@EvilRaven31 I know, the purpose of a VTOL jet engine is to create the thrust to then be distributed to the VTOL nozzles. I didnt include a VTOL nozzle because of the nature of the request :)
try having the center of gravity low to the ground. When you make a robot walk, you need to make it so that the foot in the air reaches the ground before the whole thing collapses and dies. When you make a robot with a low center of gravity, it can lengthen the time you have to get the leading foot forwards and keep it from tipping
@MobyDick The wings are generating extra lift with flaps with wings inside, but it shifts the center of lift so that the plane pitches down. Its sort of like moving the center of lift from the balanced location you have it to some other uncalculated area on the plane. If you keep it level with your tail stabilizers, you will rise in air faster.
@belugasub MintLynx came up with a good idea to fix this problem, as he said that the decal system could consist of just a few basic shapes and would be edited like the fuselage blocks, so there would still be a challenge to making good looking decals
@MintLynx Thats a really good idea. Maybe once you make a decal, you can save it for use on later planes, allowing you to make things like signature decals, or just save time.
@Dllama4 Well the devs dont have to add everything under the sun. Maybe it could be just a few flags, and text, allowing players to use 3rd party image editors such as photoshop to make and import decals into simpleplanes, so that if you wanted to, you could still make a unique and special plane
@Brields95 I have heard of using unity to mod simpleplanes, but there are missile inputs like maxRange and speed. I just had to do some digging around for them
Aside from the submarines that the devs should add, add things like decals, and a feature where if you enter a hangar in Yeager or weight airport, people restock your weapons and fuel.
@EvilRaven31 I know, the purpose of a VTOL jet engine is to create the thrust to then be distributed to the VTOL nozzles. I didnt include a VTOL nozzle because of the nature of the request :)
@Birdman9301 You're very welcome
This is pretty cool! I like the eyes you made. It strikes fear in my enemies >:D
This aint bad! 1 more upvote 4 u
@Diloph I would have loved to see footage of that, keep trying!
@Birdman9301 Im not sure, ill have to check
You understand what the people want
@TheKraken3 meh, I don't primarily make heli's so that was the best advice I have :P
Add a gyroscope. They're one of the most useful tools to keep helicopters in the air, and it may fix your problem of the heli pitching up
here u go: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/VD7jV3/build-request-car-engine
I got u my dude 1 sec
woah man. Thank you.
Yeah, also being able to summon a plane and dictate its path to get really cool air to air footage
Agreed, I play with AI air traffic and trying to get the max altitude becomes almost impossible due to planes running into me :P
Yeah, sometimes I only use flaps to have a really shallow glideslope to landing without tapping the w key
Thats a pretty sick interior my guy
@randomusername I meant the quadcopter will only stay at that altitude instead of ascending, I already have transitional movement (sorta) down
@Strucker no u
try having the center of gravity low to the ground. When you make a robot walk, you need to make it so that the foot in the air reaches the ground before the whole thing collapses and dies. When you make a robot with a low center of gravity, it can lengthen the time you have to get the leading foot forwards and keep it from tipping
i'm alright. Just biding time
@MobyDick The wings are generating extra lift with flaps with wings inside, but it shifts the center of lift so that the plane pitches down. Its sort of like moving the center of lift from the balanced location you have it to some other uncalculated area on the plane. If you keep it level with your tail stabilizers, you will rise in air faster.
@JamesBoA agreed.
@JamesBoA im not perfect XD
@JamesBoA Thanks for the answer, and ik you can tag people with reply, I was just too lazy :P
How do you make infinite rotators? im a noob
You can find all the ways to change missiles using the overload mod here:
ksp is only better than sr because it has more parts. I bet with time sr will begin to overtake ksp tho
also nice build my guy
This isnt a model. I just made a ship :P
@Thelegitpilot13 You are a good man. Thank you
forgot to include this in the description, but special thanks to the creator of the insignias card suits for the two tail wing decals
@belugasub MintLynx came up with a good idea to fix this problem, as he said that the decal system could consist of just a few basic shapes and would be edited like the fuselage blocks, so there would still be a challenge to making good looking decals
@MintLynx Thats a really good idea. Maybe once you make a decal, you can save it for use on later planes, allowing you to make things like signature decals, or just save time.
@Dllama4 Well the devs dont have to add everything under the sun. Maybe it could be just a few flags, and text, allowing players to use 3rd party image editors such as photoshop to make and import decals into simpleplanes, so that if you wanted to, you could still make a unique and special plane
@BuiltBionixInd10 really? I gotta check that out
@CrashFighter05 your response intrigues me
chex mix. Every day.
@SubXTribe yeah being able to destroy fleets with a bomber squadron would be badass
I downloaded sp from steam like a pleb so I cant get nukes :(
@Brields95 I have heard of using unity to mod simpleplanes, but there are missile inputs like maxRange and speed. I just had to do some digging around for them
Aside from the submarines that the devs should add, add things like decals, and a feature where if you enter a hangar in Yeager or weight airport, people restock your weapons and fuel.
Also, submarine missions. Make it happen
@Lahoski107 thonk u
@JamesBoA Thanks, that solved the issue. I now have one more weapon of war to harass the Wright Isles fleet
@ThePilotDude No, just regular wifi.