9,447 vcharng Comments

  • Sound Barrier 1.0 (no mod) 5.7 years ago

    @WIZARD2017 Yeah tried it, it worked, and for some reason it's in MPH (all other XML modding are metric unit)
    This is great news, it means ramjets and combat slats are now all possible.

    Too bad it doesn't work for activation group though, only input.

  • Sound Barrier 1.0 (no mod) 5.7 years ago

    I'm interested in this "velocity input" too, may I ask?
    Is it like you type "v>(number" in the "input" slot?

  • Forward Airfield DIY Kit 5.7 years ago

    @Stingray Does snow/sand landing make a difference in SP? This tool only creates a visual reference to prevent you from crashing into the ground, you are still effectively landing on snow/sand because the runway has no collision model and your wheels simply go through it.

  • Panhard VBL Amphibious Armored Vehicle 5.7 years ago

    @WarHawk95 No, check my other posts, I'm Taiwanese (that's why so many Chinese Nationalist planes).

    The VBL with 20mm Rh202 autocannon was my favorite in Armored Warfare before they removed it (replaced with VBL Ingwe which sucks), that's why.

  • Panhard VBL Amphibious Armored Vehicle 5.7 years ago

    @Deadly8Nightshade hmm... you sure you turned it on? the Gyro is located in the upper rear of the cabin, pretty much where the 3rd crew member would be (could be a radio operator or a gunner) ,you can take a look and see if the settings are correct. It's almost factory settings though lol.

  • Panhard VBL Amphibious Armored Vehicle 5.7 years ago

    @Deadly8Nightshade It has shocks (well, more precisely, shock function in the resizable wheel) and it definitely has a gyro, activate AG3 to turn it on. I thought about making it on at all times but it causes trouble on high-angle hill climbing.
    The gyro was originally used to make the car float horizontally in water (because I can't balance it good enough), but I later found out it worked even better on keeping the car stable when driving on dry land)
    I tried adjusting the built-in shocks of the resizable wheels a lot, but none of those worked better than the gyro.

    I thought about smaller lower plates (in fact, smaller lower hull), but that's the part responsible for most of the buoyancy... (and for containing the engine) If I lose that part of buoyancy the propeller would be too deep and I didn't find a way to make the propeller work at such a depth.

    Go ahead and upgrade it, it sounds interesting to see my own creation to be enhanced by someone else, especially someone far more experienced than myself like you.

  • Question on guns 5.7 years ago

    Make sure you're doing with "burst count" and not "ammo count".
    ammo count doesn't have function.
    and check your firing rate.

  • Bandit Airport On The World Map?! 5.7 years ago

    Uh, remember, snowstone is to the north.
    So South Hemisphere is a no-go.

  • R U S S I A N , B I A S S E D 5.7 years ago

    A MiG-29?

  • Gun that shoots Boom 25's? 5.7 years ago

    1. use a detacher that "detaches" things at extreme power that it feels like a gun.
    2. shrink a boom 25 so that it looks like a bullet.
    3. The difficult part: make it reload (unless you're making single-shot huge guns like the German SG104, which is a single shot, 14-inch recoiless rifle)
    4. Make sure the boom 25s are discharged in correct order (or you're gonna blast yourself.)

    at least that's the theory...

  • Simple ACECOMBAT 5.7 years ago

    hmm, is it possible to put pictures in replies? I think we can make a Simple AC thread.

  • I destroy almost all windmills 5.7 years ago

    @Awsomur Unmodded? Well it's doable, just need time. A lot of.

  • Bandit Run [25 upvote prize!] 5.7 years ago

    What if some planes are not AI-compatible? There are some great planes that AIs just don't know how to control them.

  • I destroy almost all windmills 5.7 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Well maybe that's the problem cause guns don't seem to damage structures at all in 1.8.

  • I destroy almost all windmills 5.7 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Let me guess, years ago?

  • I destroy almost all windmills 5.7 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Hmm, so normal guns can damage buildings? is this correct?
    edit: yeah I don't think I'm buying it, I've been shooting modded guns with 5000+ damage each shot at bridges and windmills and it's just not getting damaged.

  • I destroy almost all windmills 5.7 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii I thought guns can't damage buildings like windmills and bridges? Or are you using those specially designed "bomb guns"?

  • Missile building advise needed 5.7 years ago

    just use a pylon. Long pylons can be attacked to fuselage.

  • Regarding Ducks 5.7 years ago

    As I just checked, only 3 out of 28 planes on the front page (excluding the featured ones) are duck-related. It could be a problem, but probably not yet.

  • Airplanes in 100 years 5.7 years ago

    Ion thrusters and zero emission engines, I think.
    The Ion thrusters are already here, just need more tweaking before it could be used commercially.

  • Will Simpleplanes ever be updated again? 5.7 years ago

    Well then there's your problem, iOS.
    without mod capability you really would lose a lot of fun stuff here in SP... Damn Apple.

  • Will Simpleplanes ever be updated again? 5.7 years ago

    Underwater Cameras<<<done by mods
    The Kraken<<< already there, except if you're talking about "killable" kraken
    Rocket Engines<<<done by mods
    The ability to get struck by lightning
    Cannons<<<done by mods
    Nukes<<<done by mods
    Afterburners<<<done by mods
    Guided Bombs<<< done by mods and some specially built sub-assemblies
    Malfunctions<<<already there. currently the engines, detachers (including pylons), weapons and bombs, as well as in only one case the artificial horizon, can all malfunction if damaged.
    Bird Strikes
    Lasers<<<done by mods
    Flamethrowers<<<done by mods
    Sonic Booms<<<done by mods
    Midair Refueling<<<done by mods though I'm not sure if it still works
    Wings Leaking Fuel <<<already there
    Removing Autoroll and Autoyaw<<<you need to balance your plane.

  • What causes the “drifting” when stopped on the tarmac? 5.7 years ago

    Do you mean when stoppING or stoppED?
    having too soft suspensions could cause drifting left and right during braking action, but it shouldn't happen when the plane is stationary.

  • So... What are you up to? 5.7 years ago

    wow that's more than all my planes combined...

  • Original SimplePlanes memes 5.7 years ago

    @ViridiCinis Sincerely speaking SR2 still looks more space-centered to me. If I am to choose I think having a SP2 would be a bit better than having all the improvements to SP in SR2.

    Still, any improvement is welcomed as I'm already seeing the limitations of SP as it is.

  • Original SimplePlanes memes 5.7 years ago

    well it's never a bad thing to happen anyway. I just hope SP can get improved, whether in SR2, having a SP2 or just in the original SP.

  • Original SimplePlanes memes 5.7 years ago

    Does Simple Rockets really threaten SP that much? AFAIK it has no combat system, right? Well perhaps it's just me cuz I've been building fighters and bombers almost exclusively...

  • SimpleWings 5.7 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE Yeah I was thinking about the same. Zero lift, zero weight, zero drag to minimize the effect to the original plane...

    Will try after 1.1 comes out.

  • Gun mod request 5.7 years ago

    Check it out.

  • Gun mod request 5.7 years ago

    ah I didn't see your spread and muzzle velocity post, do you need me to adjust it?

  • Gun mod request 5.7 years ago


    See if this fits your need. I set both guns to have 0 spread, and all other unknown stats are basically left as default.

  • Gun mod request 5.7 years ago

    What about burst count and reload time?
    And the spread for the second gun, too.
    and muzzle velocity? If you don't know about it, the default is 800 (m/s).

  • [prototype6] AirportFireTruck 5.7 years ago

    How did you make the healing? A gun with negative firepower?
    I was always hoping for an on-board fire extinguisher...

  • SimpleWings 5.7 years ago

    Is it possible to make the condensation cloud work for vanilla wings as well? I want to create a plane with condensation cloud/wingtip contrails without having to re-design the whole thing.

  • SimpleWings: new effects. 5.7 years ago

    damn, should've used that on my HGIII... any chance of replacing it just by inputting something in XML?

  • XML request list 5.7 years ago

    @XxDannehxX Check this

  • XxDannehxX's Request 5.7 years ago

    @XxDannehxX check if these are what you want.

  • XML request list 5.7 years ago

    I tried, I can't mod the torpedo you want, but I can do the other two.

  • XML request list 5.7 years ago

    Ok the thing is simple, tell someone to build a "plane" containing these parts already modded by XML modding, and you just download it.

  • XML request list 5.7 years ago

    2 and 3 can be done by using overload mod, just need to key-in a few numbers.

  • ‘Flight School’ Idea. 5.7 years ago

    Count me in, I can help with a combat flying 101.

  • What Challenge Next? 5.7 years ago

    STOL challenge? no tailhook, no airbrake, no drag chute, has to reach certain max speed, see whose plane can take off and land with the shortest run.

  • Spawning planes in sandbox, always tagged friendly 5.7 years ago

    Oh ok so that's why (I spawned them at Wright approach).@HarryBen47

  • What unit is Impactforce measured in? 5.7 years ago

    @JamesBoA Check the list I made in an earlier post below, I have a caliber/damage chart.

  • What unit is Impactforce measured in? 5.7 years ago

    @JamesBoA I know that very well. I changed all my guns to 70+ damage.

  • What unit is Impactforce measured in? 5.7 years ago

    Yeah pretty much. muzzleVelocity is in m/s, and it's not just tracer, it's for all the rounds.
    I once hoped that large impactforce could rip off more parts, thereby increasing actual damage, but it doesn't seem to work.

  • Spawning planes in sandbox, always tagged friendly 5.7 years ago

    You mean the friendly (blue) target should turn green by flying near it?

  • What unit is Impactforce measured in? 5.7 years ago

    I've changed the value between 20 and hundreds, and don't really see a difference.

    This is what I do about damage though:
    Vanilla wing gun (assume it's 12.7mm) : 40 (measured by firing at USS Beast)
    20/23mm: 70 to 80
    30mm: 150-250 depending on rounds.
    37/40mm: 750-850
    45mm: 2500 (to compensate with the slow firing and lack of explosion)
    50mm: 3000

  • On the subject of hate. 5.7 years ago

    @Flash0of0green I wasn't referring to you. I'm just suggesting that you can answer that "who do you hate" guy with these answers.

  • On the subject of hate. 5.7 years ago

    Answer him: I hate questions like this.
    If you are in a bad mood: I hate people who ask this.