790 AuroraPolaris Comments

  • Pz.Kpfw. VII Ausf. B Bastet 2.7 years ago

    Hmm, who shrunk down the German heavy cruiser/battleship turrets and stuck it on a tank?

  • Astorer 130/70 Anti Air Mount 2.8 years ago

    Oh god, my RX6900 XT is crying from the partcout! Curse you Unity for not using multi-core!

  • Curtiss Wright XP-55-CS Ascender 2.9 years ago

    I'd imagine this thing with a jet would have been a decent aircraft

  • LBSCR E2 Class locomotive 2.9 years ago

    Thomas is that you!

  • DC-3 3.2 years ago


  • Neptune UA-5 'Stingray' 3.2 years ago

    You know what, I can totally see someone making this in The Sunshine State. I've been living in Florida since 2010 and I've seen some crazy stuff, this not being one...YET.

  • ASR-35 ''Auklet'' Waterburst Rocket 3.6 years ago

    Actually, these would have been very useful at attacking surfaced submarines as compared to the normal rockets of the day back in WW2. Very nicely done

  • Why the suspension is so hard 3.7 years ago

    @OtakuNekoToT, I would suggest you decrease the strength of the springs you used and instead increase the strength of the dampeners. It would also help if you angled the front landing gear further down to give your helicopter more ground clearance as it seems to me that it's smacking the nose-first into the ground before the wheels ever touch

  • Some of you may find this interesting 3.7 years ago

    @Vincent, ya heard of the Plastikov before?

  • bjac.co Chupacabra IFV 3.7 years ago

    @bjac0, I can see where the effort went in. Well fking done sir!

  • AMH.36M3 Ogre 3.7 years ago

    So this is more or less an AMX-50 B with a squished hull, modern optics, and the AMERICA machine gun treatment. I like it

  • M11 Mouse Light Main Battle Tank 3.7 years ago

    Ok, that interior is actually pretty nice. I don't have the patience to create individual breach blocks and this is one of the nicer ones I've seen

  • KpfPzW VI Eroberer 3.7 years ago

    @WingsOfSteel, thanks for correcting me. I thought this tank being a pseudo-germanic tank, a bottle of schnaps made more sense to me

  • KpfPzW VI Eroberer 3.7 years ago

    @WingsOfSteel, nice job with the tank man! I just noticed the small bottle of schnaps on the cupola, nice detail

  • Why josip broz tito is better than rafale 3.7 years ago

    The one-man that even Iosif Stalin feared. This is a man who you do not want to fk with!

  • Volkswagen T1 California (collab with @Chancey21) 3.8 years ago

    All I can think of when I see this is Gabriel Igglesias's massive collection of these VW busses he's got and one of them being a fish tank. Well done sir!

  • F-110 Nyatasha 3.8 years ago

    Why am I not surprised that the VTuber community is now invading Simple Planes? I ain't complaining though, keep going

  • PzM-1 Volochaevets 3.8 years ago

    Holy ERA blocks Batman. This has got more ERA than T-80!

  • Duck The Great Western Engine Progress 3.8 years ago

    T, the quality of these engines just impresses me more and more as time goes on. This is like a childhood dream come true

  • Stabilizer Tutorial 3.8 years ago

    @TankerWithATankard, Oh I know how to make them already. I'm just wondering if you were going to make one for the newer players

  • Stabilizer Tutorial 3.8 years ago

    Ok, this is a pretty nice tutorial on how to make a basic stabilizer. I never started to add a counterweight to my guns until a few months ago but it's nice to see that newer players will now know to do so. However, will you make a tutorial on how to make a two-plane stabilizer?

  • A-10 3.8 years ago

    Haha, stealth hog go brrrrrrrrt!

  • Kestrel X-5 3.8 years ago

    This looks like an advanced training aircraft to me, and a good one at that

  • Help I have too many ideas 3.8 years ago

    @scratch, that face is terrifying without the eyes! It's like a Thomas creepypasta come to life

  • AT-8 SPG 'Vautour' 3.8 years ago

    So something like the Stryker MGS? Nice!

  • Simple Planes Railway out now! 3.8 years ago

    @scratch, thanks for letting me know. I downloaded both rolling stocks already and the map itself is beautiful. Nice job man

  • CLOSED Tank Challenge 3.8 years ago

    @MrGreen, would you allow modern MBTs at all, or would they have to be made to fit into one of the categories you made? I've got an MBT that I think would to well

  • Simple Planes Railway out now! 3.8 years ago

    @scratch, where is the engine itself then?

  • SPR - FINAL TEASER: New Junctions and Turntable methods 3.8 years ago

    @scratch, T, and the whole set, please. My god, this is the best train I've seen on the site yet with working pistons, connecting rods, and a functional world. It's like owning a real train set, just much less expensive

  • SPR - New switch/junction system, steam engine update, and some trucks 3.9 years ago

    @scratch, well it still looks great nonetheless. Can't wait for this to come out

  • SPR - New switch/junction system, steam engine update, and some trucks 3.9 years ago

    Hey @scratch, is your engine by any chance based on an E2 tank engine by chance?

  • Perfect Fuselage Art 3.9 years ago

    This is absolutely based. This is truly, a weapon to surpass metal gear!

  • HAV-1 (v0.1) 3.9 years ago

    Well, this thing looks like a Halo Skorpion MBT but better. Basically a battleship on tracks or a modernized P.1000 Ratte

  • Map Update: Now with sidings! 3.9 years ago

    T, you really have outdone yourself with this mod so far. I've always liked trains and this is the most realistic engine I've seen on the site for a long time

  • Map Update: Now with sidings! 3.9 years ago

    @scratch, do you have an idea when you're going to release the engine itself?

  • M50 3.9 years ago

    Well, I did modify it. I upgraded your stabilizer so that works better with heavier guns and I replaced your cannon with a custom one I made based on the Rheinmetall 120mm smoothbore cannon but it's an L/60 so the velocities are even greater than even the current L/55 used on the Leopard 2's. The rangefinder issue is still present though but I like the design of it and if you added modern heavy ERA to it like the BAE Systems upgraded for the M60, then I think this could stand a chance

    I also made a more reasonable version with a 90mm Cockerill low-pressure cannon which may not be realistic considering when a tank like this would have been designed, but its a nice idea and would be the one to most likely work with the breach block you made

  • M50 3.9 years ago

    Hmm, the turret looks like it could be a prototype of the M48 or M60 except with a good two-plane stabilizer for the gun. Wonder what this would be like to fight against a T-62 or 64?

  • SimplePlanes Aircraft Renovation Challenge! [Closed] 3.9 years ago

    Hey @SPMTB, does the entry have to be a successor to this post or can we just tag you in the post of the updated aircraft?

  • MisterT 3.9 years ago

    Well, I didn't know that pigeons could assert dominance over us. T-posing in the designer, nice meme

  • Don’t you just hate it when you lower fuel mixture while flying solo but realise you’re in a Gloster Meteor and what you’re pulling is hood ejection 3.9 years ago

    That's the pull cord for an ejection seat in what I believe is a Gloster Meteor. I think you can figure out the rest

  • Yak-36 "Freehand" 3.9 years ago

    I did mention the F-100 for a reason. Why did so many early Cold War jets look like fish though with their gopping air intakes?

  • Yak-36 "Freehand" 3.9 years ago

    Wow, you were not kidding. This thing really is ugly as sin; it looks like if you took a catfish, gave it clipped Mig-21 wings, and called it a plane. The front end looks more like a catfish than the F-100 somehow

  • Mega Dogfight Tournament Entry F-14 EX Hybrid Tomcat 4.0 years ago

    @SPMTB, thanks. I've been playing this game since 2014-15 and I've gotten good at understanding how the physics work so this wasn't too hard. The only thing I struggle with still is paneling to create custom shapes as I simply don't have the patience to do so

  • Mega Dogfight Tournament Entry F-14 EX Hybrid Tomcat 4.0 years ago

    Um @SPMTB, I asked you before if we were allowed to use mods and you said yes as you were doing the tournament on PC. I could if you wanted me to but that would mean that I would have an entry after the posted time. I also tried to do so after the fact and my rear control surfaces were all connected to the engines so if I remove them, I would have to completely redo the rear end

  • Karyan Battlecruiser Strelitzia(1938) 4.0 years ago

    Oh god, the part count of this! What kinda PC do you have!?

  • Mega Dogfight Tournament! [CLOSED] 4.0 years ago

    Thanks, @SPMTB, then I can say for sure that I'm going to enter. I've had my plane ready for a while but now I might as well post it

  • Mega Dogfight Tournament! [CLOSED] 4.0 years ago

    Hey @SPMTB, got a question regarding entering. Is posting the plane we created enough to be entered or do we have to make a Challonge account and register to enter? I'd rather not have another website that I have to remember the login info for

  • HTTYD Hidious zippleback (Walker/Ornithopter) 4.0 years ago

    Hmm, HTTYD riders when? I'd love to see an actual gliding Hiccup or have them on their dragons

  • TKS Tankette [20mm] 4.0 years ago

    Oh, good lord, this thing is small. I remember seeing an Italian LC/33 and thinking that must have been cramped and this might be worse. Yet somehow Nicholas Moran fits inside one of these things, all 6'4" of him. Lovely replica as well, nice job

  • ASCOD Ulan (Updated) 4.0 years ago

    Dang, this is a really nice IFV. Love the side paneling you did