Updated designer plane inventory. So when we want to delete something from the list it won't automatically go back on top and we have to scroll back down to delete others
@CptLiar Thanks!, for the flaperon which is also a pitch control surface, I just follow how the flap works, deflected downward when aircraft need to pitch. Is it wrong? Also for pitch down then up problems, its on the Glimiter code. Idk wheres the line that makes it that way. I just make the down-up problems happen faster cuz the unedited one will happens much slower, making it more dangerous.
But in anyway, thanks for the insight :)
@TRD6932 its either hts pod or datalink pod. Either way its just for looks
@JeskoGoesVROOM for realistic puproses. Pretty sure if you turn off glimiter thing will go 15G etc
@Gx Thanks! I will keep that in mind for my future builds. but for inlet, I could do it if it has f22 style inlet. I don't know how to do the platform alignment if it uses dsi type of inlet. For the clipping part, yeah Im aware of it but i was lazy to fix it cuz it need some nudging and stuff, so sorry lol. But thanks for the feedback and all
@Dxii makasihh
@NIzer I use google translate to know what your question so pardon me if there's a mistranslation. You can make it subassembly and then attach it to you craft
maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate=800 to 1000 ish
maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate=70 to 90
that is an inaccurate missile performance at least for my taste, you gonna tweak the number to suit your taste
@TTL lost interest on this game i guess lol
@dadankestbanana if that didn't work, then I don't really know. That solution always works for my test aircraft. Code change is only for using more than 1 glidebombs
@Xqewqrt try to locate rotators. Open the input and you will see something with Activate6. Change the input to whatever you want. Same thing to some of the labels.
@Bellcat I understand your concern. But again, this is just kind of banter to the rules. I completely understand the risk if you break the rules before I upload this. Again, this is the kind of rule-breaking that I didn't gain anything from it. It didn't even affect other people. I purposely put something that I quite pour my resource in the ugly presentation. So yes, I completely have that in mind. I did it because I wanna lol. I will do this one time only.
For profanity, pretty sure its mild considering minimal age for the web is 13 years old.
@SMILEE You have to copy some variables. Using this as a guide, you have to access the variable list (green outline), and then copy each line of variable. The red outline is for HUD. The yellow is for radar. Theres some of the radar variables that contain variable from HUD
@Walvis Thanks! for the drag thing, I kind of forgot about it until the parts are too much. I probably could use the script thingy but I was too lazy back then lol.
@S1lly u r right it's probably better to use that lol
@proking kalau kalo masang 2 bomb berarti ada tambahan 112 part count. Pesawat lo berarti harus lebih dr 113 part count biar game ga anggap pesawat lo mati. Klo pesawat mati codingnya ga berfungsi
@Skykid028 How this thing works only revolves around 2 things: coding and attachment point. Possibly also need high physics. If you don't touch the attachment and code, use high physics, and still cannot work, I don't know why. It works on me all the time. Also, try to attach it to something that has more than 57 parts. I have explained why on previous comment. Btw it has 1 second delay of wing folding
Updated designer plane inventory. So when we want to delete something from the list it won't automatically go back on top and we have to scroll back down to delete others
+8@rookie123 I actually use ur face as reference, so don't complain to me lil bro
+6nice, see you on front page bre
+6Getting one of my builds featured in Jundroos vid has been a wish of mine since I started playing this game, and today is the day it come true!
Thank you for the feature!
+5very well made. I really like the LG bays and weapon bays. Really pleasant to look
+5rookie123, more like... stinky123
+4@CptLiar Thanks!, for the flaperon which is also a pitch control surface, I just follow how the flap works, deflected downward when aircraft need to pitch. Is it wrong? Also for pitch down then up problems, its on the Glimiter code. Idk wheres the line that makes it that way. I just make the down-up problems happen faster cuz the unedited one will happens much slower, making it more dangerous.
But in anyway, thanks for the insight :)
Thanks for the guide!
+4holy shit! very nice
+3very well made
+3@TRD6932 its either hts pod or datalink pod. Either way its just for looks
@JeskoGoesVROOM for realistic puproses. Pretty sure if you turn off glimiter thing will go 15G etc
@Choppercharlie16 make this thing subassembly first
+3@Gx Thanks! I will keep that in mind for my future builds. but for inlet, I could do it if it has f22 style inlet. I don't know how to do the platform alignment if it uses dsi type of inlet. For the clipping part, yeah Im aware of it but i was lazy to fix it cuz it need some nudging and stuff, so sorry lol. But thanks for the feedback and all
@Dxii makasihh
@NIzer I use google translate to know what your question so pardon me if there's a mistranslation. You can make it subassembly and then attach it to you craft
+3maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate=800 to 1000 ish
+3maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate=70 to 90
that is an inaccurate missile performance at least for my taste, you gonna tweak the number to suit your taste
Very nice! love ur engine man 👍👍👍
+2@SkyJayTheFirst Thank you. I take inspo from x-32 which from my research has this kind of inlet. But again, thanks for the compliment
+2@Rb2h hmm good idea
+2@TTL lost interest on this game i guess lol
+2@dadankestbanana if that didn't work, then I don't really know. That solution always works for my test aircraft. Code change is only for using more than 1 glidebombs
@Xqewqrt try to locate rotators. Open the input and you will see something with Activate6. Change the input to whatever you want. Same thing to some of the labels.
+2@EvionSystems sure
+2thats very cool
+2@Bellcat I understand your concern. But again, this is just kind of banter to the rules. I completely understand the risk if you break the rules before I upload this. Again, this is the kind of rule-breaking that I didn't gain anything from it. It didn't even affect other people. I purposely put something that I quite pour my resource in the ugly presentation. So yes, I completely have that in mind. I did it because I wanna lol. I will do this one time only.
+2For profanity, pretty sure its mild considering minimal age for the web is 13 years old.
wanjir wkwkwk
+2@SMILEE depends on the code of the hud
@SMILEE You have to copy some variables. Using this as a guide, you have to access the variable list (green outline), and then copy each line of variable. The red outline is for HUD. The yellow is for radar. Theres some of the radar variables that contain variable from HUD
fun to fly
+2@1939Sins fictional, but when I'm building this I use the build style of f35 with russian color scheme
+2very aggressive-looking plane, nice!
+2@Walvis Thanks! for the drag thing, I kind of forgot about it until the parts are too much. I probably could use the script thingy but I was too lazy back then lol.
@S1lly u r right it's probably better to use that lol
@WojakArgento Thanks! sure go ahead
@TRD6932 lol I'm sorry
@MRLATTSOO gw biasanya bikin pesawat fiksi, gak terlalu suka bikin replica
+2@TRD6932 @WarthogTheHog
+2Req tag
@proking kalau kalo masang 2 bomb berarti ada tambahan 112 part count. Pesawat lo berarti harus lebih dr 113 part count biar game ga anggap pesawat lo mati. Klo pesawat mati codingnya ga berfungsi
+2@Skykid028 How this thing works only revolves around 2 things: coding and attachment point. Possibly also need high physics. If you don't touch the attachment and code, use high physics, and still cannot work, I don't know why. It works on me all the time. Also, try to attach it to something that has more than 57 parts. I have explained why on previous comment. Btw it has 1 second delay of wing folding
+2Can a forward facing gun count as "capacity to fight enemy aircraft?"
+2@KnightOfRen @PapaWii @blueangelproduction thankss
+2Bagus cuyyy
+2@lumingfei Hello sorry it's been six months. Please use overload and check the rotator's input. The code is on there. Sorry for six month late
+2@SonicManiaOVA just a right placement of cleaver
+2I like this
+2The diagonal Canada leaf is impressive. nice work dude
+1why its looking at me like that
+1@DeeganishCountryball here