@ChiChiWerx @GeneralPatrick2 I prescribe a diving attack and using the second camera for sure, and also firing off all 24 rockets in one big salvo.
It's pretty much a 'T.L.A.R.' gunsight solution lol
@GroBaleaze The prototype didn't have weapons until the final Su-27 was taking shape, at which point it was used as a testbed for missile compatibility. Don't feel too bad.
Wait...a challenge that doesn't require an entirely new build but rather a modification of an existing build?
. Heresy :o
I mean I've already made a couple Player characters from AC and one animu protagonist, why the heck not?
Does the post need to be public or no? Cuz I don't exactly feel like cluttering my timeline of builds with repaints/reposts
This works pretty well, though I have to be careful with pitch input or else it stalls. The auto circle works great. Nose is just a tiny bit too short looking.
Nice job!
Cute lil' Scooter. Pitch response seems to become sluggish when full elevator is used. I reduced the range of motion on them to 20 degrees (default is 35 in XML) and that seems to fix the problem, so the best range of motion is between 25-30 degrees. I've had this problem...once or twice, but usually with roll and not pitch.
Nice job. :)
@SyntheticL I did take a look at it, actually. Was just browsing the airplane uploads when I spotted it and thought, "huh this looks kinda like mine." Turns out after downloading and comparing they pretty much are the same plane with some bits changed or removed (weapons for example)
I mean, I'm not bothered by it; if anything I just kinda laugh and shrug it off. I see my comment I made is gone however so...seems I struck a nerve? :/
Because I'm a frigging nerd Imma just throw some IRL info on this plane cuz...I dunno.
Real World Equivalent: Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21PFM 'Fishbed-F'
A modernized version of the all-weather interceptor variant of the MiG-21 series, often considered a "generation II" of the aircraft. Whereas the MiG-21PF only featured missiles and later an optional 23mm gunpod, the PFM reintroduced internal cannon armament with a twin barrel GSh-23 23mm cannon carrying (I think) 200 rounds. It still retained only two weapon stations as had been on the MiG-21F-13 with wiring for rockets, bombs, missiles, etc. All PF interceptor versions can be identified by the 'camelback' spinal hump which was bulged out behind the canopy to increase fuel storage. The PFM is one of the first MiG-21's to introduce the side opening cockpit, unlike the early single-piece front hinged canopy of the -21F and early PF's.
This is a cute build. Flies well; turns quick but not so much so that it's overly jumpy. Smooth, for lack of better words. The gunpods are awesome (gotta try an airburst cannon sometime...) and after trying the recommendation in the pinned comment it seems to have far less autoroll to the left. Cockpit and dorsal spine seem a bit thin but that's fine; it looks the part and that's just fine. Nice work!
This isn't a bad build. Shaping is good, flies just fast enough, pitch control is good and smooth. I didn't like how slippery and over sensitive the roll response is though. Overall it's nice. :)
I definitely want to take a dive into building aircraft without weapons or even civilian planes, and I'm happy to see a relatively obscure Japanese plane represented here on SP.
There are supposedly armed versions of the basic Ki-46 airframe which had machine gun or cannon (including a version set up with the schrage musik.) I wouldn't know how prolific they were in the Pacfic though.
@243687034 What kind of feel are you going for? Something arcade-like, realistic, something in the middle?
My only recommendation would probably be make a physical change to the model as well (removing the missiles is an easy one). Just cuz I dunno how particular the "enough changes" rule or whatever can be. Maybe I'm just being over-cautious.
Otherwise go ahead. :)
I don't know whether SP's physics are true for Earth, but more speed can always be had by going higher. I do agree it's more sluggish than I'd like though.
@ReinMcDeer As I understand it, they removed a fuselage fuel tank and also changed up a lot of structural sections. They shaved off about 1,200kg from the preceding -23M, plus adding a new engine with more power.
In terms of handling, I was looking at a DCS forum that seemed to have someone from the RAF commenting on doing some exercises with Czech MiG-23ML's or MLA's. He noted their tactics were mostly hit and run; scream in with high speed, dart away, turn around and come back in. Mostly wings swept and slashing attacks with no real "dogfighting" in the classic sense. Again, export MiG's tended to be downgraded in one way or another, but it sounds like even the ML series weren't well suited for BFM-type combat.
@ReinMcDeer I believe the MiG-23's acquired by the US for Constant Peg came from Egypt, which would have been the downgraded MiG-23MS or MF export version - not at all comparable to the later ML/MLA/MLD.
@ChiChiWerx Y'know, thinking about it, given the small-ish wing relative to the size of the plane I suppose that makes sense in retrospect. I'll keep this in mind if I ever remake my F-105D build.
I think I was more concerned about how it aggressively drifted with the original planned configuration (I've never known how much these drop tanks weigh by themselves, no fuel). The asymmetric AGM-78/drop tank setup just wasn't going to work, sadly.
If there's anything else I didn't get quite right I'd love to know. Good to see a comment from you again too. :)
@Tang0five Oh god, that's such a frigging mood for me too lol
I have started so many different builds, and a good chunk of them are unfinished - that or I'm too lazy to post them when they're done lol
@LunarEclipseSP Something tells me the CFT's for the F-2A Kai were shaped specifically for it, even if the F-2A shares a similar silhouette to an F-16. Wouldn't feel right to me
"-Modding allowed. Plane will be disqualified."
Discrepancy detected lol
If the latter sentence is correct, I assume you meant to type Modding isn't allowed.
@BBCP117 cuz I can :)
+2@ChiChiWerx @GeneralPatrick2 I prescribe a diving attack and using the second camera for sure, and also firing off all 24 rockets in one big salvo.
It's pretty much a 'T.L.A.R.' gunsight solution lol
Dogfights Legend of Y-29 Episode intensifies
Lovely little 'Stang here :) Transition of radiator intake(?) into main fuselage is mwah
@GroBaleaze The prototype didn't have weapons until the final Su-27 was taking shape, at which point it was used as a testbed for missile compatibility. Don't feel too bad.
+2Wait...a challenge that doesn't require an entirely new build but rather a modification of an existing build?
Heresy :o
I mean I've already made a couple Player characters from AC and one animu protagonist, why the heck not?
Does the post need to be public or no? Cuz I don't exactly feel like cluttering my timeline of builds with repaints/reposts
@asteroidbook345 @SyntheticL I'm trying a similar color pattern to my Su-27 rebuild I did a while back.
+2May her crew rest in peace and undisturbed forevermore. :(
Congrats on building this beautiful ship.
Given I play a lot of Strike Fighters 2, I gotta rep my fav squadron the Pukin' Dogs by downloading that version! Also that JASDF version is gorgeous
+2This works pretty well, though I have to be careful with pitch input or else it stalls. The auto circle works great. Nose is just a tiny bit too short looking.
Nice job!
Cute lil' Scooter. Pitch response seems to become sluggish when full elevator is used. I reduced the range of motion on them to 20 degrees (default is 35 in XML) and that seems to fix the problem, so the best range of motion is between 25-30 degrees. I've had this problem...once or twice, but usually with roll and not pitch.
Nice job. :)
@SyntheticL I did take a look at it, actually. Was just browsing the airplane uploads when I spotted it and thought, "huh this looks kinda like mine." Turns out after downloading and comparing they pretty much are the same plane with some bits changed or removed (weapons for example)
I mean, I'm not bothered by it; if anything I just kinda laugh and shrug it off. I see my comment I made is gone however so...seems I struck a nerve? :/
Because I'm a frigging nerd Imma just throw some IRL info on this plane cuz...I dunno.
Real World Equivalent: Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21PFM 'Fishbed-F'
A modernized version of the all-weather interceptor variant of the MiG-21 series, often considered a "generation II" of the aircraft. Whereas the MiG-21PF only featured missiles and later an optional 23mm gunpod, the PFM reintroduced internal cannon armament with a twin barrel GSh-23 23mm cannon carrying (I think) 200 rounds. It still retained only two weapon stations as had been on the MiG-21F-13 with wiring for rockets, bombs, missiles, etc. All PF interceptor versions can be identified by the 'camelback' spinal hump which was bulged out behind the canopy to increase fuel storage. The PFM is one of the first MiG-21's to introduce the side opening cockpit, unlike the early single-piece front hinged canopy of the -21F and early PF's.
This is a cute build. Flies well; turns quick but not so much so that it's overly jumpy. Smooth, for lack of better words. The gunpods are awesome (gotta try an airburst cannon sometime...) and after trying the recommendation in the pinned comment it seems to have far less autoroll to the left. Cockpit and dorsal spine seem a bit thin but that's fine; it looks the part and that's just fine. Nice work!
I mean that was part of a trailer so...
"Be a pilot, an engineer, and a crash test dummy."
@AccilianMilitaryAircraft Love me sum AC planes :3
+2@IrFritzruss @exosuit @TheAllCarryingOne Thanks for the suggestions, friends. :) Should help me to put the final touches on a small side-project.
+2This isn't a bad build. Shaping is good, flies just fast enough, pitch control is good and smooth. I didn't like how slippery and over sensitive the roll response is though. Overall it's nice. :)
+2AC6 gang rise up :D
Looks great, but Imma fly it to see how well it handles.
I definitely want to take a dive into building aircraft without weapons or even civilian planes, and I'm happy to see a relatively obscure Japanese plane represented here on SP.
There are supposedly armed versions of the basic Ki-46 airframe which had machine gun or cannon (including a version set up with the schrage musik.) I wouldn't know how prolific they were in the Pacfic though.
Always love a good Ace Combat build :)
+2This is freaking awesome :)
+2@243687034 What kind of feel are you going for? Something arcade-like, realistic, something in the middle?
My only recommendation would probably be make a physical change to the model as well (removing the missiles is an easy one). Just cuz I dunno how particular the "enough changes" rule or whatever can be. Maybe I'm just being over-cautious.
Otherwise go ahead. :)
@Aeromen I debated throwing in two more engines.
I don't know whether SP's physics are true for Earth, but more speed can always be had by going higher. I do agree it's more sluggish than I'd like though.
+2@Gestour @randomusername Thank you. :)
+1YO a thing from one of my favorite shows :D
+1@LunarEclipseSP Honestly tho lol
+1@Hatsy nice :)
+1@Hatsy It's all good.
I do love the beady eyes, that's pretty darn cute lol
@ReinMcDeer As I understand it, they removed a fuselage fuel tank and also changed up a lot of structural sections. They shaved off about 1,200kg from the preceding -23M, plus adding a new engine with more power.
In terms of handling, I was looking at a DCS forum that seemed to have someone from the RAF commenting on doing some exercises with Czech MiG-23ML's or MLA's. He noted their tactics were mostly hit and run; scream in with high speed, dart away, turn around and come back in. Mostly wings swept and slashing attacks with no real "dogfighting" in the classic sense. Again, export MiG's tended to be downgraded in one way or another, but it sounds like even the ML series weren't well suited for BFM-type combat.
@ReinMcDeer I believe the MiG-23's acquired by the US for Constant Peg came from Egypt, which would have been the downgraded MiG-23MS or MF export version - not at all comparable to the later ML/MLA/MLD.
+1@ReinMcDeer You might be thinking of the Grand Trip, m8 :>
+1@AirFrance747400 I don't see how that'd be too hard. I once made a Bf-109B with 109 parts completely on accident lol
+1@ChiChiWerx Y'know, thinking about it, given the small-ish wing relative to the size of the plane I suppose that makes sense in retrospect. I'll keep this in mind if I ever remake my F-105D build.
I think I was more concerned about how it aggressively drifted with the original planned configuration (I've never known how much these drop tanks weigh by themselves, no fuel). The asymmetric AGM-78/drop tank setup just wasn't going to work, sadly.
If there's anything else I didn't get quite right I'd love to know. Good to see a comment from you again too. :)
@Tang0five Oh god, that's such a frigging mood for me too lol
I have started so many different builds, and a good chunk of them are unfinished - that or I'm too lazy to post them when they're done lol
nice to see you're still around :)
I guess I came back :>
Huzzah, my F-2A can now have a friend :D
+1@LunarEclipseSP Something tells me the CFT's for the F-2A Kai were shaped specifically for it, even if the F-2A shares a similar silhouette to an F-16. Wouldn't feel right to me
+1@ReinMcDeer :0
he eben trademark'd it :0
My F-2A eagerly awaits its brother to go online :>
+1@Falkenwut yepyep, no problem :)
+1"-Modding allowed. Plane will be disqualified."
Discrepancy detected lol
If the latter sentence is correct, I assume you meant to type Modding isn't allowed.
@TheCommentaryGuy But iz spoopy month
Am nao th ded agin :0
@ShinyGemsBro Ah military bureaucracy. Gotta love/hate it lol
+1@Carolean As do I. In fact I was trying to tweak it to fly much better before I decided to remake it instead.
+1@BlinIndustry It's a pretty fun game. :)
+1@ReinMcDeer Ugh, I know right?
I love rotating my build to match the side view or top view...
Heyo :)
+1@CorporalWojak F-2A Kai? Maybe, but only when I feel like it.
+1I see you with that Dave Mustaine gif in the description