49.0k EngieWeeb Comments

  • F-14D Super Tomcat 3.5 years ago

    Funny, my F-14D conversion was VF-2 as well. This one looks way less messy than mine though which is good lol
    Fantastic improvment over your F-14A model. Loadouts are appreciated as always

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.1 years ago

    -Haven't tried making a Heli yet, but I'm happy to have true rotor components.
    -New USS Beast is awesome and works great. Maybe USS Tiny can get Arrestor cables sometime in the future?
    -New Transform UI is nice for sure, but I immediately missed being able to hold down the arrow for nudge and letting the part move smoothly until I let go. Having to rapid-fire clicks to move the part a significant distance is annoying (I'm not the biggest fan of just typing the number in and trial-error it)
    -Crappy laptop still runs game slowly with moderate graphic settings. Not the game's fault; my computer straight sucks.

  • Weisbrich A11 'Jester' 1.9 years ago

    I feel like this thing would fit right into the world of Crimson Skies just on the physical design alone. Weird sure, but it's quite aesthetic :)

  • Tutorial on how to create planes for the AI that can be automatically spawned in the skies 2.0 years ago

    @DafaAdya Yeah I tend to remove drag points from everything except the engine if we're talking just the plane. I'm also leaning towards leaving drag calculation on for pylons, fuel tanks when used in drop tanks, and weapons just for some extra realism.

  • Projects Sitrep 11/09/2022 2.4 years ago

    welcome to the world of custom missiles. :>
    Good design for the airbrakes too. I built an F-16E Block 60 for myself recently and yeah, getting the angle on that section of the plane is surprisingly tricky. I ended up using several long cylinder-cornered parts and fuselage cutting to get the effect (plus hidden airbrakes to actually provide the brake power)
    I'd love to see your recent skill level applied to an F-2A Viper Zero sometime. :)

  • Smol Coco with a Gun 3.7 years ago

    Yamate Kudastop lol

  • F-5E Tiger II 4.1 years ago

    Blows the crap out of my F-5. It actually handles reasonably for a light fighter - though the roll rate could be a little faster. Looks great with the simulated aggressor camo. I don't have any major complaints; you keep knocking these planes out of the park with smooth handling and a good looking build. The alternate configs are nice too

  • Northrop F-5E Tiger II Chile 4.2 years ago

    Far better than my F-5. This one actually has the crazy roll rate versus mine, nor does it feel as stupidly heavy. The engine startup is a neat feature, and I appreciate the nose wheel hike - something I regret not trying to implement on my F-5 or F-20. I LOVE that you added the smoke deflectors for the guns. Given how the gunsight for the default guns work however it forces you to better judge your lead, which I think is fine. What I don't like at all is the view from within the cockpit...dear god. I swear from images of the F-5 I found during my build the pilot does not sit that high. Also the Flaps at full deflection have way too much lifting power; even full down trim can't overcome that, but maybe the trick is having the brakes deployed and keeping throttle riding high. Will experiment with landing procedure.
    I did blow myself up when firing a sidewinder at a target but that's just because default missiles in this game immediately bee-line to the target upon launch. Maybe if there was some way to delay when the missile starts tracking a target could we get more realistic behavior from such missiles.
    Excellent work friend. :)

  • F-35 4.8 years ago

    I can't stop laughing at this sudden turn of events XD
    HOWEVER for the time (and the relevant beta level of SP) this is a great build. The control surfaces and fuselage and done quite well, good use of those stock air intakes. I would've done the wing landing gear for the main gear but maybe those were too tall? Anyways not bad at all. :)

  • Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation / Super Connie |(Wings Iron Aviation Academy) 11 months ago

    I really should take a crack at building a Super Connie. They are incredibly beautiful aircraft.

  • F-100F Super Sabre 2.0 years ago

    If the Shrike only works half the time then just chalk it up to unintended realism ;)

  • Ceremony is Over 2.8 years ago

    I didn't ask for this

  • Ceremony is Over 2.8 years ago

    You people are weird. stop.

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F 3.1 years ago

    This would really be more like an F/A-18B or D model. The Super Hornet is a totally different airplane.
    Speaking of which I should make one of those at some point...

  • F-51-J 3.4 years ago

    Me-262 meets P-51, and not in combat for once lol

  • ZERO-SEN...??? 3.4 years ago

    happy Final Countdown noises

  • Hey, long time no see 3.8 years ago

    Oh god the Phantom and Tomcat and merging into one

  • Nostalgia Cannon 4.5 years ago

    @Liensis The cannons that Mario is able to use belong to the pink bomb-ombs and thus have their image on the door. As a side note the door itself I think is actually a dark red color instead of black, but the lighting and angles make it hard to see here.
    I had SM64 DS growing up, and as that game for the most part was a graphical update of the old game (still had...somewhat similar control and camera, but definitely worse than OG N64) the cannons look basically the same. Still have the pink bomb-omb. This is a neat build :)

  • (Simpleplanes fastest walker) Charles the speedmachine v12.2 4.5 years ago

    Hey look it's an attempt at a scientifically accurate dromaeosaur! As a casual fan of paleontology that makes me very happy :3

  • Area88 4.6 years ago

    I've seen the 2004 CG TV Anime and bits of the original hand animated OVA series (I think 90's). It's kind of a fun series; I'd describe it as Top Gun but with Japanese storytelling, though that probably doesn't do it justice. Aircraft lovers will recognize quite a few of the jets used in the series; Crusaders, Tomcats, Phantoms, Skyhawks, a Tiger II, MiG's, etc. I'd recommend trying it out if you're into anime.
    Now to download the map :)

  • Miku Plush 5 hours ago

    cute :D

  • A Completely New World 6 months ago

    o7 good luck bringing your own creations to life (as of writing this you already out a few things. def gonna check some of them out)

  • Majungasaurus Crenatissimus 11 months ago

    Also used to be called Majungatholus at some point for some reason. Only reason I know about this one is because of that god-awful Jurassic Fight Club "Documentary"

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex one year ago

    Hands should face each other, not point down. Shoot even the reference image you use is correct in hand posture.
    Only critique. This looks like a neat build otherwise :)

  • Skorpion Mfg. FS(St)-15A Silent Hawk 1.4 years ago

    @AirFrance747400 I was literally just stylizing an F-22. No F-15EX at all. Any resemblance is pure coincidence.

  • Skorpion Mfg. FS(St)-15A Silent Hawk 1.4 years ago

    @AirFrance747400 @LunarEclipseSP tbh, kinda the point lol

  • Projects Sitrep 09/19/2023 1.5 years ago

    Taking a crack at the F-2A, eh?
    Very honorable

  • Tutorial on how to create planes for the AI that can be automatically spawned in the skies 2.1 years ago

    Hmm, I made a simple MiG-21PF following the rules of WinWing's MAPA challenge, and it spawns in even with the fuel tank part (can take a while but the AI seems to accept it.) Might need to build a second plane to see if I got lucky

  • Hosea 2.1 years ago

    finally Dutch will get his comeuppance for going on about plans, mangos, and Tahiti instead of lying low like he should have

  • F-104C Starfighter 2.1 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer I believe this is true, but given the ground clearance (or lack of) the USAF didn't use it that often if at all - the bomber mafia would certainly turn their nose up at this spiffy little hot rod fighter being used as...a fighter. :0
    I believe other nations did use those launchers on their Starfighters more regularly however.


    Okay but what if I entered the absolute most trash design I could that still fits the bill? Cuz that's pretty much what these "reformers" (read; idiots lol) wanted for the 21st century. ;)

  • B-26B-50 Invader 2.1 years ago

    @Sparky6004 Man, hardly anyone even knows about the Marauder. :/
    No I won't make it, for I am the ded lol

  • B-26B-50 Invader 2.1 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer Nah, I think they'd be rolling in their graves lol
    Now a 120mm cannon on the other hand...

  • B-26B-50 Invader 2.2 years ago

    @donkski See, you can, but Americans can't understand that lol

  • Projects Sitrep 12/29/2022 2.2 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer If you're looking for loadout ideas, I'd love to see one that I use a lot for ground strikes in the old Strike Fighters 2 games;
    4 Sparrows, 4 Sidewinders
    1x 600gal centerline tank
    18x Mk.82 bombs on two MER and two TER's
    Was never good at ground attack in that game but was still fun to dump all 18 500lb freedom leaflets on my target lol

  • Projects Sitrep 12/16/2022 2.3 years ago

    I really hope the Phantom is scaled correctly for a short-nose model, cuz I am very picky about that kind of stuff lol

  • Phoenix WF-76A Gawr Gura 2.6 years ago


  • F/A-18F -Trigger- V1.0 2.6 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer @Griffon1 The only big issue is that it obviously sets aside a good chunk of the aircraft roster. If I can remember the specific route I'm taking is;
    M1-4 - F-16C, Mage Squadron markings.
    M5-10 - Start F-104 or MiG-21, F-4E in mission 6, F-14D (could use the -14A if you have the TGM DLC) in Mission 7 and 8, and I THINK F-18F Mission 9. Mission 10 is the first F-15 selection as story-wise I interpret Trigger's arc as being trusted enough with 'the good stuff,' as it were. Spare Squadron markings, naturally.
    M11-20 - Any flavor of F-15, though I personally haven't used the S/MTD. The primary mission focus determines which variant due to SP weapon choices (mostly ground attack? F-15E or the S/MTD.) LRSSG markings, as expected.

  • BAe Hawk 200 2.7 years ago

    @rexzion My decision, bruv. Sorrynotsorry

  • BAe Hawk 200 2.8 years ago

    @listeed I just filled a niché. Don't even try to put me on the same level as some of the actual best creators - bogdanX, 2papi2chulo, MisterT, asteroidbook345, blue0bull, etc. (and of course the man himself Andrew)
    Also who's, "we all?" There's no way I actually got that popular (and no I don't care that I'm platinum rank, that never meant anything to me tbh)

  • F-14 Frame 2.8 years ago

    My remake F-14 was 660 parts with weapons and fuel tanks, plus a reasonably detailed interior.
    Embrace the part count

  • BAe Hawk 200 2.8 years ago

    @UAviator Frankly that's fine by me. I'd hardly call any of my builds "notable."

  • BAe Hawk 200 2.8 years ago

    @TatsuTheOtaku Yeah no, that discord server will go on exactly as it has/did before I showed up in it. No need to be cutesy about it

  • BAe Hawk 200 2.8 years ago

    @TRD6932 I'm gonna ask that you not thanks

  • BAe Hawk 200 2.8 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 "don't meet your idols."

  • MiG-17PFU Fresco E 2.8 years ago

    Hyperpost by putting this in the description or comment; ![](your link of choice)
    Also it Soppo Junya! :3

  • Skorpion F(St)-15A Silent Hawk 2.9 years ago

    @Tomcatbetterthanhornet I see what you mean. I just laugh and shake my head at hyper-performing builds cuz I'm here to have fun with this fun build-stuff-game-thingy.
    I love fictional stuff just as much as realistic or replica build. I lean towards believable fictional things myself, but shoot if I had the talent to make, say, a mobile suit gundam, I would.
    Or...maybe sum Ace Combat anime witchcraftery ;)

  • Skorpion F(St)-15A Silent Hawk 2.9 years ago

    @WSLSP Startup sequence in description.
    @Cutters127 Is it though? lol
    @WolfHunter9111 Y e s :)
    @OrionIndustries Y i s That was the base I used for the build and in lore, so not surprising. I prefer the look of the YF-22, but added some of the changes from the F-22 because those changes were made for a reason. Plus some of my own styling to spice it up a little.
    @Sparky6004 YES E E E W W W W W W W W W W W W W-

  • Grumman F-14D Super Tomcat 2.9 years ago

    Moar leik C e r d d K e h t m i r8

  • F-16A mod. 3.0 years ago

    Would you mind if I borrowed the FBW FT code for a build i'm working on?
    This is a simple change but it feels a lot better to fly regardless. Removing the drop tanks and dummy ECM pod probably helped there lol
