Racing num
@MrAdhmGamer i under stand you dont like the country or anything that looks like its flag but please take the toxicity some where alse please 😀
Hello i am walter white and im one again asking for the role of moderator
@realSavageMan np
Why did you not credit the og creator
@Novaxomix ?
@WojakArgento like this  and i recommend this website
Its just the first screen shot need to a pic of thw plane you can still put the pic if the rl plane in the description
@WojakArgento no its a good plane
@WojakArgento its ok i was just telling you so you dont have any problems with your future builds
You have to put the actual aircraft you bulit not a pic of the rl one
How can i take off the uss beast and uss tiny with this
@DyingPan oh lmao god i need to get glasses
As a person that lives near dc take my upvote
Jesus doing fortnite dance
@Sparky6004 keep the tail down until your wheels are of the ground do this by pitching up and activate tail wheel control thats how i take of in this
@X99STRIKER good
@X99STRIKER hello
Hans get the holy water
@bjac0 can you give me thw codenfor the taiwan flag so i can use it on a plane i will give credit
@AWind46 bro he just want to pit a flag of Taiwan on there leave him be
i thought you left
@FlyingPatriot ok
nice what about the convoy and the bridges how are you going to do those
@3 thanks
Prop automated mistake
su 27 change my mind
@Numbers2 chuckles in android running 10k parts
@OLYMPUS caught in 4k ultra hd
@pura no i tried it says i need beta
Nice if i was in beta i would download it
@DJRianGamer004 bruh did you see his comment try again 9 year old
@asteroidbook345 sigma male on steroids
begone simp
@asteroidbook345 they still have to reveil the seat part that was in last blog
@HelloHelloTheUnt bro how about you die trying to save lives thwn some kid says to not Honor you and disrespect you hmmm how about that cuz thats what your doing now
brish Tee
@MintLynx true
@Chillybaconface that would have the issue of trollers using explicit images on there planes
le bus
@Vincent plz remove this
Racing num
+2@MrAdhmGamer i under stand you dont like the country or anything that looks like its flag but please take the toxicity some where alse please 😀
+2Hello i am walter white and im one again asking for the role of moderator
@realSavageMan np
+1Why did you not credit the og creator
@Novaxomix ?
@WojakArgento like this  and i recommend this website
Its just the first screen shot need to a pic of thw plane you can still put the pic if the rl plane in the description
@WojakArgento no its a good plane
@WojakArgento its ok i was just telling you so you dont have any problems with your future builds
You have to put the actual aircraft you bulit not a pic of the rl one
How can i take off the uss beast and uss tiny with this
+1@DyingPan oh lmao god i need to get glasses
As a person that lives near dc take my upvote
Jesus doing fortnite dance
@Sparky6004 keep the tail down until your wheels are of the ground do this by pitching up and activate tail wheel control thats how i take of in this
@X99STRIKER good
@X99STRIKER hello
Hans get the holy water
+7@bjac0 can you give me thw codenfor the taiwan flag so i can use it on a plane i will give credit
+2@AWind46 bro he just want to pit a flag of Taiwan on there leave him be
i thought you left
@FlyingPatriot ok
nice what about the convoy and the bridges how are you going to do those
+2@3 thanks
Prop automated mistake
su 27
change my mind
@Numbers2 chuckles in android running 10k parts
+1@OLYMPUS caught in 4k ultra hd
+3@pura no i tried it says i need beta
Nice if i was in beta i would download it
@DJRianGamer004 bruh did you see his comment
try again 9 year old
@asteroidbook345 sigma male on steroids
begone simp
@asteroidbook345 they still have to reveil the seat part that was in last blog
@HelloHelloTheUnt bro how about you die trying to save lives thwn some kid says to not Honor you and disrespect you hmmm how about that cuz thats what your doing now
brish Tee
@MintLynx true
@Chillybaconface that would have the issue of trollers using explicit images on there planes
le bus
@Vincent plz remove this