15.4k Dastin Comments

  • F-35A Lightning 4.6 years ago

    After some testing I have to say this feels like it was rushed too much. It's construction is quite rough but I imagine that's from inexperience with building stealth fighters. It doesn't stand out as much in the screenshots but I noticed instantly once I downloaded it.

    Unrealistic specifications aside, it doesn't fly too badly, although it feels a bit sluggish compared to the real aircraft. I think the main areas to work on are improving your panelling and using realistic values for the aircraft mass, wing loading, etc.

  • Plane Publishing Petition 4.6 years ago

    @LostCausesIncorporated The ability to think critically is something you should learn. By suggesting that lower quality builds deserve priority you're advocating against the base drive for improvement. The reward factor of building better.

    Think of it like this:
    If a lower skilled build gets a high amount of traction, the builder is put under the impression that they do not need to do anything new/find any improvement, thus keeping them at a low skill level.

    Alternatively, when a lower skilled build doesn't get more upvotes the builder is able to consider/enquire as to how they can improve. The returns are greater and future builds will be better.

    But then from your comment you seem more fixated on a feeling of inferiority which causes you to shy away from putting in effort. You probably figure remaining a low skilled builder and basking in it (even advocating for it to be recognised) will prevent you from having to come to terms with the fact that you have no drive for self improvement.

    I could, of course, be wrong.

    @50CalChicken The issue with your suggestion is that ironically, higher ranked players tend to post less often and spend more time on their builds. It's counter intuitive to suggest that the limit goes up by rank because that only creates two possibilities:

    1. Users are further encouraged to rank climb through spam posting subpar builds. This creates a poor build economy where too many bad builds flood the site and force out good builds because, proportionally, they just stand less of a chance of discovery.

    2. Low rank users begin to rely more on volume than quality, thus stifling the overall improvement of the community.

    I do, however, have some constructive advice.
    On the subject of making minor modifications to the published builds, post the modified builds as unlisted and link to the primary build.

    On the subject of posting multiple versions of the same build, post one primary version and post the other versions as unlisted. I did this with one of my recent builds because, in my opinion, there should be no reward for minor modifications presented as a "new build".

    And finally, I think you have a lot of potential to be a good builder. My advice would be to spend more time per build and learn techniques from other peoples builds. Learn to make tapered wings, custom gear and improved fuselage blending and you'll quickly see that you enjoy making one excellent build vs 10 mediocre builds.

  • Plesiosaur-Class Helicopter Cruiser 5.2 years ago


    Pretty good looking, and not a bad concept. Worth an upvote for sure.

    Stop trying to compensate with the ortho camera man, it makes the build look so weird

  • Zerai Deres-Class Frigate 5.8 years ago

    @Feanor @KerlonceauxIndustries @Randomusername @NFIGMT @USSR @yoshicraze @SodiumChloride @TheDarkAce @destroyerP @Pilotmario @Thecatbaron

    Phew, lots of people. I'd like to thank you all for the support you've shown this build. I hope the momentum can keep going.

  • 'Against All Odds' - SimplePlanes FW-190A-8 Trailer 2.6 years ago

    Taking simple planes cinematography to new heights

  • Kashin Class Destroyer 3.2 years ago

    When it comes to SP ship builders you're squarely in the hall of fame. I'm going to test drive this when I finish work today.

  • Tiran Aviation FN.9 Kestrel 3.6 years ago

    @SkylineAero There is a glass part in the game. In the same menu as the fuselage parts.

  • GS-104 Grimmel 4.0 years ago

    @ChrisPy Not at all, take a look at the Yak-38 for example.

    @DwiAngkasaAeronautics very cool work

  • Avalanche Blizzard 4.4 years ago

    @DJ2keroni Great, so I've tested it and I have some performance feedback.
    It's generally pleasant to fly and responds well, save for the instability when you release the pitch button.

    The speed model is all over the place though. It accelerates too quickly, and flies to fast at all altitudes. This is likely because of the weight not being accurate. Just keep these in mind in the future.

    Custom missiles are a very nice touch.

    Overall, its a nice build which just needs polish. gj.

  • Plane Publishing Petition 4.6 years ago

    @LostCausesIncorporated That is an excellent example of maturity; a lack of it. If you cannot accept criticism you are doomed to always be criticised. You are your own worst enemy.

  • Altica-Harvey Puma 4.8 years ago

    @Alta2809 @KerlonceauxIndustries THANKS!

  • Oshira M75 Jibril 4.9 years ago

    A decent build, not bad overall. It does have a couple issues though.

    A couple pieces of advice for future reference:
    - Tapered wings really enhance a build so I suggest learning the technique.
    - I'd avoid glossy bodies, it actually enhances less smooth parts and overall makes the build look less aesthetic. 100% metallic and anything less than 30% smoothness is ideal.
    - On that note, neatness is not bad at all. Needs some work but that comes with practice.
    - Too many hard points. Aircraft of this size and weight class usually have a maximum of 9 pylons. It may seem trivial but there are good reasons for this.
    edit (9 to 11)

    Now, the flight model is a bit all over the place. It accelerates too quickly but the turn rate isn't all too bad. It's also too fast. the instant aoa vs sustained aoa thing is a common issue. The best way to fix the acceleration and speed issues is to use a realistic (or somewhat realistic) thrust setting on your engines and adjust drag to achieve the desired top speed.

    Hopefully these tips will help on your next build.

  • #bes truk on da sp 4.9 years ago

    @Dllama4 I gotta say, an 18 part meme build getting 74 upvotes really does highlight the problem with the community.

  • Dastin Aerospace | A-18 Virago | Multirole Fighter 5.8 years ago

    @Pilotmario @randomusername @GabetheDoge Thank you guys.

  • Dassault Mirage 2000-5 2.3 years ago

    This might be one of your best looking builds so far, amazing job.

  • MiG-23 K 2.4 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 You could but I believe it was removed on the 23k so again, this person is just following the planned design. This isn't about what could/could not have been added, the MiG-23k didn't have the ventral fin.

  • MiG-23 K 2.4 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 why what? why a carrier based Mig-23? Ask the Soviet navy I guess.

    Why did the builder build a carrier based MiG-23? Are you attempting to gatekeep what people can build?

  • MiG-23 K 2.4 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 "Carrier-based aircraft version of the MiG-23"

    first link in the posters description. The MiG-23K is indeed the name of a proposed carrier capable MiG-23

  • Tiran Aviation FN.9 Kestrel 3.6 years ago

    @Tsukuyomi yeah. Although it's a couple years older than the Flogger.

  • Tiran Aviation FN.9 Kestrel 3.6 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries many thanks.

    @TatsuTheOtaku thank you!

  • Tiran Aviation FN.9 Kestrel 3.6 years ago

    @PewDewEwwPew 😎 exactly. Thanks for the support.

    @asteroidbook345 <. < >. > hush. No Flogger here. Thanks for the support.

    @Mostly a perfect fusion.

  • Tiran Aviation FN.9 Kestrel 3.6 years ago

    @Kangy it's a little janky. It'll extended to a position where it should be attached while speed is lower than a certain threshold and the gear is down. My future plan is to have it actually know its on the carrier (probably by using a narrow altitude band) to make it more accurate.

  • Tiran Aviation FN.9 Kestrel 3.6 years ago

    @Kangy Ah wait, its not very visible from the pictures but in the iso side view its there.

  • Tiran Aviation FN.9 Kestrel 3.6 years ago

    @Kangy I don't know if you mean something different but if you look on the nosewheel there is indeed a catapult bar. It functions but its a bit of a pain to set conditions where it should/shouldn't be in deployed position. I limited it to just a speed and gear controlled machination for the time being.

    If you mean something different please send me an example. I'd love to know.

  • Tiran Aviation FN.9 Kestrel 3.6 years ago

    @Kangy Well yes but also no. I'm certainly surprised by the part count but I can also understand why its so high. While there are areas I could potentially reduce the part count on, in my eyes each and every little part is essential in giving it the look I wanted.

    I'm a little disappointed you think it should have a bunch of other features (although beyond a cockpit I'm not sure what you mean) as I would hope you fly it extensively first.

    Howeverrrrrrr, thanks all the same. I'll keep striving to improve!

  • Poyasakai FA-33G Drake [VMFA-236 Philia] 3.7 years ago

    three words:
    Fun to fly

  • Challenger-Class Guided Missile Destroyer 3.7 years ago

    @UnguidedCylinder Hey man, no problem. I say it as I see it. I'll definitely be sure to keep and eye out for your future work.

  • Challenger-Class Guided Missile Destroyer 3.7 years ago

    I'd just like to chime in and say this is a bloody work of art, patience and time well spent. Every detail on this is jaw dropping and you should be proud of it. This is by far one of the most detailed (and reasonably so) builds I have ever seen posted on the site.

    It not being playable for most (even my fairly alright laptop) pales in comparison to just how good it is. I'm not usually one for over the top builds but this is just excellent. Keep it up.

  • Don't cheap out on quality 3.8 years ago

    @TheRealJBerry yes, and a cup holder

  • Avalanche Blizzard 4.4 years ago

    This looks good, nice work. I've yet to fly it but I will. I can give feedback if you'd like

  • Oshira M75 Jibril 4.9 years ago

    @EternalDarkness yeah, you're right. I suppose my only qualm with the colour was that it was too glossy.

    @MBR6753 no problem, I have no doubt you'll get even better quickly.

  • DAVI Siskin 4.9 years ago

    @switdog08 that's very kind of you. Glad you like it.

    @Sadboye12 yes, super smooth

  • Ye-8/YF-21 4.9 years ago

    This is a good effort but you didn't quite get the right delta wing shape. Yours is too wide and too short compared to the Ye-8s.

    But still, great effort. Keep focusing on your shaping and smoothing and you won't have any issue improving.

  • Altica-Harvey Tekula F.7 5.0 years ago


    Thanks for the upvotes!

  • Altica-Harvey Tekula F.7 5.0 years ago



  • Altica-Harvey Tekula F.7 5.0 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries owo to you too

  • Altica-Harvey Tekula F.7 5.0 years ago


    thanks for the upvotes

  • Altica-Harvey Tekula F.7 5.0 years ago


    thanks for the upvotes

  • Altica-Harvey Tekula F.7 5.0 years ago

    @MUTE well ain't that interesting

  • McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II 5.1 years ago

    Superb looks and it flies really well.

  • Tiran Peregrine F.3 5.1 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries swift as always, thanks

  • MSN-06S Sinanju 5.2 years ago

    I'm a simple man. I see a mobile suit, I upvote

  • M134 5.2 years ago

    Words don't do justice to how impressed I am with this build. You've done it again!

  • Dejen Gale 5.3 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries THANKS!

  • Altica-Harvey Wildcat 5.3 years ago

    @Trainzo @yoshicraze @Strikefighter04
    Thanks, you guys!

  • Haile Selassie-class Destroyer 5.4 years ago

    @NFIGMT Thank you so much. I think it could do with some refinement but I'm pleased you like it.

    @KerlonceauxIndustries To you too

  • Light Corvette VIPER (Sange Class)_ 5.5 years ago

    @Stargazzer Not at all, this deserves it

  • Kandake-class LHD 5.6 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries Aw, don't say that. Alas, my computer finally lost to detail and scale. I wish I could have fitted it out with a full amphibious loadout (but then we'd be looking at a 4000 part build)

  • Kandake-class LHD 5.6 years ago


  • Kandake-class LHD 5.6 years ago

    @NirvashTec very cool, thank you
