it's almost perfect, the flight model is really good and looks almost like a real mustang.. almost, the canopy frame shaping is extremely disappointing. other than the canopy framing and the questionable quality of the bogdanx guns it's a great mustang
nice cockpit, i realised you also changed the speed and mass of the plane, now it weighs as much as an F-5E (this is an F-5A so lol) and has far worse turning ability now, also the acceleration and speed is a bit higher than it should be
custom missions and better are AI is extremely important, I love making stuff then flying it in VR but it's going to get boring in VR with nothing to do, the stock missions honestly suck balls, mods take a long time to make and very few people in the community can make them.
SP never really had gameplay in mind, you can build whatever you want and maybe some races and missions but in general there's not much you can actually do with your build. SPVR really shows this problem... got an airliner? you get a tiny little map with a couple islands have fun! fighter jet, the enemy AI sucks and doesn't work. offroad buggy? you got terrible and unrealistic terrain. a tank? again the terrain sucks and the AI can't even fire at you or drive.
basically we just need an update that focuses on gameplay, adding mission editor, improving AI (programmable AI), add the ability for the flight computer part to display the craft as a ground target or air target, and improving the map.
I know it is ALOT to ask for but there's little point to VR when you don't have gameplay.
i can't believe you guys didn't fix every bug in the game and added 2.5GB worth of new content in a beta from a 12 dollar game in a free update omg jundrow sucks
ill get sprocket of course but im still going to make tanks in MP, specially since i have the ability to have fun in MP tank battles
can sprocket do MP tank battles with 500 ping and wierd crafts flying around?
yeah i didn't think so
@CC1010 they should add a attribute to missiles that allows you to change how susceptible a missile is to flares and if it's affected by only flares or chaff
lmao why are you disappointed that you didn't get upvotes i thought people played the game to enjoy making vehicles and using them not trying to get upvotes n stuff
il2 twin engine!!!
+3too poor to afford pipleplanes ono
+3simpleplanes community hardest attempt to be funny
+3yeah reported for scam cus ur not going to post it @MrSilverWolf
+3it's almost perfect, the flight model is really good and looks almost like a real mustang.. almost, the canopy frame shaping is extremely disappointing. other than the canopy framing and the questionable quality of the bogdanx guns it's a great mustang
+3dlama win
+3i am sobbing rn are u tellig me abram is asymmetrical i canot deal with this news rn
+3nice cockpit, i realised you also changed the speed and mass of the plane, now it weighs as much as an F-5E (this is an F-5A so lol) and has far worse turning ability now, also the acceleration and speed is a bit higher than it should be
+3@AviationCat007 you make a build that works properly in vr thats literally it
+3add psm buton omg
+3custom missions and better are AI is extremely important, I love making stuff then flying it in VR but it's going to get boring in VR with nothing to do, the stock missions honestly suck balls, mods take a long time to make and very few people in the community can make them.
SP never really had gameplay in mind, you can build whatever you want and maybe some races and missions but in general there's not much you can actually do with your build. SPVR really shows this problem... got an airliner? you get a tiny little map with a couple islands have fun! fighter jet, the enemy AI sucks and doesn't work. offroad buggy? you got terrible and unrealistic terrain. a tank? again the terrain sucks and the AI can't even fire at you or drive.
basically we just need an update that focuses on gameplay, adding mission editor, improving AI (programmable AI), add the ability for the flight computer part to display the craft as a ground target or air target, and improving the map.
I know it is ALOT to ask for but there's little point to VR when you don't have gameplay.
i just bought it
+3i can't believe you guys didn't fix every bug in the game and added 2.5GB worth of new content in a beta from a 12 dollar game in a free update omg jundrow sucks
+3@KnightOfRen im pretty sure they'd be smart enough to add a toggle switch to turn the ui on/off, they have it on PC bruh
+3jundroo drip
+3smol aim-9b
+3sussy sp mods
+3ill get sprocket of course but im still going to make tanks in MP, specially since i have the ability to have fun in MP tank battles
+3can sprocket do MP tank battles with 500 ping and wierd crafts flying around?
yeah i didn't think so
+3@CC1010 they should add a attribute to missiles that allows you to change how susceptible a missile is to flares and if it's affected by only flares or chaff
+3@Kangy not just reworking missiles, reworking weapons.
+3they forgot about the rocket part in game and it has no
lmao@Kangy wow i would love free close air support
+3lmao is that an airplane yoke
+3best P-40 on the site
+3retarded bob
+3yoo andew galison upvoted??!?1111!!!!
+3sorry for ping
step 1: get engine
+3step 2: rotate 180 degrees sideways
step 3: omg wat revrese thrsut!!!1!!!11!1!!
then just buy SR2 like what
+3@KamikazR6 he's still active lol
+3sp damage model fix wen
+3you cannot convince me that anybody who says "ohh i actually love pineapple pizza it's like my favorite" don't have a gun pointed to their head
+3sqooshed gif
+3no exhoost???
+3i forgor
+3godzilla had a stroke reading this and died
+3yo who tf bent the helicopter
+3this is so deep im crying rn
+3@ReinMcDeer hellcat pog but we know corsair is better
+3asus laptop or
+3a SUS laptop
+3fat P-51 jet
+3i just realised this has no coaxial machine gun and now im sad
+3lmao nazi car
+3lmao why are you disappointed that you didn't get upvotes i thought people played the game to enjoy making vehicles and using them not trying to get upvotes n stuff
+3I have melted on the floor into a tiny puddle
+3everybody's commenting on the name like they got a problem with the color black
+3make ugly planes and this wont be a problem