34.1k AgDynamics Comments

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 1.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison I want to thank you and the team at Jundroo for the work and love you've put into this game over the years.

    As someone who's been around for a while, seeing what this game has become and what you've built with this community is truly incredible and something to be proud of. SP remains one of my favorite games to date and I still regularly boot it up to blow off some creative steam.

    I look forward with great anticipation to Jundroo's future projects and I wish you all the best of luck.

    AGdynamics - 2,389 hours and counting. :)

  • Weapons? 9.5 years ago

    Weapons are a confirmed addition, as far as I know. I'm hoping for machine guns, bombs, and dumb-fire rockets at least. I'm sure making them work is quite a challenge, but to be completely honest I'd be happy with a machine gun that just made a muzzle flash and went 'rat-tat-tat'.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.5 years ago

    I was impressed when I saw the gear doors, and then I was absolutely floored when I saw the moving dial in the cockpit view. And the shimmer off the faceted wings is one of the prettiest things I've ever seen in SP.

  • F-22 Vs 150 P-51 mustangs 9.2 years ago


    Don't forget that the F-22 only carries enough missiles for maybe a dozen enemies max. Standard Air-Air payload is 8 missiles, and it's only got 4 hardpoints for additional missiles.

    150 is a ridiculous number of planes - that's like ten full squadrons. I'd take the P-51s on numbers alone. They would definitely suffer heavy losses but once the F-22 is out of missiles it has to get into guns range at pursuit speed on single targets, leaving it open to attack. I'm sure that 150 half-decent WWII pilots with some coordination could down the F-22 eventually, especially if it tries to land and re-stock on missiles.

  • Update v1.11 - Inside Job 3.3 years ago

    Very impressive update, so much cool new stuff. Great work guys!

  • v1.8 is now live! 6.0 years ago

    Great job y'all, this is an awesome update! Heli parts work wonderfully, new carrier is awesome, and I haven't even started playing with the winches and magnets.

  • SAR Seaplane & Dinghy 6.4 years ago

    @Phantom051 This is one of the oldest aircraft on the site, unfortunately it has been broken for a long time because of game updates. Perhaps I'll make an updated version sometime.

  • Airborne Carrier - USS Macon II 6.5 years ago

    Thank you all for the upvotes and kind words!

    I think my next project is a functioning Macon replica. I've got the sparrowhawk fighter and the trapeze working in bench tests already!

  • nn 9.0 years ago


  • I think I've made one of the most STOL planes.ever 9.2 years ago

    @JovianPat There's also the Hunting H.126 blown-flap STOL concept, which had a stall speed of just 32mph. That's a full-size jet aircraft getting in the air at the same speed you can ride a bicycle.

  • Bell UH-1 Iroquois ("Huey") 9.5 years ago

    @FlOu It really is tricky to fly, and nearly impossible on mobile. I've also experienced some weird, seemingly random stalls and spins out of nowhere. I think the propeller physics get a little wonky with such a highly modified part.

    And as I found out last night, it also gets a bit unruly below 50% fuel, because of the massive weight change. It's perfectly balanced front-to-back with both a completely full and completely empty tank, but since most of the fuel is kept in the lower parts of the fuselage, the CoM tends to move upwards as the fuel level decreases.

  • DYKE DELTA 5.6 years ago

    @Rohan I'm around. What's the biggest MP server these days?

  • Focke-Achgelis FA330 Sandpiper 6.0 years ago

    @AerialFighterSnakes do it! If your u-boat is faster than about 17mph you may need to adjust the rotor settings.

  • AG Sans Serif 7.4 years ago

    @Awsomur Nah. Everybody knows where these letters come from. :)

  • Rick's Space Cruiser 7.4 years ago

    @MasterLobster I was hoping somebody would post that. :D

  • SimplePlanes Update 1.7 - Damage Control 7.5 years ago

    This is a great update. Love the XML changes!

  • PLS SEND HELP (F-8 WIP) 7.7 years ago


  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 8.1 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison @Geekpride Sorry. I'll edit it.

    It was a pretty clever use of a glitch.

  • Typhoon Circuit 8.1 years ago

    gg, I guess exploits are the way to win tournaments.

  • GP-199 Typhoon Trembler 8.1 years ago

    Hey congrats on your win.

  • Using regular expressions to change multiple instances of part properties 8.1 years ago

    I was just wondering if there was a way to do this, thanks!

  • What is the name of this plane? 8.2 years ago


    Pretty cool!

  • Why high detail planes and other detailed vehicles are bad for the community. 8.2 years ago

    @TheLatentImage said it best.

    I always thought the mumbo jumbo about "kids these days" being entitled to participation trophies was just old people being salty but damn dude you're asking us to be WORSE builders so that BAD builders can feel better about themselves?

    Instead of just lowering the bar so it's easy for everyone how about the new builders actually aspire to something, challenge themselves, and work on improving their skills?

  • "Convoy Killer" Guided Cluster Bomb 8.2 years ago

    @MrDoolittle Unfortunately the game considers detached parts to be 'damaged' so detaching the missile from the truck causes you to fail the mission. The weapon itself can indeed take out the entire convoy, though the game doesn't count it.

  • Gold Prix 8.3 years ago

    Tournament stream is back up and running, and it's getting down to the interesting races!

  • Elbit Hermes 450 8.3 years ago

    @RadarJamJar I would have, but I couldn't get Mexico to pay for it.

  • Gold Prix 8.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison When does the submission window close?

  • Gold Prix 8.3 years ago

    @TakicraftCorporation I modeled one of my variations on the 6-wheel Tyrell, it seemed promising but I ultimately went with just a 4-wheel car.

  • Gold Prix 8.3 years ago

    @StraightOuttaSnacks @Alienbeef0421 Do your cars go off the track slightly after ring 3? It seems that either the reduced traction of the off-track surface or the small bump at the track edge were keeping the front from having full traction when the car tries to turn into ring 4. See if they'll stay on the track in slow motion mode (L).

    I -think- I fixed mine with some very minor traction/downforce adjustments but I need to do more testing. EDIT: Nope, still skipping it.

  • Gold Prix 8.3 years ago

    Is anybody else having issues with the 4th ring? At higher speeds the AI isn't even aiming for the ring, it seems to be taking a shortcut of sorts and skipping right to Ring 5.

    I'm fairly confident that this is some kind of bug with the way the AI runs the course.

  • Gold Prix 8.3 years ago

    Ooh, I haven't done a car tournament before. Initial testing puts me at 31s but it's sketchy.

  • Hughes H-1 8.4 years ago

    @Ctracerx2 I'm not dead.

    And thanks all!
    @Treadmill103 @ChiChiWerx @SimpleFlow @z24zorpx4

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.5 years ago

    Wow, you guys finally released it! Good job y'all.

    I might have to boot up SP again and check it out.

  • Bandit Run 8.7 years ago

    I just might come out of retirement for this one.

  • "Scarab" Dune Runner 8.7 years ago

    @Rohan I've kinda lost interest. I got busy with real life stuff and haven't really had any inspiration for building for a while. And looking at the amazing designs on the front page, I don't know if I can build anything that would even be considered good anymore.

    Also I've been playing tons of Overwatch.

  • Aérospatiale SA 315B Lama 8.8 years ago

    @Coen1888 Fine by me :)

  • Aérospatiale SA 315B Lama 8.8 years ago

    @hopotumon No, this cannot be flown by the AI. Sorry.

  • 3D Print Your Planes 8.8 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Are you exporting the planes through SP or is that happening over on EUCL3D's side? I just recently got a 3D printer and I'd like to be able to print some of my own planes. Is there a way to just export the planes as .obj or .stl files?

  • DJ Roomba 8.8 years ago

    Every song I download has to pass a series of rigorous tests to answer one simple question: is it a banger?

    I once accidentally downloaded a Lumineers song. I had to throw away my whole computer just to be safe.

  • Firefly-Class Transport "Serenity" 8.9 years ago

    @DragonAerotech Hey, thanks dude!

  • Yeti Scramble 8.9 years ago

    @TehNewDucky Sorry buddy, but you're not going to win with a 2:03.

  • Hey, what are flat bottom wings for? 8.9 years ago






  • Suggestion for de website. 8.9 years ago

    Hahahahaha that is a terrible idea. You don't make a game or its community private, ever.

  • Jeep TJ - Rock Crawler 8.9 years ago

    @letsgofast11 Re-release

  • Simple Scrap Paper Glider! 8.9 years ago

    Nice! I once made a rubber band powered airplane out of a dixie cup and some office supplies:

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.7 8.9 years ago


  • A simple request to cut lag in the steam beta 8.9 years ago

    And all of those windmills are destructible as well, which probably makes the lag even worse.

  • AG Sans Serif 9.0 years ago

    @xEliteGamingx You don't have to, but I appreciate it and I also upvote almost anything I see that uses the letters, especially if you tag me in it.

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.3 9.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison I love the traction sliders! Thank you devs!