Hope you find what you looking for while you do that I’m going to use one of your biggest auto cannons and make it carrier sized while I still have time ❤️❤️❤️
@MrSilverWolf fun fact, 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 I lack the mental ability to do anything you just said so I will just go explore more of these crazy amazing aircraft. Thank you for trying though.
I know it looks like an A330 but it’s the size of a B757 I’m pretty shure it’s a TU 214 notice how an A330 has a 2 3 2 seat configuration but a TU 214 has a 3-3 config just like a 757 and it chainsaws.
This is stolen.
+510/10 my aiming improved x100
+3My bad, Our Airline.
+3@GHOST8478478 🗿🍷
+2These are really good aircraft the quality is soo swell and I love the passenger designs can I use some of these for my fictional airline fleet?
+2Lesson learned: the radar does not work well as a sled.
+2No gear tilt? 😔
+1Hope you find what you looking for while you do that I’m going to use one of your biggest auto cannons and make it carrier sized while I still have time ❤️❤️❤️
+1Emirates smallest aircraft
+1How do I get the mod?
+1I’m a shudder flap lover
+1My airline will make good work of this plane.
+1I will never look at 737 the same again @sus232
+1@SweetSuccubus I know how to fix that, Fly a Tu 160 in stormy conditions
Just kidding
@CL125 I have made a slight mistake
Would be 100x better with some toga chainsaw signature noise
It is an Antonov
Any type of 747?
The planes break formation too quick
@Zaineman Please make a cobra capable Boeing 747-8
@GalacticaAsia NOOOOOOOOOOOO 🙁
@GalacticaAsia Will you still try to add the chainsaw sound with A32 CFM?
It doesn’t roll good
I’m pretty shure if you use the propellor it makes a chainsaw like sound
@SemedianIndustries Big tailstrike issue: causes flameout
@GalacticaAsia Ignore my request could you do chainsaw sound for A320 [CFM]?
@DreamAccount the gear works fine it’s just that if you land like a cargo pilot it will explode
Thanks man
Could you add the loud whine at 45% throttle and the roar at 100% please?
@IndoMaja yes because I perfected it
Lesss goooo
The plane is perfect except that tail strikes become horribly more expensive
@MrSilverWolf fun fact, 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 I lack the mental ability to do anything you just said so I will just go explore more of these crazy amazing aircraft. Thank you for trying though.
@JessaLeih The main trick is: o open the buttons
o the click button 7
o boom your a pro plane driver. 😎😎😎😎😎😎🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥵🥵🥵🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶😎😎😎😎😎👌👌👌👍👍👍
Can add chainsaw sound that the usual A320 has?
I know it looks like an A330 but it’s the size of a B757 I’m pretty shure it’s a TU 214 notice how an A330 has a 2 3 2 seat configuration but a TU 214 has a 3-3 config just like a 757 and it chainsaws.
I miss Braniff what about yall?
Ah yes this plane can withstand 10 gs of impact while landing….
What happened to “pay for the whole runway, Use the whole runway”.
Ah yes so that’s what brought down one of our aircraft.
I really like the design but I can’t fly it too laggy.
@HololiveFan ik this is very late but the c5 isn’t retired. They use the aircraft quite a bit.
Has a very fatal stopping issue.
Very good build. Can withstand a lot of hard landings.
Epic adding to my UnsToppABLE flEeT.
I noticed it does a death roll when it comes close to stalling also right side flaps glitch more