126k AWESOMENESS360 Comments

  • Water Scheep 5.5 years ago


  • Villager 5.5 years ago

    Villager: Wants 30 wheat for 5 emeralds, and 5 emeralds for an enchanted diamond pick.
    Me: Harvests all their wheat and trades it for the emeralds, then proceeds to purchase the enchanted diamond pick with those emeralds.
    S T O N K S

  • Invictus 5.5 years ago

    I love how you made the engines look like the huge rocket engines on a spaceship! (The nozzle.)

  • Oda clan mon 5.5 years ago

    @Flash0of0green oh, now it makes sense. Pretty cool!

  • Oda clan mon 5.5 years ago

    @Flash0of0green I don't actually know what this is or what it's from, I just upvoted because of how damn cool it looks!

  • The SPW, with Awsomur [45] 5.5 years ago

    Awsomur reviewing the Eiffel Tower: Has a lot of potential uses in multiplayer as well.
    Me: Laughs in 3,236 parts

  • Jacob's Ladder 5.5 years ago

    Hey look, it's my ladder

  • anybody think this is a good idea (full combat hud) 5.5 years ago

    Two things:
    1. I like your idea, but it may be a but difficult to implicate into the game.
    2. Only Platinum users have the permission of saying "kthxbye"!

  • new tank that might be out tomorrow 5.5 years ago

    Image isn't working, is the link on imgur? If so, remove the S from HTTPS, that should work.

  • Made a lil' friend today 5.5 years ago

    @Gameboi14 Yeah, a flying multicolored luminescent twig that can decimate any insect it comes across with mandibles sharp enough to break through human skin. Learnt that the hard way.

  • Made a lil' friend today 5.5 years ago

    @PositivePlanes oh no not my minecraft account

  • Made a lil' friend today 5.5 years ago

    @Randomdoggo well, for starters, its best to approach them as calmly as possible. Usually, if they are comfortable with walking onto your hand, they'll stick with you for some time. This one in particular had a slightly hurt wing, so I feel like he was either accepting his death, thinking I was going to kill him, or he realized I wasn't trying to kill him, and just kinda let it happen. Either way, I realized that he was struggling to survive, mainly since he couldn't fly as fluently as he would've with an ok wing, so I actually tried to feed it a cricket that was on the ground, and let's just say he decimated it. Pretty cool to watch though, I've been bitten by large dragonflies while handling them before, and they've actually drew blood! So yeah, I can only imagine what they can do to a little soft-bodied insect.

  • jet wings 5.5 years ago

    Now all ya need to do is install machine guns in the wings and you have a personal fighter jet

  • How I Think About Every User I Know 5.5 years ago

    @Gameboi14 sure lol

  • How I Think About Every User I Know 5.5 years ago

    AWESOMENESS360: An idiot who doesn't deserve Platinum and only posts things once every couple weeks

  • Red Baron's Bf-109 5.5 years ago

    Mein Fuhrer, you've really outdone yourself!

  • MiG-6 VORONA - CAS CHALLENGE 5.6 years ago

    I love how you used the VTOL Nozzles as a muzzle flash for the guns, I'm surprised that I haven't really seen that before. Pretty creative!

  • hOw dO yOu uPLoAd pICtUrEs iN fOrUms oN iOS??? 5.6 years ago

    I use Gifyu, it's super easy to use, and it doesn't even require an account! You just choose your images from your camera roll, press upload, and that's it! All you need to do is copy the link(s) to the image(s), and then to insert the image into your post, do this:
    ![](Copy Paste link here) and there you have it!

  • TP-122 sdzaj. (Don't speed abov 850 mph) 5.6 years ago

    For those of you who are downloading just to see what happens when you go over 850mph, it just disintegrates and explodes, lol.

  • Joseph Stalin's Greatest Acomplishment (Teaser!) 5.6 years ago

    @randomusername wow, that was fast

  • Ranger 1 (Interstellar) 5.6 years ago

    The wave scene in Interstellar is arguably one of the greatest moments in cinema to ever exist;
    In the wave scene, when they first land on the planet (I forget what it's actual name is) if you listen closely, you can hear a faint ticking in the background. Due to how space works, every 1.25 seconds on that planet is one day spent on Earth. Yep, those ticks in the background happen every 1.25 seconds, as to symbolize the immense amount of time that is progressing. Another thing that makes this scene so revolutionary is the wave. While yes, absolutely massive waves on their own are an amazing sight to see, there's so much more than that in this scene. The buildup first begins as they step out of the ship, their mission is to find the wreckage of a ship. As CASE and the crew are trodding around in the water, the POV goes back to the ship, where we can see the captain watching them as CASE finds a piece of the wreckage. The music starts to increase in tempo and volume, and she asks, "Where are the mountains?!" The next phrase is what makes this scene so undeniably incredible.
    The captain simply answers with the statement:
    "Those aren't mountains, they're waves."
    The music continues to build up, and so the countdown begins. The countdown to what, you ask?
    The countdown to how much time they have left before they're pulverized by the incoming wave. This, combined with the ticking in the background, and the buildup in the music, is what makes this scene so incredible.
    Also as a side note, when you think about how immensely huge the universe is, there is most likely an actual planet out there that is like that. Another side note, now that the first ever picture of a Black-Hole is here, if we compare that picture to the one in Interstellar, we can actually see a lot of similarities.
    After typing all of this, I can come to two conclusions:
    1. Interstellar's wave scene is an absolutely amazing scene, and is easily one of the best scenes in movie history.
    2. Due to how every 1.25 seconds on that planet is a day on Earth, I guess it's safe to say that that planet would be a nice place to wait for Half-Life 3 to come out, lol.

  • Douglas SBD-5 Dauntless 5.6 years ago

    @pancelvonat huh, I guess there's more meaning behind warplane names than I thought!

  • Need XML Help 5.6 years ago

    @communisticbanana well yes, but actually no.

  • J-47 5.6 years ago


  • Time to say farewell to a beloved SP character... 5.6 years ago

    @EliteArsenals24 Can you help me with this plz?

  • Looooooooooooooooooooong boi 5.6 years ago


  • The Express thinks this is a Spitfire. 5.6 years ago

    Boi that's an Avro Lancaster, not a Spitfire. That article needs to get its sh*t together.

  • Time to say farewell to a beloved SP character... 5.6 years ago

    T to be tagged,
    F to pay respects.

  • I pronounce Fortnite dead 5.6 years ago

    Fortnite has been dead for a while at this point.
    Minecraft is just an all around good game, as it has been since the first few versions came out. Also, last time I checked I'm pretty sure you can't build an entire castle in the Far-Lands if you're playing Fortnite, so that just makes Minecraft better by default.

  • SPECIAL EDITORIAL | The SPW, with Awsomur [43] 5.6 years ago

    Teacher - "Oh no honey, you ain't allowed in here"
    Me - "Why? Is it because I'm wearing 'Revealing Clothes'?"
    Teacher - "Nah it's those damn shoulders"

  • macgravel TB-R 200-70 TD8 D950 5.6 years ago

    Kinda looks like a combination of the SU-85I, and the SU-122-54.

  • We No Care Of You Airlines 5.6 years ago

    This is actually very nice for your first plane, pretty decent!

  • SP mechanics... 5.6 years ago

    So this one time I was spawning in an AI fighter for me to test one of my creations on, (keep in mind it had like 20 parts, and my plane had around 150.) game immediately crashes. I try again, but I accidentally click on the wrong plane without noticing when I was trying to spawn in the AI fighter. Said plane was a 300+ part Bomber, and it ran smooth af. SimplePlanes is weird.

  • [Build] Area 51 Challenge Shadowseed 1 5.6 years ago

    You know? I've seen some really complex creations here on SimplePlanes, but I don't think I've ever seen anything this insanely complex before. Congratulations, not only have you created a really cool looking creation, but I think you've also won the challenge at this point!

  • SimpleMemes Vol. 6 (Last One) 5.6 years ago

    @Gameboi14 oh

  • [Build] Area 51 5.6 years ago

    Hmmm, this looks strangely familiar to randomusername's Spawnable Airport. Unless it isn't copied, then nice job! Definitely could've used some AA-Protection Units, such as Anti-Air Missile Units, AA-Guns, etc.

  • HotWheels Fast-Fortress 5.6 years ago

    @tsampoy ehh, I wouldn't say I nailed it. It's a bit too long, and the cockpit doesn't match up with the real B-17 very well.

  • HotWheels Fast-Fortress 5.6 years ago

    @Nickr ooh, a brown one, I didn't know it had different variations!

  • HotWheels Fast-Fortress 5.6 years ago

    @Gameboi14 lol, I'm currently typing this comment with my actual Fast-Fortress next to me.



  • Aircraft 5.6 years ago

    But does it have a bottle-opener?

  • Extending cube 5.6 years ago

    Ok, this is epic

  • PanzerJager Tiger 5.6 years ago

    Elephant, or Ferdinand? Ooh, how about:

  • FV4005 Stage II (light version) 5.6 years ago

    This is amazing, am definitely adding to favs. Also, which one is your favorite? FV-4005, or FV-215b 183?

  • T-82 outdated model 5.6 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 Here we have Exhibit A.

  • T-82 outdated model 5.6 years ago

    @Randomdoggo I completely and wholeheartedly agree. There's a user I've seen on SimplePlanes (I forgot their name godammit) and they have some of the most amazing creations I've ever seen, yet they all have like only two-three upvotes. Why? Because they're a white user, as in their rating. (White, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, etc.) What I'm about to describe is what I like to call, User Discrimination.

    Essentially, user discrimination is when there's a relatively new user with very good building skills, and they have several amazing creations, already posted on their account. However, due to the fact that newer users are stereotyped to be on the less-talented side, (I for one thing completely disagree) and that newer users tend to take what someone else has posted, and claim it as there own, most likely because they haven't read the rules yet. This causes newer, talented users to be ignored, even if they have good builds, not only because they're stereotyped to be untalented, but also because if an experienced user sees one of their good creations, they'll automatically assume that it was stolen, and ignore it. Occasionally, they'll comment that they shouldn't steal, and leave a link to the rules, without realizing that the newer user's work was completely original, and had a lot of time put into it.

    However in your case, it's much worse. Waaay worse. You are a Silver User, which tells other users that you have enough building skills to create good creations, which in turn, got upvotes, enough in fact to get you to silver. My initial instinct when I saw this beautiful tank was to go to your account, and check out your posts to see what other marvelous creations you had. I was greatly impressed upon seeing your other wonderful uploads, but I was disappointed when I saw that your most highly rated creation had only 6 Upvotes. SERIOUSLY?! You have so many amazing creations, and your highest rated creation has only 6 FREAKING UPVOTES?! It's actually astonishing, knowing that not only are newer White Users being effected by User Discrimination, but Silver Users too?
    C'mon SimplePlanes, if you see a good creation that had a lot of time and effort put into it, acknowledge that it's a good creation and feel kind enough to upvote it, instead of assuming it's been stolen from another user, or taking a single glance at the user, and assuming they don't have enough talent to be worth giving upvotes. In fact, I'm even starting to notice a pattern:

  • T-82 outdated model 5.6 years ago

    Why does this not have more attention than it already does

  • XCub™ 5.6 years ago

    TBH there is no better way to describe this beauty other than "The Private Jet of Bush-Planes", amazing job!

  • Kitfox 5 Series STi #FreedomFox 5.6 years ago

    Thanks, I'll be sure to download once I get early access to the first Quantum Computer!
