10.9k FalconDynamics Comments

  • Fc-912C 3.2 years ago

    One of the most realistic plane on site, fantastic job on the shape curve and cockpit details.
    The control is very steady and smooth, and thanks to those instruments, you can precisely land this plane on carrier.
    Amazing work!

  • Scout Miro 2.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Congratz!
    The plane is in player content, well done!!
    Nice idea of bolt label and interesting cockpit design.
    (Please don't make it be your last build lol)

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Happy to make friend with you.☺️

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago


    1. FCS and aileron limiter speed
      It is stable without trim is because I don't want keyboard player have hard time to enjoy flying, same as aileron limiter speed.
      Also this F-5 is actually an experiment I'm trying: with the same FCS code I can still simulate different handling on different plane.
      (yes this plane has the same code as my AIDC F-CK-1 V)

    2. Brake torque
      You are right, will patch it.

    3. Engines both flame out after firing rockets
      Engine flame out code and weapon system are NOT associated at all, therefore its not the reason why your engine is flameout.

    Thank you for the valuable feedback.

  • FAL-40S Hipster 2.8 years ago

    Good flight model, good shape, good control (roll recover response is a bit too over but its fine lol), very Russian style, nice plane :D.
    Some minor issues:
    1. Flaperon is deflected to inverted direction when pitch, it should be the same behavior as trim.
    2. Flaperon will collide into the body when fully pitch.
    3. When trim up, if you pitch up at the same time, the plane will pitch down then pitch up, which might cause danger under some circumstances.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.9 years ago

    @MDDJB @Cosmopolitan
    Its good to discuss but please do not discuss politics here.

  • AH-94 1.9 years ago


  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Thanks for the reply
    1.I know who you are and I am the master of digital world. I tried symmetric and its not what I want, F-5E-3 IRL will not lose control at 15-20 AoA, but if you put symm wings on the F-5E-3 in SP, it will. You can check this chart to see how different aerofoils work.
    2.Casual players or a player with keyboard only won't be able to control such situation too, I do consider about the realistic but also the players too (or why do I have to make the plane start with started? and why didn't I make the wing breakable at high pressure?)
    3.Drag in this game is basically useless (simulated in lazy way, which is absolute wrong). What I made is an artificial drag with magic formula instead rely on the drag model in this game, the drag you feel is not really did by symm wing but also the formula.
    4.I wouldn't say T-38 is very similar to F-5E-3 since it doesn't have LEX nor shark nose, the performance with these two parts changes a lot, that's why I never refer to the data of Talon nor F-5A since they are just different.

    In the end, I ll still sitck with flatbottom, if you feel symm meet your requirement, you can change it on your side. Thank you for the reply again.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 1.9 years ago

    Thanks, next plane (F-5E) will be release in this week, remember to take a look too.

  • F-116PH Stealth Interceptor 2.7 years ago


    To make a code block like this, leave a blank line before it, then put 4 spaces at the start of each line.

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 2.7 years ago

    To make a code block like this, leave a blank line before it, then put 4 spaces at the start of each line.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.8 years ago

    @TRD6932 Thanks for the info, btw you don have to flip the label, just click the curve direction button then u can curve different direction without change the orientation.

  • Daslan Delta 2.9 years ago

    very nice build, detail is rich and the control, weight and TWR are much realistic than other planes.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.9 years ago

    @ChrisPy if you are talking about drag, drag point is reduced to the point where the plane can reach its actual maximum speed 1.8 Mach at 40000 ft, then I add my own turning drag model by the airbrake base on plane pitch, turn rate, AoA and IAS to make it more realistic.
    That's all I did on air dynamic model of this plane. Also thank you for your feedback.

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.1 years ago

    @Onedream Permission granted

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.8 years ago

    @wertipop11 Reshade on PC

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago


    1.It is pointless to say “oh use symm is more like a real life fighter use flatbottom is like civ plane”, all the parts and configurations are just for you to make a plane close to how you want it be, they are just tools.

    2.There is no jet fighter use naca 0009 aerofoil in real life. So I focus on how the plane (F-5E) should fly with the flight envelope data instead care about what aerofoil should it be, it is pointless to care about which aerofoil to use since you never going to have the right one (jet fighters are usually using naca 6 series aerofoil which is not include in this poor game).

    3.Flight characteristics is not only depends on wings but also the body, however body is not generate any lift in this game so if you only care about the wing area, aerofoil type, then you lost the whole picture. All I care about is the plane, all other things are just tools to let me make the plane closer to the real world counter part, also I dont “feel” how a plane should fly, I use data and charts to prove that I can make the plane fly closer to how it should be.

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Yes, the PID cannot handle at such low speed framerate.
    It is designed to recover as fast as possible, if your framerate is too low which will cause the error in each frame larger than designed PID, cause the oscillation.

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    You found the secret.
    I was going to spread them on only 2 labels but it tooks me about 5 sec to open the edited label which is annoying, so I have to use 5 labels...

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    @BogdanX Try to let the engine take a shot by any machine gun (make it smoke!), you will find sth interesting too... hee heeee

  • J-20A 1.9 years ago

    Very nice FCS, can still enrich the cockpit and skin but still, impressive.

  • Don't worry, it's coming. 1.9 years ago

    Lady first!

  • Does anybody know how to add a glare to your backround? 2.0 years ago

    A pc mod yes, enhance the screen space shader.

  • Does anybody know how to add a glare to your backround? 2.0 years ago

    I use Reshade with a good weather and good afternoon.
    Thats all you need.

  • Does anybody know how to add a glare to your backround? 2.0 years ago

    I have been summoned.

  • Unit experiment of curved field UAV A 2.2 years ago

    @ASBE A clean shape build with carefully designed FT control and SFX is decent, nice build.
    I got one suggestion about fuselage is:
    you can use fuselage inlet for dual color fuselage so the part count can be further reduced, also solved the engine airflow requirement at once.

  • Focke Wulf FW-190 A-8 (v1.3) 2.2 years ago

    Sincerely invite you to participate the challenge:

  • Chengdu J-10A 2.3 years ago

    Tag is ok, no problem at all.

  • Gundam GP03S Stamen (RX-78GP03S) 2.5 years ago

    Great job on shaping and part count.
    very interesting to play.
    very precise on coloring.
    hope you can build White Glint from Armored Core ;D

  • PONG 2.8 years ago

    Genius! May I borrow some coins?

  • SukHoi SU35 FLANKER-E 2.8 years ago

    With +1.00 Roll above IAS 1205 km/h, the missile on station 2 and 11 will explode.
    btw I can pull 35 G with this plane lol, wow.

  • OP - FG - A DISASTER GOAT 2.9 years ago

    Very good shape cutting and the color is spot on

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.9 years ago

    @GuyFolk Thanks, I know it can be recursive and I don have to use it since I made my own SUM already.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.9 years ago

    @RealChenxiang lol, the project start from Feb 2nd but I know what you mean.
    Yea I am back.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.9 years ago

    @TRD6932 I tried to remove instrument light and reduced PC from 7k to 5k, but turns out it has nothing to do with fps. sry about that.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.9 years ago

    @TRD6932 I actually optimized it once or it would be 8k performance cost
    those cost mainly came from the part with dynamic code like "<color=#{loveu ? "FF0000" : "DD0000"}>", any label or button or switch with this type of code will make them cost 27.1~28.1 for each no matter how complex the code is.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.9 years ago

    @MarxismLeninismMaoism F-16 is not a carrier fighter but have tail hook too, its designed for emergency use.

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 2.9 years ago

    @Madness Thanks pal!

  • RSF 3.0 years ago

    @FinnAatrox Just took a GT style photo for this nice car

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 9 months ago

    @Somedumbguy Out of engine service ceiling, causes engine flameout.
    Once happened, Press Left Engine Start button ,wait until the engine fully restart, then press Right Engine Start button to recover the engines.

    High AoA or High G will cause the master caution emit too.

  • Northrop, F-5E Tiger II VFC-13 Fighting Saints. 1.7 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP Finally! Good to see you made it my friend!

  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 1.8 years ago

    Thanks, although the one you download is just a copy.

  • YF-44A Prototype First Flight 1.8 years ago

    looking gud

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    @Scrugy51 Gratz! And thanks.

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    Engine fire code has nothing to do with G either.

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    Yes, why?

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    Its the first livery when I start built this F-5E.

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    Nose wheel steering require DC power which is Battery.
    Please check the Battery switch is at on (up) position.
    Please read DCS F-5E-3 Manual Page 275 for more information.

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    Please test again with new version, thank you.