247k EternalDarkness Comments

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.0 years ago

    moderators have been attracted

  • Make The First Comment The Highest Upvoted Thing in SimplePlanes History. 6.1 years ago

    Well, you don't get points for a comment upvote, so it's fine.

  • You won’t belive this bait 6.4 years ago

    Congratulations, you have managed to attract a moderator.You have won a banana. You can pick up your prize (a banana) at your local store, for a small fee.

  • Easily 3D printable fighter jet 3.9 years ago

    Due to special character of the post, I'll allow the thumbnail this time, even though it's "misleading".

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.0 years ago

    Soo... what bugs me the most...?
    Well, we recently got new and improved moderator options that let us write better mod notes (strikes, lists of alts, etc), do custom ban lengths, edit tags more easily, so that's one nuisance out of the way. Community is pretty calm these days, latest drama being that minor incident about a certain user not wanting their builds edited, so that's fine too. The biggest annoyance remaining is having to ban underaged users. Some of them are really good at the game, really nice, but terms of service are clear on the matter.

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    @ZWLenning cancel culture has taken the US. You tell a joke about something, someone gets offended, and you're done for. As if it were run by Mujahideen.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    I suggest a glowing block. It would be a plain cube that accepts no reflection, as a stopgap feature until we get more dedicated lighting parts in the future. We can scale it to desired shapes and sizes.

  • Dank Meme #3 (Moderator Edition) 4.5 years ago

    The third one is hilariously accurate. Second one, not as much. We always like a good joke.

  • How do you block eternal darkness 4.1 years ago

    You cannot block a moderator. We are too powerful.

  • I JUST HIT 35634k POINTS IN SIMPLE PLANES!!!!! PICTURE PROOF... 6.0 years ago

    I have exactly Mod points.

  • Post Removal Message 1.7 years ago

    That's a stupid default remove message for copies. I hardly ever used it when I was a moderator, since it poorly explains the offense.
    I always sought to leave more precise and witty remove/ban messages.

  • New Moderator 6.5 years ago

    Thank you for Mod tag and the trust, @AndrewGarrison. I hope I'll do a good job in this new role. I promise I'll do my best.

  • Q&A with EternalDarkness 4.3 years ago

    @russianspy no, unfortunately. None of them see the joy of the limitless 3D sandbox and open world to use your creations on.

  • On recent issues 4.5 years ago

    @TurtlesThatFly yes, that will need to be addressed. I will have to get the entire mod team on board for that though, and massacre the accounts that keep doing it after we start a crackdown.

  • P-38 Lightning 4.9 years ago

    I must be seeing things, propellers and landing gear on a Sleddy build...
    It looks nice, I just don't upvote builds with covered control surfaces as a principle.

  • How to make custom missile? 7.7 years ago

    First, make a custom body for a missile. After that, place a detacher. Put a cockpit on a smaller end, and a missile you want to use for propulsion on a bigger end. Place fuselage body you have made on a rear, flat side of the detacher. Remove mass from the body. Nudge everything together, remove the cockpit, and leave detacher sticking out. Attach the missile to a plane by that detacher. It fires with a lock-on, like the stock missile you are using inside it.

  • Be Not Afraid My Child 1.7 years ago

    Finally, a biblically accurate build.

  • Game owners 4.6 years ago

    Moderator here. As you can see, my tag is red, meaning we're communists. We're what's left of the Soviet Union, and will bring down capitalism through video games and collecting your data for Stalin.

  • df17smxlj 4.9 years ago

    You have discovered concave fuselage corner, something many have been trying for quite a while. Congratulations.

  • Creeper 5.6 years ago

    Is this Minecraft, is this just SP?
    Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality...

  • YAMATO 1945 4.7 years ago

    @Aeromen he wouldn't. He would get disqualified for melting Bogdan's computer.

  • It's been a good ride. 2.9 years ago

    You have missed the career, Andrew. You should have been an actor.
    Very nice video, and the best April Fools so far.

  • SimplePlanes Can't Share New Plane? 3.9 years ago

    @ToxicToxicTheAviation SimplePlanes Masters Chat logo is intellectual property of a member of SimplePlanes Masters Chat, and members have a permission to use it. You, however, do not.

  • Q&A with EternalDarkness 4.3 years ago

    @Learpot it's outdated. It needs new ranks, as there's nothing left to motivate users who have passed twenty five thousand points. Next possible goal could be getting into top ten, but that means accumulating eight times the points you have, and many people don't see it as a reasonable thing to work towards.

  • Sigh... 7.1 years ago

    Four: people who post more forums than builds.

  • SimplePlanes Can't Share New Plane? 3.9 years ago

    @ToxicToxicTheAviation if for nothing else, I'll ban you for abusing SPMC logo. We are a closed group, and only members are allowed to use the logo.
    @Inuyasha8215 please link me to those alts.

  • Regarding Mass Tagging 4.5 years ago

    @CenturyAerospace yes. However, it is discouraged, as it makes the job of moderators more difficult.

  • AUTO-AIMED TURRET AK-2100 4.5 years ago

    Very reliable against ground targets, lags a bit behind airborne targets. Overall, great update demonstrator.

  • Turbo-fan 6.7 years ago

    An 835 part fan?! Don't build the rest of the plane, you'll bring down the site.

  • United States of America Flag 4.8 years ago

    @Carroca please keep your political views off the site in accordance with rules. I have noted in your mod notes that you have been issued a warning.

  • Let's Play Taboo! 5.1 years ago

    It is a craft traversing the air, propelled by an internal combustion aggregate, sustaining itself in the air via aerodynamic forces from its airfoils. Airfoil is a sideways-protruding, wide and thin part that converts airflow into lift. Usually, there are two, one on each side, and two smaller ones protruding sideways at the rear that stabilize the craft and provide attitude control. Passengers and operator are housed in the hull, in the middle of the craft.

  • How does one become a moderator (mod)? 5.8 years ago

    @Megamonster you need to tag a user so they get notified about your reply, like I did at the start of this comment. It is not necessary if you are commenting on their post though.
    To become a moderator, you must be knowledgeable about the community, spending a lot of time here. You must also be on good terms with most of the community. Oh, and you must be over 16 years old. If you fulfill those requirements, you stand a chance of being picked for a moderator among over a thousand such users when we need another moderator, which is once in a blue moon. Developers pick a new moderator, often based on recommendations from old moderators.
    Also, don't think that being a moderator is much of a privilege. We do get certain additional options, but we have to use them unbiased and in accordance with guidelines and rules, not for fun. Only real plus side is the red badge.

  • why'd my post get taken down? 4.7 years ago

    Probably auto mod. Tag me on the post and I'll fix it when I'm available.

  • North American Rockwell OV-2 Black Thunder 5.0 years ago

    This is what happens when you keep OV-10 and A-10 in the same hangar.

  • Do British people fly on the left side of the sky? 5.1 years ago

    I don't think they fly on any side of the road.

  • P-51D-30 Fixed 5.1 years ago

    @SimpleMADNESS I have removed his comment, but also yours for calling user an idiot. Be nice to new users and try to teach them how to behave in the community instead of insulting them.

  • Oshkosh M1142 Tactical Fire Fighting Unit 5.2 years ago

    This post is perfectly in accordance with the rules. It is a successor to the original, gives credit, and features major changes. Not even the original builder can tell you to remove it, as once uploaded all builds are available to the community to be used and edited.

  • Anyone know how to change weapon names with the beta? 5.2 years ago

    In weapon (example: missile) tab in Overload, add a line "name", and input whatever name you'd like.

  • Life of an unpopular Builder 5.0 years ago

    Maybe start making your builds more complex. Things like custom airfoil and custom landing gear can go a long way. Also, work on your thumbnails. A thumbnail presents the build and attracts attention. Thirdly, you should interact more. Maybe join some Discord servers. You can find the most popular one in my bio, Builders chat.

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.0 years ago

    I have a tiny little complaint: Tail rotors have way too much stick separating them from the fuselage. It prevents making of designs that have tail rotor closer to the fuselage and completely prevents us from making a fenestron. If we want it further from the fuselage, we'll just use a fuselage block there. Could you please shorten it?

  • Uh Oh... 6.4 years ago

    The guy accidentally deleted the first one after it was featured, so I featured the reupload.

  • This game is infuriatingly janky and there's no tutorials on anything. 3.0 years ago

    James, this game relies heavily on the community. We are all sharing our skills and techniques with each other, mostly on Discord. Check out the servers list (pinned post). Funky Trees Lab is the one you need for this specific issue. That server specializes in developing inputs, helping people find the right input, and teaching you how to make your own. You can get some basic help with FT in most other servers, and pretty much anyone who has used variables on builds can explain how they work.
    On the other hand, I did try to push for a more comprehensive guide for new players. Last I checked, tutorial still only shows how to use old blocks. New tutorial should make the player use fuselage cutting, and the game should contain a link to the useful guides and information.

  • F-117A Night Hawk 3.6 years ago

    AG2 - Become visible to S-125 Neva M of 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade
    Very nice build.

  • Can we please stop promoting Discord servers? 3.9 years ago

    The whole point of the forum section is to improve communication among users. Using it to promote an even better way of communication isn't a bad thing. I understand that server invites can get a bit spammy at times, which is a problem server administrations should resolve. I'm ready to work with server owners on making one big forum post with all the invites that would be pinned for all to see.

  • On recent issues 4.5 years ago

    @Ryn176 that will be discussed. There's a "Follow" feature, and it lets people know when builds by their favorite buiders are posted.

  • New Beta - Version 1.9.100 (Steam today - Mobile soon) 5.2 years ago

    I must agree with @Kimcotupan15 on this one. Mobile users should have the same abilities PC users have, including the option to post custom screenshots.

  • guided bomb 2.9 years ago

    Strange puppy. Has a bit of an explosive temper.

  • AC-130H Aerial GunBoat(Vulnerability Repair) 3.2 years ago

    You should have just updated the XML file. You didn't have to make a new post.

  • real plane 4.1 years ago

    @Simps you have been issued a strike for intentionally escalating conflict with user hihihihellohellohello. If you continue, you will be issued a ban.
    @hihihihellohellohello you have been issued a strike for two instances of copying, reposting unedited or barely edited build.
    All others: any hostile comments after this one will be awarded with a strike. Mod team is aware of this user, and we are considering our options. Any group hostilities towards this or any other user will not be tolerated.

  • Q&A with EternalDarkness 4.3 years ago

    @Numbers there are no plans to add more ranks, as far as I know. Andrew is quite lazy when it comes to running the site.
