Pretty great model! The only critique is the intake is a bit wide or maybe it’s just cause it’s missing the DSI “bump” on both sides and some of the Radar absorbent tape (the white line on top ) are floating badly and this is just a suggestion (I have no clue how hard it is with ft but maybe make the helmet HUD disappear when back on bore looking forward because otherwise it doubles up and looks bad or even better remove the main bud cause the actual f-35 doesn’t have a non HMD
@Skykid028 don’t delete this build it’s really good just strip the cockpit and stuff for the challenge low art count challenge really hinder these amazing builds tho the one glaring issue is the right elevator falls off on spawn
Welp since it’s still a American aircraft I have to say even with the cute euro measurement explanation (which is funny because KM countries never invented something that cool 😎) ahem RAHHHH WHAT THE FUCKKKK IS A KILOMETERRRRRR🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥
I mean shit I wouldn’t fault the community who desperately wanted the devs to continue to give SP love and that just kinda said “ hahaa we understand how much you guys want this and love this game but yeah no lol” I wouldn’t be surprised the community crumbles
This is so freaking cool dude this game has so much potential too bad jundaroo has officially left it for dead imagine what we could do if it got some love
Really fascinating however you can’t call the Apache tail Asymmetric do to the fact that it is 100% symmetric when you go down it’s center it’s actually called a scissor rotor
Someone hasn’t listened how is it at 68 not 60-70
@vincent can you link this to
Great build tho there is something funky with the elevators they aren’t symmetrical or even
Pretty great model! The only critique is the intake is a bit wide or maybe it’s just cause it’s missing the DSI “bump” on both sides and some of the Radar absorbent tape (the white line on top ) are floating badly and this is just a suggestion (I have no clue how hard it is with ft but maybe make the helmet HUD disappear when back on bore looking forward because otherwise it doubles up and looks bad or even better remove the main bud cause the actual f-35 doesn’t have a non HMD
what?… no lmao @Metalpipe223
+1Pretty good! Tho the front part of the cockpit was infact a triangular piece of glass and the two intakes are larger higher rectangular
Do you think you can make an American/nato weapons customization tree like that ?
@LM0418 I mean it is a very notable thing with this exact airline and aircraft
+1Where’s the tug tho oh and it’s like mile high black smoke plume 😂
+2@c144538707 I don’t think you get the point of a exo suit lmao
+1@Skykid028 don’t delete this build it’s really good just strip the cockpit and stuff for the challenge low art count challenge really hinder these amazing builds tho the one glaring issue is the right elevator falls off on spawn
+1@RicardoACE nope he pulled the plug on SP 😒
Welp since it’s still a American aircraft I have to say even with the cute euro measurement explanation (which is funny because KM countries never invented something that cool 😎) ahem RAHHHH WHAT THE FUCKKKK IS A KILOMETERRRRRR🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥
+1Great build! But uhh the aim-9s and aim7s can’t actually hit their targets there fuses are way off
@DeVoneveler that’s stupid YouTube comment thing “fIrSt PLs PiN
@DeVoneveler don’t start that shit here kid
Does spending 5 seconds in the color changer count as a “change”
I love it so much but…did you mean right panels?? Cause almost all the engine stuff is on the right
+1@Rocketguy2079 wait to you find out it’s officially abandoned
+2Holy shit this is amazing I can’t wait to see the finished product!
+1One note when attempting to fire ax-7 vipers the first one came off the rail but the others don’t react when triggered
+1The only issue I see is the engine button in the cockpit acts as the eject
I’m currently working on a J-29F upgrade would you like to see it when I’m done ?
+1Wha-what do you mean the same controls as a laav…that’s that’s a land vehicle sir
Correct me if I’m wrong but going in the files and disabling drag calculations should help severely right?
I mean fuck that’s more updating then we’ll ever be getting
If only we could disable panel explosions this we be a lot more stable
+1Us mobile players will never get to see these creations in all their glory properly 🥲
+2@Liensis right lmao
@Michiganstatepolice it was a hot fix minus the hot i wouldn’t call 3 knobs and a big fix a full update
@Michiganstatepolice what’s there to be happy about?
This is super sick great work
@Michiganstatepolice lemme translate: we know you want it but we are gonna do something else
@Skyler101 lmao I don’t think this team is in the business of going with community interest 😂
@AshdenpawTG22 they don’t actually Apple doesn’t even support those versions so why do they
@DatMaluchGuy19 that is a healthy dose of optimism I do hope it is true but I have a bad feeling
I mean shit I wouldn’t fault the community who desperately wanted the devs to continue to give SP love and that just kinda said “ hahaa we understand how much you guys want this and love this game but yeah no lol” I wouldn’t be surprised the community crumbles
This is so freaking cool dude this game has so much potential too bad jundaroo has officially left it for dead imagine what we could do if it got some love
Welp my heart is broken💔 rip simple planes gone too soon
+3@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore civilians can own decommissioned helis i dont know how valid this guys claim is tho
He’s looking at all the jaded SP fans after Andrews last announcement
I got the “This airplane is huge and may not run well on your mobile device“ how bad are some of y’all’s devices it’s literally 600 parts 💀
@WNP78 in other news we understand all of you want simple planes but nah screw that
Welp RIP SimplePlanes it’s been real
Really fascinating however you can’t call the Apache tail Asymmetric do to the fact that it is 100% symmetric when you go down it’s center it’s actually called a scissor rotor
Hey guys just wanted to let ya know that we know you really like this game and want it updated but no lmao
What in the wolfenstine ace combat villain aircraft 😂 I love it tho good work
That cockpit boot up is absolutely stunning