4,755 Alien Comments

  • "Shoot the Attackers" mini game 6.8 years ago

    Chill out people. What's with the squeaky buttholes over a game? I hear that thousands of Russian teenagers enjoy playing a Call of Duty game where a certain Col. Price and his SF unit happily blow the crap out of Russian forces.

  • Fighter Under 25 parts, challenge (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @GorillaGuerrilla Thanks, that sounds like the way to go. Appreciate it!

  • Dehavilland Chipmunk 5.9 years ago

    I didn't want to admit this, but... my initial training and first solo was in a Chipmunk. I can still hear the "Boom chuff chuff Bwoooarr!" of the cartridge start Gypsy Major engine. I guess that makes me officially old.

  • Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2 6.9 years ago

    Well fan me with a kipper! What a bloody marvellous build! My attempts at biplanes end up as Pitts Specials without the recovery control. Oh woe is me...

  • Ghost Dynamics GD-1 Bush Baby (Bush Flying Challenge) 6.9 years ago

    Indeed old boy. King Julien is somewhat of a loon and to be avoided when drunk. Like most of us, really. @GhostHTX

  • Ghost Dynamics GD-1 Bush Baby (Bush Flying Challenge) 6.9 years ago

    What ho! Lovely little backwoods brawler this. Wouldn't mind a real one to do some hedge-hopping in Madagascar or the like. Hope to see you back more often. Toodle pip!

  • _Instrumentation 7.1 years ago

    Simply Amazing.

  • Vickers Vindicator 7.2 years ago

    @RazgrizAces thanks bro!

  • Supermarine Vengeful B.1 Special (Black Buck) 7.3 years ago

    Purple Helmet weapon? Bit of a cock-up, if you ask me, old boy.

  • 50sChallenge Lightning F7 (P8) 3.0 years ago

    @WinsWings well, and the rest of the UK :-)

  • Supermarine Sea Spectre F.1 3.0 years ago

    @GhostHTX still struggling on, old chap- I shall endeavour to catch up with you and the rest of SP as and when I can.

  • Hawker Diana (25 Part Build Challenge) 3.0 years ago

    @GorillaGuerrilla thanks, much appreciated!

  • Supermarine Sea Spectre F.1 3.0 years ago

    Spiffing job, old top!
    Yes, I'm kind of back too.

  • W-X224 (3800 mph, Mach 4 test plane) 3.0 years ago

    @Zaineman Hope you're having a good day.

  • Fighter Under 25 parts, challenge (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @WinsWings I consider myself very lucky. Thanks anyway.

  • Fighter Under 25 parts, challenge (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @WinsWings thanks, following back.

  • Fighter Under 25 parts, challenge (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    Uploaded my effort. Thanks for the challenge! @WinsWings

  • Fighter Under 25 parts, challenge (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @WinsWings Thanks

  • Scout Eagle (Update) 5.5 years ago

    What a F@**ng brilliant Aeroplane! I doff my cap to you, young James!

  • de Havilland DH 106 Comet 1 6.0 years ago

    Lovely job, old bean! Awaiting your AEW Nimrod with interest and not a little trepidation... (hint, hint)

  • Tupolev Tu-104 6.1 years ago

    Vhere are all the exposed rived-heads, comrade? I will have to dock marks for being unrealistic. Just kidding. Good job as always, you imperialist swine, you.

  • Bradley-Davies Gladiator 6.7 years ago

    @mikoyanster When I first read your comment there were no marks, just the slashes. It's OK now.

  • Bradley-Davies RETRIEVER 6.8 years ago

    The Lightning was a great dogfighter and could even hold its own with teen series aircraft. I know some red-faced Harrier pilots who underestimated the Lightning's sheer acceleration and manoeuvrability and paid the price after nozzling off all their knots. My experience with DACT in the Lightning which included Teen fighters, F4, Draken, F104, Hunter, and Mirage III made me glad I was flying the Lightning. If I got into trouble I could disengage at will. I don't believe the Migs (21/23) of the same era were superior @Tang0five

  • Grumman Wildcat FR.VII 6.8 years ago

    Oh my giddy aunt! Another top notch job my old dandy!

  • BAe Instructor T(a).1 (Trainer Challenge) 6.8 years ago

    Oh man, this work shit is getting in the way of my Simple Planing. How did I miss this? Sweet little flyer and all that cockpit goodness makes one very pleased, old bean. Voting in the upward direction is obligatory, dear boy.

  • Drone Challenge 2 6.8 years ago

    Never made a drone, but I'll be a Red Guy...

  • Boeying B-337 skycruiser 6.9 years ago

    @BoeyingOfficial I can help you with the glass nose question; all Russian cold-war era civilian aircraft were designed so that they could be converted to bombers or reconnaissance aircraft in case of war.

  • Supermarine Swift FR.5 6.9 years ago

    Ooh, very nice my good fellow! Lovely job.

  • Scottish Aviation Pioneer 6.9 years ago

    That's cirrhosis, guys. The alcohol's taking effect. Nice plane though :-)

  • Pilatus PC-6 Alps Porter 6.9 years ago

    Yep, you did it again.

  • AVRO Astral 6.9 years ago

    @Ruimtevaart thanks, young lady!

  • A TDC Challenge Hawker Vendetta 7.0 years ago

    @MEERKAT978 I just corrected the refuelling probe fault you picked up, it's the same build otherwise.

  • 50sChallenge Lightning F7 (P8) 7.1 years ago

    @KidKromosone I adjusted the mass scale of the landing gear as suggested by BogdanX, and now the wheels just do a slight shuffle as opposed to a frenzied jitterbug.

  • 50sChallenge Lightning F7 (P8) 7.1 years ago

    @KidKromosone Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I said the gear was an epileptic Fred Astair in the description, and I don't know why. Any ideas?

  • 50sChallengeReborn MiG-15 PFU 7.1 years ago

    My dear fellow, things in the land of corrupt politicos, good food, wine and tanks with Ferrari performance are absolutely wonderful. I have just posted a potential nemesis to your rather super Mig offering, she should be a good scrapper notwithstanding the epileptic Fred Astaire landing gear when on the deck.

  • 50sChallenge Lightning F7 (P8) 7.1 years ago

    @BogdanX the parts that fall belong to the reflected missiles, as I said in the description. I don't remember mass scaling the gear...

  • A TDC Challenge Hawker Vendetta 7.1 years ago

    @FGW2014 MagLev? ;-)

  • Flyfabrikken JA-3 Grevling (1935 Bomber challenge) 7.1 years ago

    Spiffing build indeed! Don't know how I missed this, old bean. Anyway, have a jolly old upvote for your trouble, and check out my Vendetta for the TDC Challenge. You're in that, are you not?

  • A TDC Challenge Hawker Vendetta 7.2 years ago

    @MEERKAT978 Ooops! It must be my PTSD kicking in. Checked and found that you were right. It's AG3 and VTOL, and now it's fixed. Don't know how I overlooked it.

  • A TDC Challenge Hawker Vendetta 7.2 years ago

    @MEERKAT978 Thanks, old bean! High praise indeed, but the probe problem is a new one on me. I use Z to raise and X to lower with AG2 activated. Not asking for a re-score, but let me know please so I can modify it. Later, bro and thanks again.

  • A TDC Challenge Hawker Vendetta 7.2 years ago

    @MEERKAT978 hope you like it. Believe it or not, only the landing gear is nicked from the Vindicator ;-)

  • A TDC Challenge Hawker Vendetta 7.2 years ago

    @MEERKAT Damn, that was quick! I hadn't even uploaded the description!!!

  • Hawker Sea Hawk 7.2 years ago

    Bugger my old boots, this is rather lovely, old chap. Have an upvote for your troubles. I'd spotlight too, if only i knew how.

  • Level Flight Challenge [closed] 7.2 years ago

    @SledDriver You're right, of course. So I'll see what I can come up with.

  • Vickers Vindicator 7.2 years ago

    @anssi it's because I'm ancient!

  • Vickers Vindicator 7.2 years ago

    @SeanTurbineModifier thanks!

  • Vickers Vindicator 7.2 years ago

    @Tang0five praise indeed considering the source! Glad you like it.

  • Vickers Vindicator 7.2 years ago

    @Davisplanez thanks mate! Appreciate your comment.

  • Vickers Vindicator 7.2 years ago

    @GhostHTX I don't think so, old chap - but nice of you to say so. The back story has some elements of truth, but the Vindicators were Harriers ;-) Thanks for the upvote!

  • BAe Warrior GR.1 Bombed Up 7.2 years ago

    Oh my goodness! To say I'm lost for words would be using words I've lost. Well done, old chap. BTW, check out my latest creations, one of which was inspired by your Vengeful...
