only thing I'd like to say is about what a PEA really is, people do think that a efficient build should be a low-part count build, but it ain't the case at all, as I said earlier :

    PEA stands for "part efficiency aircraft", just a quick remember that a part efficient plane isn't a "low part aircraft". A plane can be part efficient even if it has 1000 parts, as long as the builder who made it used ingenius ideas to save as much parts as possible but still reaching the quality and details he wanted to reach.

    Part efficienty is being economical in the way you choose and use the parts.
    Low part count is just a build with a "low" part count.
    If your build is sitting at 50 parts, but you used 20 of them to build your landing gears, in ain't efficient, if your build has 1000 parts and you used 50 of them for the landing gears, it's efficient.

    I do agree on the fact that people making only PEA won't ever progress, or at least they'll quickly reach a dead-end, but that's not really a bad thing, people build whatever they wanna build. Yeah they are missing an absolutely huge part of what this game has to offer, but ain't it called SimplePlanes after all ?

    There's actually only two points that pisses me off a little :

    1 : People hating on others because they get more upvotes thanks to putting PEA in the title of their builds, a lot of players are just way jealous and just care way too much about these useless internet points. I mean, if everybody know that the point system is broken for many reasons, why would they even bother think about it ? Just play for fun, it ain't no job.

    2 : People saying they build PEAs, but actually just make low part / quality builds and put PEA in the title of their crafts. It's miss-leading people that actually look for real PEAs, and it make people think that this is PEAs. Being a beginner isn't a issue, but don't hide it by saying you make PEAs.
