Dev AndrewGarrison Comments

  • SimplePlanes VR is launching in 2 days. Join us this Friday, Dec 17th to welcome it, along with the next update (v1.12) for SimplePlanes 3.2 years ago

    @klm747klm747 SPVR supports Oculus Quest on Steam. Just plug your Quest in with a USB-C cable (I actually prefer to use a USB-A to USB-C cable), enable Oculus Link, and launch SPVR. Unfortunately, a 5000 part build is unlikely to run well in VR as it needs to render each part twice (one for each eye) and at a higher framerate (72hz instead of 60hz).

  • SimplePlanes VR is launching in 2 days. Join us this Friday, Dec 17th to welcome it, along with the next update (v1.12) for SimplePlanes 3.2 years ago

    @LtSergei14 There are a few ways to view any airplane you want in VR.
    1) If you buy SPVR on Steam, then it unlocks VR mode so you can just stick with the original SimplePlanes and turn on VR mode whenever you want.
    2) Copy the URL of an airplane and then press CTRL+L in the menu in SPVR to download that airplane.
    3) When you log into your account in SPVR, you can access your favorites list. This is my preferred approach. I add airplanes to my favorites while browsing and then the next time I'm in VR, I just go through my favorites and check them out.

  • Update v1.12.116 beta is live 3.2 years ago

    @V The fix has not been included in a beta build and is unlikely to make the update this Friday, but it will be in the next update.

  • Update v1.12.116 beta is live 3.2 years ago

    @V See my comment just below yours.

  • Update v1.12.116 beta is live 3.2 years ago

    @Hedero @PapaKernels That was my addition, sorry for the UI annoyance. I have fixed this so that it won't select the other part if you tap and hold on mobile. Sadly, it is very unlikely to make it in for the release on Friday, but it will be in the next update.

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 3.2 years ago

    @Hedero Okay, I have updated your XML. I just swapped the rotators in the yoke setup with joystick bases and I moved the camera forward a bit.

  • Mitsubishi G3M "Rikko" 3.2 years ago

    @MajorFreischmidt Thank you for letting us know.

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 3.2 years ago

    @Hedero if you think what I did looks okay, then I can update your XML for you.

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 3.2 years ago

    I fixed the yoke setup so it would work in VR and uploaded here. If you want to take the tweaks and update your XML, you are welcome to do so and I can take my post down. I just really want VR players to be able to fly this amazing plane. Very nice work!

  • VR Item Concept [CANCELLED] 3.2 years ago

    No, sorry, but you can't pick stuff up like that.

  • P-49L Night Witch 3.2 years ago

    I tweaked the XML on this to fix some issues in VR. The yoke was not providing full input for roll or pitch so I couldn't fly it in VR. Also, I fixed the compass and airspeed gauges. It's an awesome build and I just want to make sure SPVR players will be able to enjoy this when SPVR launches. If you are unhappy with my changes, let me know and I'll roll the XML back to your version.

  • F-104 Shamer MK. V 3.2 years ago

    Nice build. Only thing that seems a little off in VR is the fighter throttle is too large so the player's hand sinks inside of it when grabbing it.

  • Remove the attitude ball, Throttle power and fuel. in screen display 3.2 years ago

    @KnightOfRen You're right, it was confusing. I edited my comment to be a little more clear.

  • Remove the attitude ball, Throttle power and fuel. in screen display 3.2 years ago

    The plan was to put a button in the flyout to toggle it on/off.

  • Remove the attitude ball, Throttle power and fuel. in screen display 3.2 years ago

    We intended to do this in v1.12, but sadly we didn't have time to get to it. We will remove it in v1.13, which we will release in early 2022.

  • Anatoli Ant-53 3.3 years ago


  • Sikorsky R4 3.3 years ago

    I have updated the XML on this post to fix an issue with the wheels jittering in VR due to the lower physics timestep. I was able to fix it by reducing sideways friction on the wheels. If you are not okay with this tweak, let me know and I can revert the change, but I would also need to remove the curated status.

  • Top Rudder 103 Solo 3.3 years ago

    We added a new feature that hasn't been released yet that makes engine/wind/etc audio quieter when flying from the cockpit camera. I tweaked the XML of your camera part to disable that so when the update goes live your audio won't be quiet since this is an open cockpit.

  • h-36 3.3 years ago

    No, sorry, curation just means your craft will be accessible to players in SPVR. We have about 150 curated crafts right now.

  • Fe-10B Grasshopper 3.3 years ago

    We added a new feature that hasn't been released yet that makes engine/wind/etc audio quieter when flying from the cockpit camera. I tweaked the XML of your camera part to disable that so when the update goes live your audio won't be quiet since this is an open cockpit.

  • h-36 3.3 years ago

    I'd like to curate it, which means that it will show up in the airplane browser inside SimplePlanes VR so players can download and play it in VR.

  • Duo Discus XL 3.3 years ago

    Very nice build. The only thing that could improve the VR experience is the gauges are not working correctly. Ensure that you are selecting the Gauge Type and not Face Type.

  • MIg-19 3.3 years ago

    Looks great! Thanks for making those tweaks.

  • Fe-10B Grasshopper 3.3 years ago

    Excellent build. I hope you don't mind, but I updated the cameras with a new XML attribute to disable the new quiet cockpit effects since.

  • MIg-19 3.3 years ago

    Nice cockpit. There are a few issues preventing me from being able to curate: the flight stick does not work in VR. The throttle and trim levers intersect each other when throttle is at 100%. The air speed gauge is not working correctly. Ensure that you are selecting the Airspeed Gauge Type and not Face Type. If you make those tweaks, tag me on the post and I'll review it again for curation.

  • h-36 3.3 years ago

    Nice build! I would like to curate it, but there's one small issue. When you push the throttle in, it disappears into the dash. If you could move it out a bit or maybe switch to a fighter throttle on the left panel then I'd be happy to review it for curation. If you decide to make that tweak, tag me on the post.

  • F14DTomcat 3.3 years ago

    Nice craft. The VR experience for this craft could really be improved if the seats were moved back a bit and if the flight stick and throttles were 100% scale. If you make those tweaks, tag me on the post and I'll review it for curation.

  • A-8 Aquan E - IAF 110 Sqn 3.3 years ago

    @Falkenwut yes, if you attach a cylinder grip to what you already have it should work.

  • Su-30 Flanker-C V1.2 3.3 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer Yes, the URL ID will need to match this post, so you'll need to make sure it says:


  • "Ray" Concept 3.3 years ago

    Okay, thanks! I’ll check it out later today.

  • "Ray" Concept 3.3 years ago

    @FlyingPatriot Ideally, flight controls and seats should remain at 100% scale to feel best in VR. I have some other tips here.

  • A-1 Caracal 3.3 years ago

    Very nice build! The cockpit is borderline too small in VR, but I went ahead and curated it for VR because it is still very usable and a lot of fun.

  • "Ray" Concept 3.3 years ago

    Very cool build. I would love to curate, but the yoke and throttle are too large and my hands sink into them when using them. Other than that, it's very cool. If you are willing to make those tweaks, I'd be happy to curate it. Just tag me in the post.

  • COCKPIT PLANE 2.0!! 3.3 years ago

    Fun little build. I went ahead and curated this for VR, but the throttle is partially embedded in the panel on the left. Also, it gets really squirrely on takeoff.

  • A-8 Aquan E - IAF 110 Sqn 3.3 years ago

    @Falkenwut No, the trim is not interactable. Everything else is fantastic though. Very nice build!

  • Silver players can now update their airplane XML on the website 3.3 years ago

    @Bellcat XML updating is really just intended for small tweaks. If you're craft's appearance changes drastically you should probably just make a new post.

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #8 3.3 years ago

    @Sm10684 random

  • 330 Prototype 4 (Vintage Prototype Challenge) 3.3 years ago

    The camera position is very hard to get right without viewing it in VR. XML has been updated.

  • Star Wars ST-70 Razor Crest 3.3 years ago

    XML for this post has been updated with the XML from your unlisted post.

  • 330 Prototype 4 (Vintage Prototype Challenge) 3.3 years ago

    This is a really fun car in VR. I made some tweaks to make it a little easier in VR and uploaded as unlisted here. The steering wheel wasn't giving 100% throttle when pushed in and the camera was too far back. If you are okay with the tweaks, I could update your post's XML with those tweaks and curate this post. Would you be interested in that?

  • NHNFF-912 for VR (Nuclear Heavy Fighter) 3.3 years ago

    This is a fun craft for VR, but there are a few issues that are preventing me from curating it. One is the seat is too small and too high. If you can just nudge it down nearly to the floor and increase the scale a bit I think that would feel more immersive. Also, the plane is very touch with the flight stick. If you want to make those tweaks, tag me in the next upload and I'll check it out and see if I can curate it.

  • SPVR is launching December 17th 3.3 years ago

    @Flask correct, you will be able to get it from the Quest store.

  • F2Y SeaDart (vr friendly) 3.3 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Once it's curated the title and description can't be changed, so we should probably change that beforehand.

  • F2Y SeaDart (vr friendly) 3.3 years ago

    This feels pretty good to me in VR. Thanks for making the tweaks, we appreciate it! Let me know when you're ready for me to curate this post.

  • Star Wars ST-70 Razor Crest 3.3 years ago

    Yes, but you'll also need to edit the URL parameter in the XML. If you tag me in the unlisted post I can swap the XML for you on this post.

  • SPVR is launching December 17th 3.3 years ago

    @Kieks123 yes, we added a new in-game airplane browser so you can download airplanes right from within the game.

  • LCAA 3.3 years ago

    @Davis Your craft XML has been updated with the tweaks. Now that you are a silver, you can update your craft's XML if you ever want to make any tweaks.

  • Star Wars ST-70 Razor Crest 3.3 years ago

    @EchoWhiskey11 If you decide to fix the buttons you could update your XML on this post and tag me and I'll mark it as curated.

  • Star Wars ST-70 Razor Crest 3.3 years ago

    @BsetAutomotiveFan2022 Curate means the craft will show up for players when they are browsing for airplanes to download in SimplePlanes VR.

  • LCAA 3.3 years ago

    This is a very cool craft. There were some issues I noticed in VR so I made a few tweaks and uploaded as unlisted here. I'd really like to curate this craft and if you are okay with my tweaks I would be happy to update the XML on this post. Or if you'd like to tweak my tweaks, I could use that instead. Would you be interested in either of those options?