1,305 Deiaa Comments

  • USS beast Controller 5.8 years ago

    Very nice!
    I tried modifying this thing and use it to make the Beast fly. Unfortunately, no amount of extra engines with 999x power could lift it. Neither could it lift USS Tiny. :(

  • The secret of the Brown Pearl 5.9 years ago

    Tip: Can't gun it down and want to use missiles, but can't mod? Try this:
    1) Mount at least one Inferno or Cleaver on your plane.
    2) Mount lots of Guardians. 6-8 Should be enough, but more gives you a better chance.
    3) Locate the ship. Select your Inferno/Cleaver.
    4) Let it lock-on, but don't fire. Instead, with the ship in the reticle, quickly switch to air-to-air mode (on PC, just tap R twice in quick succession).
    5) Your lock is maintained, and the Guardians will seek the ship out if fired, despite the lock being obtained by a different weapon. While Cleavers travel at 450 mph and Infernos travel at about 800 mph, Guardians travel at 1400 mph! AND they are maneuverable enough to keep up with the ship.
    6) Profit! Spam them Guardians and pummel it down!
    P.S. No idea if this is a bug, or just a side effect of maintaining the locks when weapons are switched and then switched back. So if this is a bug, maybe it will be patched in the future at some point?

  • Making the AI pilot more reliable? 5.5 years ago

    @randomusername Sorry for not getting back to you. Haven't checked back here in a while...had to handle a few things IRL. (It's already been 2 months?)
    I see...so the only things that are actually illegal to modify are scale, mass, drag and thrust? If so, that makes things a whole lot easier.
    Thanks for the tips!

  • Making the AI pilot more reliable? 5.6 years ago

    @randomusername Yeah, I've done that. But it still has to be maneuverable enough to follow a good racing line through the rings, and the fact that this season's(?) course is Daredevil doesn't really help. If it becomes too stable, it can't turn sharply enough to go through all the rings or properly avoid terrain.
    So far, the AI has not caused any PIO's and can perfectly fly it, as long as the upcoming ring is far enough away. No wings fluttering, no oscillations up and down, or in any direction whatsoever, actually. Not sure if that's what you mean by stability, but I would say that would be it.
    Perhaps it's too fast? But it finishes the course (at the least the few times it finished the course) in 1:23, while, as you probably know, some are getting under a minute.

  • DTj-20-200 - Remastered! 5.9 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Yep. That cannot be solved. The game's engine handles resizable wheels a little awkwardly. Thankfully, this problem is just aesthetic. The strut will never touch the ground even at MTOW.

  • DTj-20-200 - Remastered! 5.9 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer How much did you set it? I can do some troubleshooting for the gear if you altered the aircraft's weight.
    You can increase the wheels' XML values for SlipForward and SlipSideways (Both fields) and they should support it. Otherwise, if you are referring to the wheels cambering inwards under the weight, that's unsolvable as far I know, but thankfully is merely cosmetic.

  • DTj-20-200 (Thanks for Silver!) 6.1 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Indeed, this plane is highly inspired by the Boeing 777, 787 and Airbus A350, and I actually wanted to use just 2 bogies, like the Boeing 777. But the wheels would then...I dunno how to describe it. Give it a go, remove the body gear and see what happens for yourself.
    So I decided to go A340 style as you mentioned, but then I decided it won't hurt to give it a good extra margin with another bogie and make sure the plane can support itself once I start testing its limits. After all, it also means more tolerance for rough landings and a higher max landing weight, am I right?
    Also, did you mean by "you put in more dihedral" that I needed to put in more dihedral? Because, yeah, perhaps I should have.
    Other than that, thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked it.

  • DMJ-20A 6.2 years ago

    I had no idea my design could end up being THIS good.
    Thank you so much for doing this! Great job, and great build.

    (Quick note: The port nav light is green on the wing and black on the vertical stabilizer. Both should be red as far as I know, unless this was intentional. The rear gear also needs moving back very slightly.)

  • CI-12 Defender 6.5 years ago

    Let me guess.. You're not new to this game here, are you? :)

  • D.A.I. DTJ-8-400 6.5 years ago

    @PancakeAddiction Thanks for the feedback and advice! I shall apply this in the next builds, and maybe reupload this one after modifying it.
    @Phenex Yep. Noticed the Overload mod was just 73 KB, so went for it and indeed, it's way easier than opening the XML files manually and I've so far had zero problems. Thanks for suggesting it.
    I actually wanted to put the doors on the struts and make them fixed as you said, but I've had a few problems with it, until I got fed up with fine-tuning and just went for what I did. I'm still working on it, but I don't think I can remove the current doors even when I'm done.
    As for the suspension system, the shocks-in-struts actually makes the system behave exactly as I wanted it to. Not sure what problems would be caused by it, but I'm not that experienced anyway, so maybe I just don't know any better.
    Edit: Just realized the uploaded version's main gear spring and damper are 1400% - they're supposed to be 1200%. Guess I accidently uploaded an experimental version with a too stiff main gear. Nothing else is out of place, though, so I'm not reuploading that. Try setting it to this number, maybe it'll improve it a bit?

  • Scout Road King !!!READ DESCRIPTION!!! 6.6 years ago

    Takes me back to Euro Truck Simulator 2.
    The amount of detail here is amazing. Windshield wipers that work? What kind of sorcery is this!
    Great job, man. Great. Flippin'. Job.

  • DF-1 Lightning 6.7 years ago

    @Carguyfromriga Thanks for the feedback! Actually, I think it's more of a competitor with Wasp or Pigpen, since Hellkeska is an attack aircraft by design (and thus is not agile at all compared to this. Get within close range and the Hellkeska is done.), but I still believe it is generally superior to either aircraft, and can defeat them in dogfights with human pilots and countermeasure dispensers equipped, just not as easily as Hellkeska. (Although Wasp can definitely out-sprint it)

    Anyway, the stability issues are simply part of the aircraft design. Yeah, it's unfortunate that this plane doesn't really like to pitch down, but to be this agile at low speed without thrust-vectoring, you need to be a little unstable ("little..." Cough The note in the aircraft description). These issues are only persistant at really high altitude with lots of fuel on board, though, so there's that.
    As for the landing gear, yeah, it's bothered me a lot, too, but I figured it was a necessity to make sure the angle of attack of the wings isn't too low for efficient takeoff from short runways. I think it can be solved by changing the fuselage corners a bit, at the potential cost of slightly ruining other aesthetics. I'll experiment and see what I can do for it.
    For the drag, it was actually the biggest issue for me - reducing the intake size compromises high altitude operations, which I figured can be used as a combat advantage against other aircraft by, for example, baiting the opponent plane into climbing to an altitude too high for its engines to function effeciently and thus gaining the kinetic energy advantage. Speed wasn't of much importance to me while designing it, since the DMJ-14 had that covered and served as a great interceptor anyway.
    As for part count, well, I'll admit it's probably just because of all of them missiles. :)
    Try removing the lights and a few missiles. This should help a bit. Other than that, glad you liked it!

  • DMJ-14S Hawk Mk.III 6.7 years ago

    @Carguyfromriga Thanks! Yeah, I noticed this, too. The landing gear was brought over straight from the Mk.II with zero modification. Try setting it at 120%/130% strength/damper on the front and 110%/140% strength/damper on the rear. Should help.
    Edit: I just noticed the max speed I had written (1680) was a huuuge understatement after giving it another test. Corrected it now.

  • Seagull V1 6.7 years ago

    @Carguyfromriga Aside from 1 issue - the ailerons are a bit too small and the aircraft is a bit too slow to roll - I'm loving it so far! Great job!
    Been thoroughly testing the planes on several courses, too. Note that I've enlarged the ailerons on the Seagull 2 notches here, as it struggled to keep up with turns in some courses.

    Typhoon Circuit

    • Seagull - 1:57
    • My modified DMJ-14 - 2:01
    • Original DMJ-14 - 2:00


    • Seagull - 1:28
    • Modified DMJ-14 - 1:33
    • Original DMJ-14 - 1:33 (crashed into the bridge near the finish once for 1 'DNF')

    Sandsift Drift

    • Seagull - 1:16
    • Modified DMJ-14 - 1:20
    • Original DMJ-14 - 1:18 (2 DNF's)

    The Dragon

    • Seagull - 1:44
    • Modified DMJ-14 - 1:52
    • Original DMJ-14 - 1:48

    We have a clear winner. :)
    I'm not sure I really like the way the intakes look if I just slap them onto my version, so I still need to get innovative.
    It also seems there's something other than drag slowing my version down. Likely insufficient air supply. Back to the drawing board!
    In the end, though, you did a great job! I'm loving it!

  • DMJ-14S Hawk Mk.II 6.9 years ago

    @FlakBus Thanks! I forgot the nudge controls even existed. I've reuploaded both variants of the plane with the wing placement fixed.

  • Help pls 4.5 years ago

    You must use the Resizeable Wheel. This is the only way.

  • bad apple 4.8 years ago

    It crashes my game whenever I run it.
    Anyone got any ideas to fix it?

  • Glock 17 5.1 years ago

    @Diloph Ah, okay, lol.

  • Glock 17 5.1 years ago

    @Mustang51 Good idea. I'll take a look and maybe make a remaster sometime, maybe complete with a locking slide.

  • Glock 17 5.1 years ago

    @Mustang51 True, but then you end up with issues blending the parts together or with the grip. I tried that, but it somehow turned out uglier, lol.

  • Glock 17 5.1 years ago

    @Diloph Why, though?

  • Glock 17 5.1 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thanks! The hardest part to make was the backspar, I couldn't figure out a way to make it curve decently and smoothly to join the rear of the slide. It's pretty much the ugliest area in this.
    I'm also kinda dissatisfied that the slide doesn't lock when the 'mag' is empty, and that the ejection port doesn't actually eject anything. Both because I have no idea how to tie an input to a condition or to make a bunch of detachers work sequentially.

  • X-03 Recoil Powered Plane 5.2 years ago

    So a plane with a Gungine. Nice, now I get to use such an idea in a game other than Luftrausers!

  • Chevy Corvette 5.2 years ago

    Hey, I'm thinking about starting a police car challenge. May I use a modified version of this Corvette as the mascot? I've never seen anyone build cars as good as yours.
    I can provide an unlisted preview of it if you desire.

  • Making the AI pilot more reliable? 5.6 years ago

    @GiThatLikesPlanes My plane is almost just as small as - if not even smaller than - a P-51, and handles much like it except it's 3 times as fast. From what I understood reading your comment, I doubt size and weight have much impact on the AI's handling, especially since a heavier aircraft can become faster with more thrust (more engines), and more maneuverable with more wing area. There has got to be certain handling characteristics that the AI favours, but I can't quite put my finger on them.
    Thanks for your input, though!

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    Been working on a build for this. So far it works decently, but it's still inconsistent. Crashes mostly around the third bridge crossing, right before the finish. Only made it all the way through once, with a time of 1:38 (1:23, actually, but it missed a single ring). Still ironing out its kinks. It almost always crashes right before finishing.

  • NO COPYING! Please. 5.8 years ago

    Hm. Guess that's why I don't have that many points relative to how much time I've been here...maybe plagiarising stuff was a good way to gain a few headstart upvotes instead of uploading original stuff and have it be ignored...
    Just kidding! Let's get this to the top on the main page, and keep it that way for some time!
    I'm genuinely surprised so many people have been going around stealing others' creations and claiming them as their own. Just like how you surely would be annoyed if this happens to you, others will be just as annoyed. So don't do that!

  • The secret of the Brown Pearl 5.8 years ago

    @PixleArtist Yeah, I know. That tip was for those who cannot XML mod.

  • AS-AC-10 5.9 years ago

    How on earth is my computer able to handle this monstrosity?!
    Great build in any case, though! This is jaw-dropping.

  • CrazyCrane 6.0 years ago

    Cool! A game within a game. Game-ception!
    And it's quite fun!

  • Rough Terrain crane 65-40m 6.0 years ago

    If this is not the best crane ever on this site, then I have no idea what would be! Amazing!

  • Simple HiMaT STOL Block B 6.1 years ago

    Now THAT is maneuverability! As Chancey21 said, this is some amazing performance.

  • DTj-20-200 (Thanks for Silver!) 6.1 years ago

    @EeoGamer137 Thank you! Glad you liked it, wouldn't have been the same without you! :)

  • DTj-20-200 (Thanks for Silver!) 6.1 years ago

    @Gameboy21 Thank you! Glad you liked it!

  • DTj-20-200 (Thanks for Silver!) 6.2 years ago

    @Benny3053 Thank you! Glad you liked it, indeed the engines are part-custom. I tried to include as much detail as possible, including chevrons and Nacelle strakes.

  • DTj-20-200 (Thanks for Silver!) 6.2 years ago

    @EeoGamer137 And, it's finished! Thank you for letting me experiment with your Duke business jet and learn how to build better looking nose cones. This wouldn't have been the same without you.

  • New Website Feature 6.2 years ago

    @Thebossrevolution101 Ahh. I see. Dunno how it can be solved in this case.

  • New Website Feature 6.2 years ago

    @Thebossrevolution101 Hold down left Ctrl when dragging and it will prevent moving or copying parts if they end up under the mouse, making only the camera move.
    Main wings will have their controls inverted when mirrored in the sense that they are used for aeilerons, so they have to go in opposite directions. This doesn't happen to horizontal stabilizers. But I agree, it does get annoying when you're using a main wing control surface for purposes other than aeilerons. Would be nice if it only inverts if the input is set to roll.

  • Lamborghni diablo 6.2 years ago

    Don't give up! It's looking good so far. You can do it!

  • Aria Aj2 'Duke' 6.2 years ago

    @EeoGamer137 Much obliged!

  • Aria Aj2 'Duke' 6.2 years ago

    Great build! Landing gear is good, and handling is alright assuming smooth inputs on the user's part. And the overall shape is very beautiful! Great job!

    Do you mind if I use some of your building techniques for the nose for a build I'm working on and planning to release as celebration for reaching silver? I've always wanted to know how to make a realistic-looking nose. If you'd like, I'll make sure to tag you when it's finished.

  • Bubble cocpit plane 6.3 years ago

    Very nice! Well done, mate, lovely build!

  • Basic AA Tank 6.3 years ago

    @ASDFASDF1 Well, I actually agree. It's just not quirky I guess.

  • Assegai (Wipeout Pulse) 6.3 years ago

    @robloxweponco Sure thing! I'll make sure to tag you when it's finished, which will probably take a couple of months with this much detail, hehe.

  • Assegai (Wipeout Pulse) 6.4 years ago

    @robloxweponco https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/P7yGP4/Feisar-Mk-II
    (Well, it's not the one from 2048, but...)
    (Also, the rear part was a bit rushed, so it's quite inaccurate.)

  • Assegai (Wipeout Pulse) 6.4 years ago

    @Generalkeath Yeah, Wipeout as a whole was a legendary series. I grew up playing Pure and Pulse on my PSP, too, and funnily enough, I still have it and still play it to this day - rarely, yes, but still every now and then, even if it's 11 years old now. I'm sorry to hear about your loss of the game, hopefully you can find a way to get it back and continue to enjoy it. Anyway, glad you liked my little replica!

  • Assegai (Wipeout Pulse) 6.4 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thank you!
    I actually would rather not have a stabilizer because the ship needs this bit of floatiness to resemble the handling from the game (Well, one of the games at least. The ships feel much more 'glued' in Pulse compared to Pure).
    Thanks for the suggestion, though! I'll sure consider it for other builds.

  • P-51 Mustang 2.1 “bomber” 6.4 years ago

    @sexylips35 Um...?

  • Feisar 6.4 years ago

    @ProfessionalAmateur Guess I'll give it a shot. I'll see what I can do using just images for now.

  • Feisar 6.4 years ago

    @ProfessionalAmateur Thanks for the kind words! I would love to, but unfortunately I haven't played that game and thus can't accurately replicate its ships. Searching for images can't give me a good impression of the dimensions and proportions - I have to have played the game to see the little details and guarantee a relatively accurate replica.
    I also don't normally do this kind of build, I was just trying something new. I would like to continue it though, especially AG Systems' and Assegai's ships. Stay tuned if you're still interested.